<![CDATA[Restoration Ministries - A Word for Your Week]]>Wed, 22 Jan 2025 08:45:56 -0600Weebly<![CDATA[At Least Ten Feet Tall]]>Tue, 21 Jan 2025 17:00:00 GMThttp://steveroll.org/a-word-for-your-week/at-least-ten-feet-tall​Years ago I taught a married couple’s Sunday School class. With warm fondness, I remember how much fun we had together building our marriages and families studying God’s Word together.
A couple of the guys who were my best friends in the class liked to rag on the fact that I am short in physical stature (5’ 5 ½” inches to be exact!).  When I left to take my first church as pastor, the class threw a great going away party for me and Jo Ann.
Ø  My buddies wrote and then sang a little jingle that went something like this: “Steve Roll will be ten feet tall when he gets to heaven, but everyone else will be eleven!” Ragged me to the bitter end! Their tribute was awesome and made me try to walk a little taller!
Our scripture for the week showcases a momentous battle between a giant named Goliath and a shepherd boy named David. Read I Samuel 17.
Goliath was an uncircumcised Philistine phenom A mammoth, mountain-sized, menacing, muscle bound, meanness machine who openly taunted God and caused the Israeli army to tremble in their combat sandals. Goliath was nine feet tall and weighed 700 lbs!
Ø  Goliath was a real problem. A big problem.  HE SEEMED TOO BIG TO HIT.
I once heard John Maxwell say “Your problem is not your problem.” John shared how we can turn our problems over to God, and when our problems become His problems, He solves them for us.
Goliath was not Israel’s problem. Goliath was God’s problem. But Saul and Goliath made God’s problem their problem. In doing so, God’s warriors were stopped dead in their tracks by Goliath’s trash-talking taunts for forty days and nights.  
Ø  Goliath was big but not too big for God.
Saul and the Israeli army forgot who their God was and how big and bad (good bad!) He was.
Enter shepherd boy David. You will discover that David had a different perspective than Saul and the Israeli soldiers. He walked in faith, not fear.
“Then David said to the Philistine (Goliath), “You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have taunted.”
 I Samuel 17:45
Ø  David looked up at the colossal champion of Israel’s enemy and decided THIS GUY IS TOO BIG TO MISS! David could see that Goliath was nine feet tall.  But that did not bother David, for David knew that His God was at least ten feet tall!
Without hesitation, with a fire burning in his heart, and the Israeli and Philistine armies looking on, David publicly, boldly confessed his faith (verses 31-37), courageously confronted Goliath with confidence and certainty (verses 45-47), and conquered convincingly the giant in the name of the Lord (verses 48-53). 
Ø  Let me ask you: How big is your God? I mean how big is your God? Is He big enough to handle any problem you have?
Problems seem so big because, like Goliath, they stand tall, scream loudly, cast a scary shadow, instill fear and worry,  laugh and mock at our seeming insignificance.
Ø  Problems can become gigantic when we focus on them instead of God and our faith in Him. The more Goliath taunts us, our faith in our God either gets smaller or bigger!
Goliath looked big in front of a cowering army and a little, shepherd boy with a slingshot. But Goliath was cut down to size in a hurry through the faith of a courageous servant who attacked his enemy in the name of the Living God!  
Ø  It is a fact that you and I find out how big our God is and how much faith we have in Him when Goliath shows up. Goliaths test our trust in God.
Try this simple exercise the next time you have a Goliath problem. Take a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle. Put Goliath (your problem) on one side and God (your solution) on the other. Write out everything you know about Goliath and God, then decide who is bigger, God or Goliath. Who you decide is bigger determines the outcome of your situation.
Ø  The God of the Bible is bigger than any and every Goliath we may ever encounter in life.
My friend, Goliath better think twice when God’s kids are in town! Christians do not defeat problems in their name. We gain victory over the enemy because the battle is the Lord’s (verse 47), we fight by faith in the name of the Lord (verses 37, 45-46) and victory belongs to the Lord! (See Proverbs 21:31).
Ø  Got a problem? A giant problem! A Goliath taunting you and mocking your faith? Take your problem and put it in God’s hands. Remember that God is at least ten feet tall and He still slays nine foot Goliaths.  
“There is none like Thee, O Lord; Thou art great, and great is Thy name in might. Who would not fear Thee, O King of the nations? Indeed it is Thy due…...”  Jeremiah 10:7a
“Ah, Lord God! Behold, Thou hast made the heavens and the earth by thy great power and by Thine outstretched arm! NOTHING IS TOO DIFFICULT FOR THEE!”
                                                                                                                  Jeremiah 32:17
A Word For Your Week: God is always bigger than your biggest problem.

