Tests. Exams.
Most of us get a squeamish, sick feeling in our stomachs when we think of taking tests. For example, final exams at the end of a semester freak a lot of people out. Anxiety and even panic set in as the appointed hour of the test approaches. (The level of test anxiety may be proportional to the time the student spent studying in preparation!). I can say with some positive pride in my heart that I have never failed an academic test in my entire life. Okay, enough bragging on! I do admit though before knowing Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior that that I have failed some life tests I am not proud of. And of course, I have been challenged during my Christian life with tests to my faith. Most I have passed, a few not so much. The most important test to pass in life is the faith test. Why is passing the faith test so important? Because it is not possible to be in relationship with or please God without faith. “And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6. Faith in God is the key that opens the door of heaven. If you are like me, you want to please God. Faith is what pleases Him. Fact: faith will be tested as long as you and I live in our fleshly bodies on planet earth. I hope, like me, you desire to pass the faith test. Paul helps us out when it comes to living that tests our faith. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, he writes about passing tests in II Corinthians 13:5-6. “Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Chris is in you—unless indeed you fail the test. But I trust that you will realize that we ourselves do not fail the test.” The apostle of grace says two important things we need to pay careful attention to considering our faith. 1. Test. Examine yourself. You, yes you and me, see if you are in the faith. Take a hard, honest look into your faith life. No fudging here. Call it what it is. Faith or not. Regularly check yourself out. Take a spiritual “selfie” exam (You do not need to take a picture for Facebook!). Ask yourself: Is Jesus in me? Am I walking by faith and not by sight? Do I trust the Lord with my whole heart? Would people say I am a person of faith in Christ? What would God say about my faith? In Psalm 139: 23-24 David invited, welcomed God to search him. “Search me O God and know my heart. Try me and know my anxious thoughts and see if there be any hurtful way me; and lead me in the everlasting way.” Examining ourselves spiritually from time to time with God’s help is a good thing. Self-examination keeps us on our spiritual toes. 2. Jesus is in you. So do not fail the test. Pass the faith test because the living Christ lives in you. Paul reports he and his Christian companions pass the faith test. Arrogant or braggadocios? Not at all. Simply reporting the facts.
You and I, like Paul, can pass the faith test. Failure is not an option. Christians cannot afford to fail the faith test for faith in Jesus Christ is our life. You and I have no life, abundant or eternal, without faith in the resurrected Lord. Recently I looked into the eyes and down into the heart of a person I have been counseling whose faith is being severely tested. I exhorted him in the name of the Lord Jesus to pass the test. My brother in Christ, whatever it takes, pass the test. God will help you. I am praying this person will take my words to heart and pass the test. How about you? Is your faith being tested? If so, my brother or sister in Christ, how’s your faith? Intact? Maturing? Growing? Stretching? Bold? Strong? Influential? Are you becoming more like Jesus Christ? Do you stand firm in faith when Satan tempts you to disobey God? Is your faith steadfast and immovable? Do you stand up and speak out on behalf of the Lord when others fall away because persecution’s heat is turned up? Are you passing the faith test? Whenever and however your faith may be tested, and it will, pass the test with flying colors in Christ! “But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to the preserving of the soul.” Hebrews 10:39 A Word Your Week: Test yourself and pass the faith test. Fantasy is not reality.
Fantasy is what I imagine something to be. Fantasy is never grounded in reality. On the contrary, for most people, fantasy is an escape from reality. If I fantasize about something or someone, I excuse myself from dealing with the realities of my life. Movies produced by unholy Hollywood and even by some religious filmmakers often depict God in ways that the Bible does not. Sadly, many people have fantasy faith…. faith that fantasizes about who we think God is and how He should act and treat us. Fantasy faith is about formulas, rituals, religious practices and personal experiences that attempt to sway God to do our bidding Fantasy faith is fickle at best, patently false at the worst. It looks like this: I believe in and trust God when things are going well, but I doubt and distrust God when things are not going so well. Fantasy never delivers what it promises. Fantasy is a false view of life. Fantasy is fake. Fantasy is a lie. Real Facts About Biblical And Fantasy Faith.
