I agreed to meet with a frustrated couple who were seeking counsel. They were fighting with each over how to raise their teenage son. They were also fighting with their son on a daily basis. After hearing them out, I looked at them and said “Dad and Mom, you are fighting the wrong fight.
Do not fight with each other. Don’t fight with your son. Fight for him. Stand in faith. Fight for your boy in the name of Jesus Christ. Fight against the devil together for the victory that belongs to your son.” I could tell my words “You are fighting the wrong fight” struck home in their hearts. We spent the rest of our appointment laying out the right fight. Maybe it is just me, but it seems to be like a whole load of people want to pick a fight with somebody. Political fights. Business fights. Church fights. Family fights. Fighting….fussing….feuding. Fights for the sake of fighting. If you want to fight, there is someone out there to oblige you! America is turning into a nation of fighters that fight the wrong fights. What concerns me as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ is that many professing Christians are fighting the wrong fight. The Apostle Paul had an appointment with the executioner. Before he went to be with Jesus, Paul declared three things. “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.” II Timothy 4:7 Paul’s last words contained three monumental phrases. 1. I have fought the good fight. 2 I have finished the course. 3. I have kept the faith. Note the words “fought”, “finished” and “kept”. Paul was going to die for Christ. He would die peacefully, joyfully and victoriously knowing that he had fought the right fight in life. Paul mentions a good fight. I have learned in life that there are good fights and not so good fights. Good fights are better than bad fights. Paul defines the good fight in I Timothy 6:12. “Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” The faith fight is the good fight, the right fight. Notice Paul’s personal reward for keeping the faith, fighting the good fight and finishing the course in II Timothy 4:9. “In the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing.” Fighting the right fight, the good fight of faith, would be rewarded with a crown of righteousness presented by the Lord Jesus Christ! How about you and me? Are we fighting the good fight of faith and will we receive the crown of righteousness from the Lord? That is the desire of my heart. So what does Paul’s fight have to do with you and me? Everything! If we want to receive the crown of righteousness from Jesus, we must fight the right fight. It awaits all believers in Christ who fight the good fight of faith. Let me shoot straight with you. Satan has a field day when Christians engage in the wrong fights. Our fight is not with our family. Our fight is not with brothers and sisters in Christ. Our fight is not with our Pastor or the church family. Our fight is not with our boss. Our fight is not with the government. Our fight is with the evil one. Faith in Jesus Christ is the victory that overcomes the devil and the unbelieving world (I John 4:4, 5:4). It is true in life: Fight the wrong fight, get the wrong results. Fight the right fight, get the right results. It’s as simple as that. It really is. You Might Be Fighting The Wrong Fight If……
You Are Fighting The Right Fight If……
When you and I fight the right fight, the good fight of faith, we are fighting for our God, our family, our loved ones, our neighbors, our communities, our nation and our world. So stop wasting your time, energy and resources fighting the wrong fight. Devote and discipline yourself to fight the right fight…the good fight of faith. With all your might fight the right fight. The right fight will reap the right reward. What fight are you going to fight today? “For our struggle (fight) is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12 A Word For Your Week: Fight for your faith because it’s the right fight. Have you ever made a mistake that broke your heart and left you feeling that you had let yourself and God down?