<![CDATA[No Turning Back]]>Tue, 14 Jan 2025 17:00:00 GMThttp://steveroll.org/a-word-for-your-week/no-turning-back1091568​Have you wondered why America is in a moral freefall?
  • America: a morally declining culture due to compromising convictions.
In every corner of our great country, you and I witness blind-sighted, deceived people who are falling away from long-held, cherished, traditional values, moral principles, biblical beliefs and codes of personal and corporate conduct that everyday Americans have held near and dear for over 245 years.
  • As a people, the United States is in a sad state of affairs concerning convictions.  
Unfortunately, and I say this with deep concern and heavy sorrow in my heart, the spirit of compromise has invaded, infected and is immobilizing the church.
There are some “ministers,” “fellowships” and “professing Christians,” who are in grave danger of falling away from the faith or have already turned their back on the Savior due to compromising convictions.  Culturally, politically correct theology and practice is crippling the advance of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
In the name of tolerance, acceptance and inclusion, which have been enshrined as sacred watchwords in our wayward society, even Christian people have strayed from truth. THE TRUTH. Jesus said what no other person has ever declared: “I am the way, the truth and the life; no man comes to the Father but through Me.” John 14:6.
Because Jesus is the only way to salvation and eternal life in heaven, why wouldn’t everyone want to turn to Him, not away from Him? How can it be that some would turn their back on the One who took stripes on His back to save them from sin, death, the grave and eternal damnation? Turning away from God’s Only Son is not a good thing to do.
The Bible addresses falling away from the faith. Unbelievably, especially in the “last days,” there will be many who deny the faith and turn away from Jesus.
“And at that time many will fall away and will deliver up one another and hate one another.” Matthew 24:10
“Make every effort to come to me soon; for Demas, having loved this present world, has deserted me…” II Timothy 4:9
“For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many a snare.” I Timothy 6:10
“For in the case of those who have been enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and have been made partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance since they again crucify to themselves he Son of God, and put Him to open shame.” Hebrews 6:4-6.
Jesus, Paul, and the Hebrews writer make it clear: under pressure, some will fall away by forsaking the Christian faith. Their fall from faith will be great.
Think about the day you and I live in. Do you know supposed Christians who no longer confess Christ, who have dropped out of church, who are silent about Jesus, who are acting like the world, who have forsaken the Lord Himself?
Sadly, there are people falling away from Jesus all around you and me.
Factors That Contribute To Falling Away From Faith In Christ
  • You no longer stand in awe, reverence, and fear of Almighty God. His sovereign holiness means little or nothing to you. It you think your Creator and Redeemer is just “the man upstairs,” or only “the good Lord,” or someone or something you turn to when in trouble, your faith is seriously shallow. Cultural Christianity is not biblical Christianity.
  • A lukewarm heart. Revelation 3:14-22 declares God will spit out the lukewarm follower. A cold heart toward Jesus and the body of Christ is a spiritual red flag. Cold hearts and seared consciences are a sure sign of slipping faith.
  • You are falling away if you believe there are many paths to God. Jesus said He is the only way. There is only one Cross and one resurrection from the dead. There are not multiple saviors. The world falsely hopes there are many highways to heaven. The Bible says there is only one.
  • You may be falling away if you are not feeding and exercising your faith. If you are not reading your Bible, praying, attending church regularly, fellowshipping with fellow Christians, serving in the church and our culture, and when given opportunity to share your faith with others you do not know, be very careful.  A fall is closer than you think. (Hebrews 10:25).
  • Worldly behavior. When you are talking and acting like those who do not believe in God, your faith will be eroded. What about what comes out of your mouth? Who do you spend time with? Who influences you most? Would those who know you best say you act like the unbelieving world? (I John 2:15-17).
  • Compromising moral convictions. When worldly values supersede biblical truth and principles, a fall can be just around the corner. The world system, influenced and empowered by Satan, labors tirelessly to deceive you and me into believing that abortion is acceptable, sex outside of marriage is normal, homosexuality is natural, same sex marriage is approved by God, lying, cheating, stealing, and corruption is fine if you want to get ahead in a greed and power-based society.
None of these “positions,” as well as many others, represent biblical values in the Word of God. If you believe like the world, you are slipping down a slippery slope of unbelief.  
  • You are disappointed with a life situation and blame God for it. Romans 10:11 declares “Whoever believes in Him, Jesus, will not be disappointed.” Deal with disappointment by turning to Jesus, not away from Him. Overcome adversity with faith in the Lord.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, there is no compromise when it comes to Christ’s Cross. The empty tomb demands that you and I decide with all our heart if Jesus is God’s Son or not.
  • Are you completely convinced about what you believe and why you believe it? Would you lay down your life for your Christian convictions? Will you stand up for Jesus everyday of your life?
I end this blog with powerfully simple words from a historical hymn of the church.
“I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back.” “Though none go with me, still I will follow. No turning back, no turning back.”
How about you? If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, have you settled it that there is no turning back ever? Under all circumstances, will you stand for the Lord and His Word, keep the faith, and finish your course for Christ? (II Timothy 4:7-8). 
As for Steve Roll, I will never compromise my Christian convictions, character or conduct.
Take a moment right now to reaffirm your faith that Jesus is your life and you will never fall away from the faith.