Faith in the God of the Bible is not about a bargaining chip, a roll of the dice, a lottery ticket or what is “trending” in a wayward culture. Biblical faith is rooted and grounded on God’s faithfulness to His Word revealed in the Bible. Many people who I counsel express faith, but often their faith does not help them overcome the realities they are facing. They have a poor understanding about what Biblical faith looks like. Hebrews 12 records the Hall of Fame of Faith heroes. True stories of real people, living real life, facing real challenges and achieving real victories by trusting in the Lord. Each faith hero is introduced by the phrase “By faith…” Meet Abraham and Sarah. Genesis 12-25, Romans 4:16-22 and Hebrews 11:8-11 record their faith journey. Read for yourself the realities they faced and how faith in God and obedience to His Word they fulfilled God’s will for their lives. Cliff Note version. Abraham and Sarah were promised a son. Initially they laughed (you and I would have had a good laugh too) because they were very old, way past baby making years! Romans 4:19-22 states: “As it is written “A father of many nations have I made you.” in the sight of Him whom he believed, even God, who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist. In hope against hope, he believed in order that he might become a father of many nations, according to that which has been spoken “So shall your descendants be.” And without becoming weak in faith, he contemplated his own body, now as good as dead, since he was about a hundred years old, and the deadness of Sarah’s womb; yet with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief, but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully assured that what He had promised He was also able to perform. Therefore, also it was accounted to him as righteousness.” Abraham and Sarah patiently and expectantly waited in faith for twenty years. Isaac was born. God’s promise was kept. Abraham and Sarah’s faith was strong, intact, giving glory to God in the process. No fantasy faith for Abraham and Sarah. Just plain old, flat out, no holds barred, real, biblical faith that believed in God’s promise to them. My friend, is your faith based on fantasy or the Bible? Biblical faith that is real faith that overcomes real challenges looks to a real life crucified, risen Savior and the power of the Holy Spirit to meet every need according to God’s promises. Fantasy or biblical faith, you choose. “How blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob; whose hope is in the Lord his God; who made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them; WHO KEEPS FAITH FOREVER.’ Psalm 146:5-6 “And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that he is a rewarder of those who seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6 A Word For Your Week: Base your faith on the real, eternal truth found in the Bible. Imagine with me for a moment this possible scenario.
You are surrounded by a band of corrupt, power-hungry, greed motivated, lying, hypocritical evildoers who want to control then destroy you and your loved ones. How would you feel about your situation? What would you do? King David of Israel was faced with such a dilemma. He writes about it in Psalm 27:1-3. “The Lord is my light and my salvation. Who shall I fear? The Lord is the defense of my life. Who shall I dread? When evildoers came upon me to devour my flesh, my adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell. Though a host encamp against me, my heart will not fear; though war rise against me, in spite of this I shall be confident.” Three observations regarding how David chose to face his enemies with fearless faith. David’s declaration. Note David declared that the Lord is “my light’,” my salvation”, “the defense of my life”. The king had it settled. He would not fear or dread anybody, even if he was surrounded. His heart would not fear. The evil ones who would “devour my flesh” stumbled and fell because the Lord was David’s light, salvation and defense. In other words, David had a fearless faith that stood tall as he watched the evil horde fall.
The king’s fearless faith caused him to stand confidently, courageously and firmly in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.
It is time for you and me to wake up to what is actually happening in our society and world. Evildoers and enemies are real. They are not fictitious. There really are people in our world who are demonically inspired to carry out evil and wickedness. Evildoers do not do good things. The day you and I live in requires and demands that Christians have fearless faith that wholeheartedly trusts in the Lord in the face of adversity. Spiritual, emotional, physical, relational, financial and political enemies surround us on many fronts. Fair weather faith. Fantasy faith. Fake faith. Faltering faith. Fearful faith. Fractured faith. Fainthearted faith will not cut it. Only fearless faith in Christ will overcome evil doers. Facts About Fearless Faith
Does evil shake your confidence in God? Do evil men and women intimidate you, creating in you a spirit of anxiety and fear? Does fear of them disrupt your personal peace? When fear comes knocking on the door of your mind and heart, will you stand boldly with fearless trust in the Lord? Will you declare “No entrance here fear”? Life is going to happen, whether we like what happens or not. Every day is my and your opportunity to face life fearlessly with singlehearted faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Today, this day, and every day after, trust fearlessly in the Lord even when evildoers and enemies surround you. “But immediately Jesus spoke to them saying, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” Matthew 14:27 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.” II Timothy 1:7 A Word For Your Week: Fearless trust in the Lord is faith that overcomes life’s challenges. The anti-Christian climate of our current culture is very concerning.