I see those hands. The Apostle Peter in the Bible certainly would have raised his hand. As Jesus prepared to go to the cross on Calvary, Peter adamantly declared he would never deny Him (Matthew 26:33-35). Under pressure, Peter indeed denied the Lord. (Matthew 26:69-75). He “wept bitterly” as they took Jesus away to crucify Him. John 21 is a record of Jesus’ third post-resurrection appearance to His disciples. In the first fourteen verses, Jesus was preparing breakfast on the beach for the disciples who had fished all night and caught zero fish. He told them where to let down their nets. They caught 153 fish! John and the rest of the guys declared “It is the Lord!” Excited about seeing Jesus, they rowed to the beach, except for impulsive Peter, who jumped in the water! After they had finished feasting on bread and fish, in the presence of the disciples, Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him (verses 15-17). Three times Peter answered “Yes, Lord You know that I love You.” Jesus responded to each comment from Peter with “Tend My sheep.” Three questions from Jesus. Three responses from Peter. Three calls to service and ministry. Why three? Because Peter denied the Lord three times. Those three denials haunted, tormented and tore Peter up. Jesus knew that. On that beach, Jesus restored Peter to Himself and re-instated Peter to follow and serve Him. Why did Jesus restore Peter? He loved him unconditionally. Peter’s heart was broken over the denial. Peter’s heartfelt words of love and devotion for Jesus set the stage for restoration. What a day for Peter! Restoration day! What a day for the disciples to witness Jesus restoring Peter! What a day for the soon to be established evangelistic outreach of the church to the world of lost souls! Like Peter, when we have messed up, restoration is God’s will for is people. Jesus restores us individually and personally. He knows what we have done when we have blown it. More importantly, the Lord knows our heart. Our head and emotions often get us into trouble. God looks on and cares most about our heart. My friend, please do not beat yourself up over failure. Turn failure into success by devoting yourself to Jesus and serving Him. Peter became what I call “a successful failure” who was the Spirit-filled, fiery first leader of the New Testament Church. He preached the Good News with unshaken conviction, confidence and courage. History tells us he was crucified upside down for his refusal to deny his personal faith in God’s Son Jesus Christ. Personal restoration is profoundly powerful because God loves you and me so much that He will not let us remain broken. You and I matter to Him. Regardless of what we may have done, Jesus loves us and desires that we love Him and tell others of His great love! Years ago, as a Christian and Pastor, I experienced a severe crisis of depression that nearly ended in suicide. My heart was broken. My spirit was crushed. God, who I served, seemed a zillion miles away. “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18. The Lord met me in that psychiatric hospital. The Holy Spirit consoled, comforted and watched over me. In the ministry I had helped countless numbers of hurting people be personally restored to the Lord. Now it was my turn. During those dark days Jesus compassionately asked me “Steve, do you love Me?” Though emotionally weak, spiritually depleted and bewildered by my circumstances, I would respond “You know I do Lord. I love you with all my broken heart.” He knew I meant it. My personal road to restoration commenced. Over time and through a scriptural process Jesus healed my broken heart, restored my crushed spirit and renewed my vision for life and ministry. I thank God every day for restoring me to Himself, myself, my loved ones, the body of Christ and a very fruitful, rewarding ministry over the past thirty years. So, what about that mistake you made that I referred to at the beginning of this devotion? Have you personally experienced the healing, restoring and renewing power of God’s love? If not, Jesus will meet you where you are. The Lord specializes in healing broken hearts. He will ask you if you love Him. When you say yes from your heart, He will lovingly respond “Follow Me.” Obey Me. Serve Me. Witness and minister to the people I send you to. Restoration. You and Jesus. Done Deal. Now what are you doing to do with God’s merciful, gracious and loving gift of restoration? Those who have been restored are the best restorers of others in Jesus’ name! “For I will restore you to health and heal your wounds declares the Lord.” Jeremiah 30:17 “Blessed be the Father and God of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” I Peter 1:3 A Word For Your Week: Personal restoration is the pathway to hopefulness, usefulness and fruitfulness in God’s Kingdom. “It’s complicated.”
People (you and me are people too!) express the above phrase often. We humans have a way of complicating things that our Creator and Redeemer made simple. Complicated means difficult, unclear, bewildering, incomprehensible…plain old hard to understand or figure out. How is it that even Christians can make their faith walk with Jesus complicated? Our theology, doctrines and religious practices are good and essential to Christian faith. But they can become complicated if we are not watchful. Religious ritual and traditions can complicate the simplicity of our love for Jesus. When I read the Word of God in the Bible, truth is simple, not complicated. Who would have listened to Jesus very long if He taught that to go to heaven was “complicated”? The Lord simply, clearly, forthrightly and persuasively preached the Good News. He kept it simple. So uncomplicated that little children could understand salvation. Jesus said the Kingdom of God is like children. (Matthew 19:13-15). A child’s heart is innocent, trusting. Uncomplicated. Young children simply understand who Jesus is and what He has done. Jesus loves them and they love Jesus. I and maybe you also may remember singing in Sunday School “Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so.” Little ones to Him belong, they are weak, but He is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me, yes, Jesus loves me, for the Bible tells me so.” “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 So simple: God is love and He loves us. He loves you and me so much that He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die on a tortuous cross, rise victoriously from the dead and promise to gloriously return to take those He loves to heaven. NOT COMPLICATED! How We Complicate Our Faith
Keeping life simple takes concentrated, diligent, consistent effort because complicated seems normal today. Almost natural. I tend to over-think, rationalize, justify, become anxious about and try to figure things out on my own. Some of you are wondering if I need counseling. Guess what? I counsel people for a living. I guide them to uncomplicate and simplify their lives. Interesting huh? Maybe you and I should follow Jesus’ example and “Keep it simple stupid” (KISS)! Just a thought. Uncomplicate your life by trusting in the Lord, obeying His Word and being filled with the Spirit every day. Simply walk joyfully through life by faith in Jesus who loves you. Simple or complicated. You choose! “But I am afraid, lest as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds should be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.” II Corinthians 11:3 A Word For Your Week: Simple, uncomplicated faith in Christ is life indeed. Peter is one of my favorite followers of Jesus in the Bible.