A Word For Your Week: Never, never turn your back on the Lord Jesus Christ.
<![CDATA[New is God’s Normal]]>Tue, 07 Jan 2025 17:00:00 GMThttp://steveroll.org/a-word-for-your-week/new-is-gods-normal​I love new, don’t you? Of course you do!
New trumps old almost every time (antique/classic automobiles, magnificent Victorian style mansions, and fine vintage furniture excepted!).
There is nothing like the scent of a new car, the keys to a new house, the birth of a baby, a marriage ceremony sending the newlyweds off to a honeymoon, and, oh yes, one of my favorites, fresh, baked bread!
I met my wife Jo Ann in San Diego. Highway 74 is a major highway connecting downtown with Spring Valley, where Jo Ann lived. I logged a lot of miles on my 1972 Camaro traveling Highway 74 when we dated.
Two things made the drive memorable. First and foremost, seeing my sweetheart. Secondly, Sunbeam Bread. Just as Highway 74 weaved its way downtown, the unmistakable aroma of fresh baked bread captured my nostrils. I can smell it today in my head!  New, fresh bread rolled out of the bakery daily, to the delight of bread eaters everywhere.
Newly baked fresh bread is real bread!
I do not believe there will be any day-old bread in heaven. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb will serve new, fresh, out of this world bread! There is no doubt in my mind when those who confess Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord enter the pearly gates, day old bread will be history. Non-existent. Heaven’s bakers will bake up a batch of new bread!
  • The new normal for Christ’s children in glory will be new.
The good news is that you and I do not have to wait to get to heaven to experience something new.
The Bible reveals many characteristics about our Heavenly Father who is our Creator and Redeemer.  One thing about the Living God that fascinates and blesses me is:  He is always doing something new.
“And He who sits on the throne said “Behold, I am making all things new.” And He said, “Write for these things are faithful and true.” Revelation 21:5
“Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past; Behold, I will do something new. Will you not be aware of it.” Isaiah 43:18-19a.
I encourage you to search scripture in the Bible (use a Strong’s Concordance) to see how God does new things. Phrases like new birth, new life, new man, new creature, new song, new wine, new beginnings, new opportunities, new heaven and earth, new covenant, new heart, new thing, new spirit, new gate, new testament, new cloth, new wine, new wineskin, new commandment, new and living way, new Jerusalem. It is obvious the Gospel of Jesus Christ is all about new!
New is the way God rolls.  New is normal for Him. God is always doing something new.
Thoughtful Nuggets About New
  • The new birth is the beginning of living life in Christ for a lifetime.
  • New is God’s good, acceptable and perfect will for you and me.
  • New challenges our attitudes. perceptions and perspectives.  New gets in the face of the old.
  • New shakes up the proverbial apple cart. New rattles our comfort cages.
  • Staying the same (old ways) is willful resistance to something new.
  • New demands that I choose to change. No change, no new.
  • New is not a one-time experience. New is constant when we walk by faith and trust the God who is always making things new. New stretches faith to deeper, higher levels of trust.
  • New comes to those who expect God to do something new. Believe every day in something new from the God who loves to bless His children with surprises.   
  • A mark of Christian maturity is growth in Christ. Growing in Him is all about being open to new things God has in store for us according to His promises.
If we choose, new is for me and you.
Let’s be honest. Life can become boring, stale, and get old in a hurry. God knows this. Because of His great love for us, He brings “new” into our lives all throughout our faith journey. He encourages and empowers us to keep our faith fresh, vibrant, expectant, and focused on the new paths the Lord has laid before us. Old roads are old. New roads can be extremely exciting because they are new!
Unfortunately, too many folks seldom experience something new. Why? Because they hold on to the old. Fearful of an uncertain future, they cling to what they think is a safe, risk free, certain today that is overshadowed by yesterday.
  • New can be frightening because faith requires risk.
How about you? Holding on to the old? Need something new? Why settle for old when God is waiting to show you something new? Turn your heart and faith toward the One who wants to do something new in you. Open your heart to something new today. Why wait?
  • My friend if you are at a crossroad, in a season of transition, choose new. New is always God’s best for us! It really is!
  • Be bold. Step out of the old. Step up to new. New is good for you and me.  
A Word For Your Week: Something new is God’s will for you and me too!    
<![CDATA[New Year... New You!]]>Tue, 31 Dec 2024 17:00:00 GMThttp://steveroll.org/a-word-for-your-week/new-year-new-you​2025.
A New Year is here. Now what?
Is New Years just a time to celebrate the turning of the calendar by counting down the clock with a crystal ball in New York City, setting off breathtaking, fantastic fireworks, making personal resolutions, sipping some bubbly and kissing someone you love, or could it be a significant turning point in our life?
  • I believe what a new year brings is up to you and me.
  • One of the major truths throughout the Bible is that God is always doing something new.
From Genesis to Revelation, and everything in between, God is about the business of making things new. The Apostle John, the receiver of the revelation of things to come, wrote by the Holy Spirit “And He who sits on the throne, said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” And He said, “Write, for these words are faithful and true.” Revelation 21:5
God is a God of new. New is normal for the Sovereign Lord of the universe. New is in His holy nature. God’s faithful, true word declares He does new things. Guess what?  Our heavenly Father loves to do new for me and you!
  • One of my favorite verses in scripture is found in Isaiah 43:18-19a which reads “ 
“Do not call to mind the former things, or dwell on the things of the past. Behold, I will do something new.” Numerous times throughout my faith journey the Lord used this verse to reassure me that He would do something new in me.
