"In a world full of noise, Steve Roll is a voice of compassion, wisdom and common sense. He is divinely inspired and directed, and his clients are the beneficiary. No question. Steve is doing what he was uniquely designed to do." –Jim Bennett, USPayments CEO.
"My wife Lisa and I chose Pastor Steve to assist us with our marriage. He took us through scripture and shared principles with us that healed our relationship. Our entire family has been restored and renewed according to the biblical Truth Pastor Steve shared with us [...]." –Gary & Lisa Merrill
"The Lord used Pastor Steve Roll to restore and transform my life[...] When I first met with Steve, my life was a complete mess. I had multiple life-threatening addictions[...] Pastor Steve came alongside me when I was hurting the most and used his God-given counseling/teaching ability to restore my hope. -Ty Bennett
EMAIL | steve@steveroll.org
PHONE | 918.459.9088
ADDRESS | 10026-A S Mingo Rd. #298, Tulsa, OK 74133