I like him because I identify with his impulsiveness, his questions, his boldness, and his foot-in-mouth behavior at times. I mean Peter cut off a guy’s ear, walked on water and once even rebuked Jesus. Peter also confessed that Jesus was the Son of God. Peter had a sensitive heart. He loved the Lord. For all his flops, failures and fumbles he learned how to walk by faith. Remarkably God chose Peter, yes Peter, to head up the New Testament Church. While walking and learning from the Lord, a major downturn was coming in Peter’s life. Even though Peter adamantly denied that he would deny the Lord, deny Jesus he did (Luke 22:33-34, 54-62). Peter’s denial was a humdinger of a downer. Peter would need an upturn from his downturn. Prior to his denial, Jesus had an encouraging word for Peter. Jesus told Peter He had prayed for him. What a comforting thought: the Son of God prayed for him. It is important what Jesus prayed for Peter. “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” Luke 22:31-32 First, he prayed that Peter would survive the downturn. Yes, Satan would sift Peter like wheat. Jesus prayed that Peter’s “faith may not fail.” Please note Peter would fail in his action. But his faith would not fail. Though dazed and dumfounded by his denial, Peter’s faith was intact. That is why he wept bitterly when he realized what he had done. My friend, Jesus prays for you and me. Romans 8:34 “…He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, intercedes for us.” What a prayer partner you and I have in Jesus!!! Secondly, Jesus prayed that Peter’s downturn would turn into an upturn. The Lord made a tremendous statement that had to inspire hope in Peter’s broken heart. Note Jesus said “when once you have turned.” Peter would turn back from his downturn. Jesus said he would. Awesome! An upturn of faith would follow the downturn of denial. And what would Peter’s upturn look like? Peter would strengthen his brothers! He would author I and II Peter which are divinely inspired books of tremendous encouragement for followers of Christ. Peter’s upturn from his downturn happened through his personal restoration to Jesus (see John 21) and being filled with the Holy Spirit (see Acts 2). Peter did not stay down in denial. He went up in faith. Peter spent the rest of his life proclaiming Christ and strengthening his brothers and sisters in the Lord. A downturn in life occurs when things go south when you need them to go north. Relational conflict, financial setbacks, personal loss, unexpected illness, unrealized expectations and life disappointment to name just a few downturns. Down times will come to all of us at some time or another. You and I cannot escape them, but we can endure and overcome them. I believe that UP, not down, is God’s will for His people. God specializes in turning downturns into upturns. Search the Scripture and you will find this to be true. So, what about you and me? What do we need to do when we are experiencing a downturn? How can we turn our downturn into an upturn? Turning The Corner From Down To Up Here are seven simple suggestions for what you and I can do to turn a downturn into an upturn.
When upturns turn downturns right side up…Hope is rekindled…Faith is rejuvenated…Strength is renewed…. Passion is reenergized …Vision is restored…Enthusiasm is revived and Life is alive again! Meditate on this thought this week: Jesus’ biggest downturn was a cruel Roman cross. His upturn was a glorious resurrection from the dead through the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is not hanging on a downturn cross. Jesus is alive and well! An upturn empty tomb in Jerusalem testifies to this fact. Jesus is currently preparing a heavenly home for all who believe and is getting ready to come back in glory and take His followers home! My fellow Christian do not let a downturn get you down. Resist depression. Reject disappointment. Rebuke discouragement. Fire up your faith. Focus your mind and heart on the risen Lord Jesus Christ! Believe and trust God to turn your downturn into an upturn. “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 “And as for you, you meant evil against me (Joseph), but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.” Genesis 50:20 A Word For Your Week: Downturn? Turn it into an Upturn! |
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