At a significant juncture in my journey, I was deeply depressed, despairing of life, and uncertain about the future. The Lord lovingly overwhelmed a broken guy who was struggling to find his way back from a life setback. Oh, how I needed to hear that God was going to do something new! God, not Steve or anyone else would deliver me from the “former things,” the hurtful “things of the past” that I was dwelling on.
“Behold” means to pay attention. Listen up. The Holy Spirit spoke to me: Steve, yesterday is history. The old is behind. The future is forward. Your Father in heaven is going to do something new. Note the word says, “WILL DO something new,” not might, or hope to do. What a promise from the Promise Keeper!
With His help, I focused on something new, not something old. Today, not yesterday. Over time, my attitude and life changed. The Lord brought me back from my setback. I am a comeback kid in Christ who knows the power of God doing something new!
Do you need something new in 2025? Are you tired of dwelling on yesterday? How is focusing on hurt, pain and heartache helping you to move forward? Do you really think the Lord wants you to drag negative baggage into your faith journey in the New Year?
Time to close out 2024 and open the door of 2025 with some new luggage!
Something New In You In The New Year
I do not know what the something new in you should be in 2025. But you and God do. Here are a few suggestions that may apply to your life.
  • Get things right with the Lord. You know what they are.
  • Watch your words. Confess life, not death with your mouth.
  • Clean up your language. Flush your potty mouth!
  • Speak your confession of faith with confidence.
  • Overcome something that has beaten you down for years.
  • Overcome a bad habit. Defeat a stronghold.
  • Deal a death blow to secret sin.
  • Restore a relationship that matters to you.
  • Make right something you did wrong in 2024.
  • Stand up. Stand out. Stand boldly. Stand strong for Jesus Christ.
  • Commit to be a positive influence for God’s Kingdom in 2025.
Resolutions, like gym memberships and diet plans, last about three weeks. Commitments to make significant changes in our life, with God’s help, can last a lifetime.
Write down what your something new in the New Year is going to be. ____________ _____________________________________________________________________.
 Could it be there is someone in your life that would love to see you do something new for you in 2025? Someone who genuinely cares about you is pulling for you to do better in an area of your life and hoping you will do something about it.
Why not surprise them with a new you in the New Year!
You might live a better life than I do. But I know this about me, I need something new all the time! I really do. Just ask my wife…I am sure she has an idea or two for me in 2025!
Robert Schuler has said “It takes guts to leave the ruts. A rut is a grave with the ends kicked out.” Doing the same old thing, the same old way is being stuck in a rut. Living in a rut is not God’s good, acceptable and perfect will for His followers.
  • Refuse to stay stuck in an old rut. Choose to do something new. Get out of the rut you have been in before it becomes your grave.
Every day, not just New Year’s, is an opportunity to be and do something new in Christ.
A NEW YOU IN THE NEW YEAR…. why not? Look to the Lord to do something new in you in the New Year.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” II Corinthians 5:17
A Word For Your Week: Something new in you in 2025.
<![CDATA[You Can’t Take Christ Out Of Christmas]]>Tue, 24 Dec 2024 17:00:00 GMThttp://steveroll.org/a-word-for-your-week/you-cant-take-christ-out-of-christmas​Christmas is a wonderful time of the year.
I am a Christian. I believe with all my heart that Christmas is about the birth of God’s Son Jesus Christ.
Imagine with me for a moment you are one of the shepherds tending your sheep. Fairly normal, probably boring, sheep herding shift. Then, the night sky lights up with angelic messengers. declaring a wonderful, history and life-changing message for humanity.
And the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:10-11
  • God loved the world so much that He sent His only Son that first Christmas to be the Savior of mankind. The angel announced “good news of a great joy.” A Savior, Christ the Lord, had been born in Bethlehem for you, me and the whole world.
Personally, I really enjoy the traditions of the holiday festivities. Santa Claus. Brightly lit Christmas trees. Families sharing a festive meal. Goodies galore. Wide-eyed children (adults too!) excited to open presents. Neighborhood light tours. Inspirational church programs and pageants all warm my sentimental heart.
  • News Bulletin:  Santa Claus is not our Savior. Jesus is. He is the light of the world that outshines any Christmas light display. 
Fact: Ever since the birth of Jesus over two thousand years ago, Satan, the world and our surrounding culture has declared war on Christmas. Their target: Jesus Christ. Anti-Christian, secular minded, liberal thinkers boldly attempt to remove Christ from Christmas.
You who keep up with culture know their tactics.  Ban Nativity scenes from public. No Christmas carols banished from school holiday programs. “Happy Holidays” is the politically correct replacement for Merry Christmas.  Even poinsettias have been removed from a courthouse because they are a religious symbol! Talk about “Bah, Humbug!”
  • The above efforts of unbelieving folks infuriate me and saddens my heart.  
I have a few thoughts worth thinking about regarding the futile attempt of arrogant, self-righteous, Christ rejecters who are on a mission they can never win.  
  • Man may remove a manger in a nativity scene but not the message of the manger.
  • Man can replace Christmas with a X-mas, but Jesus is still Savior of the world. 
  • Can man undo what God has done? Never going to happen!
  • Do you really think any mere man can take the Lord God out of anything?
  • Does man really think he can trump God’s Word in the Bible with his word?
  • Do you think God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are panicking in heaven over secular man’s efforts to erase Christmas?  Can you imagine God declaring, “O My gosh, what shall We do?” Not likely!
  • Who in this or any world can dethrone Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords?
Oh, unbelieving, secular man, wake up! Jesus came at Christmas, grew up, taught truth, personally suffered, was crucified on a cruel cross and rose from the dead with resurrection power to be your Savior.
History is “His” Story. The redemption story began with a baby born in a manger that first Christmas. Two thousand years after the holy child’s birth, our lost, sad, sin-sick world still needs Jesus.
  • Christmas can never be taken away because Christ lives in our heart.  
Fellow Christian, this Christmas stand up for what you believe. Never be intimidated by an unbelieving culture. Refuse to be shaken by the foolishness that abounds.
  • Celebrate Jesus Christ joyfully, boldly and unashamedly. Pray for lost souls. Share your faith in a winsome manner with those who wander aimlessly in spiritual darkness, blinded by Satan. As the light of the world, reach out with God’s love and mercy to those who are sincerely looking for truth.
At Christmas, and everyday of the year, Jesus is still, and will always be, good news of a great joy!
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
A Word For Your Week: Jesus Christ is Christmas.
<![CDATA[B-O-R-I-N-G]]>Tue, 17 Dec 2024 17:00:00 GMThttp://steveroll.org/a-word-for-your-week/b-o-r-i-n-g“I am bored.” “My life is boring.” “I am bored to tears.” 
Recently I have heard statements about being bored from a seventy-year-old retiree, a thirty-year-old Generation Z-er, an eleven-year-old fourth grader, and a forty-year-old wife and mother.
  • Fact:  You and I can become bored.
Steve Roll has been bitten by the boring bug more times than I can count. I definitely do not like the sense that my life is stuck on the boredom button. Being bored is not my buddy.
  • Last time I checked, boredom is not one of the fruits of the Spirit!
 B-o-r-i-n-g is epidemic in our hyper-speed, fast-paced, entertainment crazed, technology driven society. Our culture has more STUFF TO DO THAN EVER. Activities ad nauseum. Endless events. Online games. Unceasing demands on our time and energy.
Americans are a go, go, go ….do, do, do people that have no idea what to do when the go and do come to a screeching halt.
I have a couple of thoughts about boredom. Boring is never invited. It just shows up. Who gets up in the morning, begins their day by declaring I cannot wait to be bored today?  No one in their reasonably sound mind that I know.
Boring is a genuine feeling that comes and goes.
Boredom messes with our head and emotions. Stimulates all sorts of stinking thinking. Tempts us to be discouraged and depressed. Being bored is a royal pain in the hind end! 
  • So, what should you and I do when boring shows up? How about focusing on the abundant life we believers in Christ have in Him? Good idea!  
The Parable of the Good Shepherd is found in John 10:1-18. Read this passage in its entirety. Jesus declares He is the Good Shepherd (the Savior) who takes care of the sheep (you and me).
 A shepherd knows each sheep by name. The sheep know the shepherd’s voice. Shepherds protect the sheep from predators who seek to destroy them. The shepherd is willing to lay his life down to save the sheep.
In verse 10 John writes about Jesus: “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I (the Good Shepherd) have come that they might have life, and have it abundantly,”     
What does abundant life in Christ have to do with beating boring? Everything. When you and I walk by faith that the Good Shepherd Jesus laid His life down for us sheep so we could have an abundant life, boredom fades into the sunset!
Boredom wants you and me to think we have no life. Nothing is happening. Where did the fun go? Jesus laid down His life on a cruel Cross and rose from the dead so that we could be saved. Salvation is all about joy! The joy of receiving Jesus’ joy that no one can steal from us (John 16:20).
Listen up my friend.  When I am wrestling with boring, I still have abundant life in Christ. His victory is my victory. His joy is my joy. His peace is my peace. How can abundant life in Christ be boring? Not possible. Abundant life in the Lord is sustaining, satisfying, gratifying, fulfilling and eternal.
Just a thought. Boring won’t kill you! Make boredom work for you.
  • When boredom sneaks up on you, remind the boredom boogey-man that you have abundant life in Christ. I am alive forever in Jesus. Take that boredom!
Battling Boredom
  • Boredom has a lifespan. It does not last forever. Sometimes boring lingers longer than at other times. If a person is bored all the time, they need to get a life! The point is: you and I will not be bored all the days of our lives unless we choose to do so!
  • When boredom shows up, do not do something stupid that you will regret. Resist the temptation to do anything out of God’s will just because you are bored. Amazing how many bored folks sin!
  • Being busy for the sake of being busy is not the antidote for boredom. Busyness will just wear you out… and make you more bored with life!
  • Get up. Get out. Do something meaningful and rewarding. Then come back and take a nap! Sleep that boring spirit off.   
  • Turn “boring” moments into opportunities to draw closer to God. Read your Bible. Listen to praise music. Pray for people you care about. Write an encouraging note to someone. Text a scripture to someone. Call someone up. Serve your loved ones. Help out with ministry at your church. Reach out to help someone who needs assistance and encouragement from a servant of Jesus.
  • Life is not just about me. Boredom’s focus is self. Stop being so self-centered. Be other-centered. Who needs me to serve them in Jesus’ name today? There is nothing more rewarding (and not boring) when we volunteer to serve others along life’s journey. The regards are amazing!
  • Keep your spiritual armor on (Ephesians 6:1-10). Satan will attack with a spirit of boredom to keep Christ’s followers from abundant living in Christ and reaching out to win lost souls for the Kingdom of God. Sadly, folks who reject Jesus, will be bored all the way to hell!
  • When boredom comes knocking on your mind’s door, keep the door locked. Find something meaningful and valuable to do. Boring will have to knock on someone else’s door!
  • My friend, Spirit-filled living, enjoying abundant life in Christ, beats boring. Life is not boring when we love Jesus with all our heart and serve others in His name.   
“It is not so among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant.” Matthew 20:26
Now we who are strong should bear the weaknesses of those without strength and not just please ourselves.” Romans 15:1
“Serve the Lord with gladness, come before Him with joyful singing.” Psalm 100:2
A Word For Your Week: Beat boredom with abundant life in Christ!
<![CDATA[Choose Joy!]]>Tue, 10 Dec 2024 17:00:00 GMThttp://steveroll.org/a-word-for-your-week/choose-joyTwo people.  Similar life circumstances. One is joyful, happy. The other sad and depressed.
The difference?  Attitude. One chooses joy. The other does not.

  • A strikingly significant sign of our troubling times is the joylessness of so many people.
If you do not believe me, I challenge you to look straight into the eyes of people you meet. What is obvious by its absence is the sparkle of joy. Very few people’s eyes dance with joy anymore. Nor do many walk with a joyful bounce in their step.      

Sadly, in our society, joyless people are the rule while joyful people are the exception. A genuinely joyful person sticks out in the crowd like a happy sore thumb (can a sore thumb be happy?). Not sure about that one!   
Lack of joy puts many people in their grave long before they are pronounced dead! Know anyone like this? I have seen far too many joyless people in my lifetime.
Oh, how our world needs joy! How can you and I be joyful in a joyless world?

In his book “Laugh Again,” author Charles Swindoll writes:

“I have discovered that a joyful countenance has nothing to do with one’s age or one’s occupation (or lack of it) or one’s geography or education or marital status or good looks or circumstances. Joy is a choice. It is a matter of attitude that stems from one’s confidence in God—that He is at work, that He is in full control, that He is in the midst of what ever has happened, is happening, and will happen. Either we fix our minds on that and determine to laugh again, or we wail and whine our way through life, complaining that we never got a fair shake. Laughing one’s way through life depends on nothing external. Regardless of how severely the winds of adversity may blow, we set our sails toward joy.”

  • Setting our life sails toward joy is setting our faith and confidence firmly in the Lord Jesus Christ.
The book of Philippians is a book about joy. I encourage you to study Philippians this week in detail. These 104 verses, penned by Paul from prison, are packed with joy and rejoicing! Thirteen times he uses the word joy, rejoice or rejoicing. During personal persecution and agonizing adversity, Paul intentionally set his sail toward joy.
Three life-altering observations about the attitude of joy and rejoicing that I am learning from Paul in Philippians.    

First, JOY is not based on CIRCUMSTANCES. If circumstances are responsible for joy, then Paul should have been horribly depressed! He was chained to a Roman guard, under house arrest, awaiting execution.  Few if any of Paul’s daily circumstances shouted joy. Read II Corinthians 11:22-33 and see what Paul’s life was like.

Paul rose above his difficult situation by rejoicing in the Lord. His joy was internal, not external. Rejoicing flowed from the inside (his heart), not from the outside (his situation.).    

  • A Roman jail cell could not lock joy out of Paul’s heart.   
Second, JOY is a CHOICE. Life is about choice. Circumstances, good and bad, have a way of choosing us. But you and I choose our response to life’s twists and turns.  According to God’s Word, we can choose joy in all circumstances!

  • Paul did. Incarcerated, isolated, maltreated, misunderstood, tortured, forgotten, and nearing the end of earthly life, God’s apostle of grace rejoiced in the Lord.   
Joy does not choose us. Joy must be chosen. To rejoice or not rejoice is up to me. Joy is my choice and my choice alone.      

  • Like Paul, if we want joy, we must choose joy.
Third, JOY comes from JESUS CHRIST. The source of genuine joy is God.  The world apart from God knows nothing of real joy. In verse 4:4 Paul exhorts Christians to “Rejoice in the Lord; again, I will say rejoice.” Paul makes it crystal clear who to rejoice in (Jesus) and how often to rejoice in Him (always).

The one and only object of a Christian’s joy is Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus came and gave His life so that His joy would be made full in all who believe in Him (John 17:13). Nothing can steal His joy from our heart without our permission.

  • Rejoicing in all circumstances is a byproduct of knowing Jesus on a personal basis.
Bottom line: JESUS IN OUR JOY! He is risen from the dead and coming back one day soon to take His beloved bride the church home to be with Him in heaven for all eternity! Now that is something worth being joyful about, isn’t it!

When was the last time you looked in the mirror and your eyes danced with joy? You had a joyful bounce in your step? Others noticed a joyful spirit in you?

  • If you are tired of being joyless, and desire to be joyful, begin right now by taking the following steps to a joyful attitude and a happier life.
1. Decide to be a joyful person.
2. Choose joy in every circumstance.
3. Refuse to allow anyone or anything to steal your joy.
4. Rejoice in the Lord! ALWAYS!
No matter which way the winds of life are blowing, set your sail for JOY!
“The joy of the Lord is our strength”                                      Nehemiah 8:10

“These things I have spoken to you, that My (Jesus Christ) joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.”                                      John 15:11                            
A Word For Your Week: Today and everyday choose Jesus Christ and His joy.
<![CDATA[Lost and Found]]>Tue, 03 Dec 2024 17:00:00 GMThttp://steveroll.org/a-word-for-your-week/lost-and-foundIf you have ever been lost, you know how good it felt to be found!
When I was 12 years old, Grandpa Wunderle took me deer hunting. He was a stow-away immigrant from Germany, had a deep guttural voice, distinct German accent and enjoyed eating cold sardines out of a can (smelled disgusting!). He was quite a character, called me Stevie, and wanted to show me how to hunt.
O-dark thirty (before sunrise) found us in the woods. Grandpa showed me all his hunting gear, demonstrating how it worked. He handed me a whistle.” Stevie, your job is to blow this whistle, which will drive the deer to where I am so I can shoot them.” I am sure I thought that was not very fair to Mr. Deer.
Throughout the day, I blew and blew that whistle with all my might.  Over and over again. Unknowingly, I wandered off and drifted away from where Grandpa told me to stay. It got dark at the end of the day. Really, really dark-dark! I had no idea where Grandpa was. Forest noises haunted me. My young mind imagined all kinds of creepy things that were coming to get me.
I was lost. Very frightened. No idea where I was or how to find Grandpa. I blew that whistle for all I was worth! After what seemed an eternity, low and behold, in the distance I saw a lantern and the shadow of a big, burly man coming my way. It was Grandpa! I ran as fast as my terrified feet could fly, hugged and held on to him for a long time.
My friends, I do not like being lost. Not in the woods. Not on the highway. Not in an unfamiliar city. Not anywhere. My wife says my sense of direction is so pitiful I could get lost in the car on our driveway. There is more truth to that than fiction!    
  • Lost is not my friend. Being found is!
I want to share the story of a young man in scripture who was lost and then found. Please read the narrative in Luke 15:11-32. Visualize this story of lost and found. This story told by Jesus is called The Prodigal Son. Prodigal means wasteful.
A young man asked his father for his inheritance. Dad is still alive, so what is up with that junior? The father gave his second son the money. Immediately, the misguided, greedy boy left home and went far away where he partied to sow his wild oats.  Spent his entire inheritance on wine, women and song. When false friends spent all his money, he ended up feeding pigs in a pig pen! The hogs were eating better than him!
Friendless. Financially broke. Emotionally destitute. Lamenting his situation, verse seventeen records a monumental, destiny changing phrase when he came to his senses.”  When he woke up to his dire circumstances he turned toward home. He would not return as a son but as a servant.
Trudging up the road, dirty, filthy, smelling like a pig (not a kosher thing for a Jewish boy!) he saw his father coming to meet him. Before he would complete his repentance speech, his dad, full of compassion, ran to his smelly son and embraced him!
The wayward son confessed his sins. Father’s response was utterly amazing. He told his attendants to “quickly” do the following things,
  • Put the best robe on him. Signifying he is a son, not a slave.
  • Put the signet ring on his finger. The ring from dear old dad was a credit card. Really Dad, giving him money!
  • Put sandals on his feet. Why? Sons wore shoes. Slaves were kept barefoot so they could not run away.
  • Cook the fatted calf. Time to party. Why? “This son of mine was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found; they began to make merry.” Verse 24
Arriving back home, the elder brother was ticked off. Dad simply told him you have been with me all this time, but your brother, my son, who was lost has been found! That is why we are partying!
Every time I read this story, my eyes well up with tears of joy and spiritual chills course through me.  
  • So, do you get it? Lost son. Found by a loving, restoring father.
Regularly in my restoration ministry I meet with lost folks. Lost in their relationship with God. Lost marriage and family relationships. Lost loved ones. Lost jobs. Lost finances. Lost dreams. Lost hopes. Lost, lost, lost needing to be found!
John Newton was a slave trader. He came to faith in Christ and wrote the most iconic, popular Christian hymn of all time Amazing Grace. Newton wrote “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost and now I am found, was blind but now I see.
Newton’s personal testimony: once lost, but found. Blind but seeing with the eye of faith.
Like John Newton, I, Steve Roll, once was lost. But now I am found. I was blind. But now I see. October 6, 1972 changed my life for eternity when this lost boy turned to the Savior and Jesus welcomed me home to His heart with the promise of eternal life in heaven! GLORY TO GOD!!!
  • How about you my reader? Are you lost and need found? No matter how lost you are, God loves you and sent His only Son Jesus to save you. Open your heart to Him. Surrender your life. Receive the free gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.

  • If you were once lost but now are found, rejoice in your salvation every single day.
Imagine what it was like for the wayward son, fresh out of a smelly pigpen to enjoy a feast of delicious food, a warm bath and lay his head on a down pillow that first night home. He probably said “Oh my, I was lost. Now I am found because my father loves me!”
  • Jesus is a Savior who seeks and finds lost people.
Do you know someone who is spiritually lost? Share the Good News of Jesus Christ with them. Lead them to saving faith in the Savior.
“For the Son of Man has come to seek and save that which was lost.” Luke 19:
A Word For Your Week: Jesus specializes in finding and saving lost souls.

<![CDATA[No Worries]]>Tue, 26 Nov 2024 17:00:00 GMThttp://steveroll.org/a-word-for-your-week/no-worries​In our current culture there is a trending, popular phrase people use.
When you ask someone to do something for you many will reply “no worries”. In other words, don’t worry.  I got you covered. I will take care of you.
No worries. Thoughtful, nice gesture, especially when accompanied with a smile! The truth is people of the world like no worries because worldly folks have every reason to worry.
My dear grandmother Eplin who resides in heaven, used to call people who worry “worry warts!” As a youngster with a vivid imagination, when grandma would use that term, I imagined people with disgusting, yukky, puss-filled worry warts popping up all over their body!  Kind of a gross thought for a kid.
An insightful person said worry is like a rocking chair. Lots of motion, but you do not get anywhere.
  • Jesus knew and knows that human beings (that includes you and me) are prone to worry.
 In Matthew 6:25-34 the Lord lays out truth about “no worries”. Please read and study the entire passage. I will highlight the truth Jesus taught us about not worrying.
  • Jesus cares about what we care about. But the Son of God does not become anxious and worry like you and I are prone to do.
In our passage Jesus exhorts His followers numerous times to not worry. Translations are “take no thought “, “do not be anxious “, “ which one of you by being anxious” and “ why are you worrying?” Seems to me He is sending a message to you and me to have no worries!
  • In verse 25 Jesus says do not worry about life, what you shall eat, drink or wear on your body. Isn’t life more important than clothing and stuff? Of course it is.
  • In verse 26 Jesus says to check out the birds. They do not sow or reap crops. Have no barns. No Walmarts or Coscos for birds. Why? Because our Heavenly Father feeds them. How much more valuable are we than birds? Jesus Christ died on the Cross to save you and me, not the birds.
  • In verse 27 which of us can add any length to our life by worrying? No brainer there.
  • In verses 28-30 Jesus addresses clothing. Okay you clothes horses! Listen up. The Lord reminds us of the beauty of flowers in the fields. Even Solomon, the wealthiest man on earth, could not duplicate what God does. Jesus declares “O you men and women of little faith”. Quit. Stop. Cease worrying about what you are going to wear.
  • In verses 31-32 Jesus say do not worry about what you shall drink, eat or wear. The Gentiles, those who do not follow Me, worry about all this stuff. Here is the kicker: Do not worry like the Gentiles. Your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things. Jesus knows what we need even before we ask! I like that!  
  • In verse 33 Jesus declares the remedy for anxiety. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.Did you get it?  Jesus is saying your Heavenly Father knows what your need, will supply your needs, knows how to get what you need to you…….so stop worrying about your what you need!!!
  • In verse 34 begins with therefore. When therefore shows up, look above to see what the therefore is there for! Simple. Do not be anxious about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Your heavenly Father who loves you and meets your needs today, will meet your days needs tomorrow! So, what are you worrying about? Especially tomorrow, next week, next month or next year?  
  • Boom! Do Jesus’ words in this passage hit a bullseye in your heart like they do in mine? Steve, you, Steve, do not be anxious. Choose and refuse to worry.     
  • Food, shelter, clothing and everything else. Jesus to Steve: no worries. Do not be anxious. I got you covered Steve
Think about it my friend. While on earth, Jesus, God’s Son, never worried about anything. Not once did He panic about life and slip into a worry coma! The disciples who worried a lot never asked the Lord if He was worried or what He was anxious about.
No worries for Jesus because His Father in heaven had everything under control.
My friends, worry is not our friend. Faith in Jesus Christ is the remedy for worry. He has us covered and will always meet our every need! So, why worry when Jesus says not to?
A Word For Your Week: “No worries” when our faith is in Jesus Christ.
<![CDATA[Make Your Day Count]]>Tue, 19 Nov 2024 17:00:00 GMThttp://steveroll.org/a-word-for-your-week/make-your-day-count​It is another day. Now what?
“So teach us to number our days so that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12
  • The point of this verse: Count your days and make your days count!
Friends, it is too easy to WONDER ABOUT OUR DAYS.  WORRY ABOUT OUR DAYS. WASTE OUR DAYS. What if we WALKED IN GOD’S WISDOM EACH DAY? Our days would be awesome and rewarding!! 
The words day and today are used hundreds of times in the Bible.
Our Creator took six days to make creation, ONE DAY AT A TIME. Scripture makes it plain that TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION. God provided heavenly bread for His people Israel ONE DAY AT A TIME. In Matthew 6:25-34 (read the whole passage) Jesus said the birds do not have food panties or storehouses. They are fed ONE DAY AT A TIME. In the Lord’s prayer (Matthew 6:9-13 Jesus told us to pray for “OUR DAILY BREAD.”
  • When you and I are anxious about a day, we can miss the blessings of that day.
  • It is short-sighted and bordering on silly not to live a day at a time because that is all God gives us! 
Please listen to me.  You and I can get caught up thinking about every day except the one we are in. Upcoming vacation days. Birthdays. Anniversaries. Graduations. Retirement. It is important to plan ahead. But what about today? Those other events may or may not happen. I just burst someone’s vacation bubble!
Our verse emphasizes making our day count by having a heart of wisdom. I like the idea of presenting my heart as a wise heart to God. Truth be old: I need God’s wisdom every day. How about you?
The day we are living in is the day to serve the Lord with all our heart, walk in His wisdom and tell others about His love.
How To Make Your Days Count
  • Realize your day is a gift from God. Embrace the day. Rejoice in the day. Thank the Lord for the day He has given you to live for Him and be a blessing to others in His name.
  • The future is made up of one day at a time. Not a week.  Not a month. Not a year. Not a decade One single day after one single day makes for a bright tomorrow!
  • Each day has a 24-hour lifespan. Make the most of your day while it is called today.  
  • Ask God to give you wisdom and understanding for the day (James 1:5-8). Desire and determine to live your day according to God’s Word in the Bible.
  • Enjoy the moments during the day. Never let focusing on the next day or days rob you of the special moments that slip by while you are thinking about another day. You might something you cannot recapture!  
  • Never let tomorrow steal today. Guard yourself today from the temptation to worry about tomorrow. Jesus said “Do not be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34
  • Share with others the blessings of the day you are living. Give God the glory for a good day in Him! 
  • End your day thanking the Lord for your day. Then happily return it to Him. Before you drift off to dreamland, pray “Lord, I give my day back to You with gratitude and joy.”  
  • Having counted your day and made it count, look forward to tomorrow’s day. Another day if the Lord is willing.
Fellow Christian, today is the day for you and me to live for God’s glory. To love the Lord with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. Today is the day for you and me to be salt and light in our world. Today is the day to witness to lost souls.
Today is the day to rejoice in God’s goodness. Today is the day for us who know Him to look for Jesus to split the eastern sky and come back to take us home to heaven. What a glorious day that will be!!!!!!!
When you and I look back on the history of our lives, the many days and years we lived, will we be satisfied that we counted our days, one at a time, and made them count? I hope I will.
  • A less stressful, healthy, peace-producing, satisfying way to enjoy life: LIVE ONE DAY AT A TIME.
  • How about today my friend?  What is your day going to be like today? You decide, no matter what happens, you will rejoice in the Lord and make your day count.
“This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24
“But encourage one another day after day as long as it is still called TODAY, unless any of you be hardened by the deceitful of sin.” Hebrews 3:15
A Word For Your Week: Make the most of today because today matters.