Christian faith is mocked. Christians are being marginalized. Ridiculed. Discriminated against. Cancel culture strategically targets Christians, Christian organizations and Christian activities. Non-biblical liberal legislation and fabricated mandates are purposely and craftily designed to silence Christian thought, Christian voices and the church community. If you confess to be a Christian, your and my biblical convictions, beliefs and moral standards are under unrelenting, unapologetic, vicious attack. America is becoming increasingly anti-Christian, anti-religion, anti-conservative, anti-morality and anti-decency. Suffering and persecution for Christian faith is on the horizon of your lifestyle and mine. Sadly, there are many places in our world where our brothers and sisters in Christ are imprisoned, beaten, tortured and executed simply for their faith in Jesus. Do not be naïve my fellow Christians. “Fiery trials” are here. They have always been and only increase with time as faithful Christians await Christ’s glorious return. If you don’t think so, your head is in the sand. You are as blind as a bat. The anti-Christ, anti-Christian spirit is alive and well in our nation and world. The New Testament church experienced “fiery trials” while it was being established. In I Peter 4:12-19 the apostle Peter, the first leader of the New Testament church, outlines how to handle “fiery trials”. I encourage you to read this passage for yourself. Bottom line: When the world is persecuting Christians who follow Jesus Christ, born-again believers are sharing in the sufferings of Christ. Peter’s Wise Words For Successfully Handling Fiery Trials Do not be surprised by fiery trials. Do not say “I can’t believe this is happening to me.” Trials happen. To every Christian. Trials try and test our faith. God would have us to pass the suffering test by standing strong in faith. (Verse 12). Keep on rejoicing when you share in Christ’s sufferings. The unbelieving world hates Jesus and hates His followers (John 15:18). Jesus said they persecuted Me and they will persecute you (John 15:20). Count it a joyful thing to suffer for your Lord and Savior. (Verse 13). When you are reviled and ridiculed for the name of Christ, you are blessed! Why? Because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. (Verse 14). Do not suffer because you are an evildoer. If you do evil and suffer for it, you are reaping the harvest of sowing seeds of sin, not sharing in the sufferings of Christ. Carnal Christians who choose to sin can never say they are suffering for the Savior. (Verse 15). Suffer because you are a Christian. You bear His name. Do not be ashamed. Instead, glorify God as you experience trials and suffering in the name of Jesus. It is an honor to endure and overcome “fiery trials” because of your love for Jesus. (Verse 16). Judgment is coming. First to the house of God. Secondly, to unbelieving sinners in the world. The world is in big trouble when it rejects the Lord Jesus Christ and persecutes His faithful followers (verses 17-18). If you suffer for Christ doing His will, entrust your soul to God. The Lord, our Creator and Redeemer, is faithful. Endure. Persevere. Stand firm in faith. Rejoice in suffering for Christ’s name by continuing to do what is right in the sight of God. (Verse 19). So how do you feel about “fiery trials” and “sharing in Christ’s sufferings”? If you start your day by jumping out of bed and saying “I cannot wait to have my faith tested today and suffer for Jesus.” You might consider seeing a counselor! My brothers and sisters in Christ: The heat of “fiery trials” testing Christians is being turned up. Hotter and hotter is the temperature significant segments of our godless culture is putting on believers in Jesus. It will not cool down any time soon or ever for that matter. This is not a time to be discouraged or depressed. Not a time to run and hide. Not a time to bury our heads in the sand. Not a time to worry about and fear the future. Not a time to throw in the towel, to give in or give up to the godless forces that stalk our nation and world. Be encouraged. The hotter the “fiery trials” become, the closer Christ’s return is! It is time for God’s people to look to the Lord with great faith. To entrust our lives and the lives of those we love to Him and His good, acceptable and perfect will (Romans 12:1-2). The New Testament Church thrived through fiery trials and turned their unbelieving world upside down (Acts 17:6). Why not follow their example in the book of Acts and be part of winning those who persecute Christians to the Lord’s side? Rejoice! Fiery trials make you and me more and more like Jesus! “In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, that the proof of your faith being more precious than gold which is perishable; even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ; and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, obtaining as the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls.” I Peter 1:6-9 A Word For Your Week: Life’s fiery trials mature and perfect our faith. Mark Twain once declared “I was born excited!”
Don’t you love that attitude? There is nothing more inspiring and motivating in life than hanging around people who are on fire for something! Even if I do not agree with their cause, I admire passionate people who are fired-up about what they believe. The Apostle Paul in the Bible is one of those fired-up guys that I can agree with. Paul was “born-again” excited! God’s love burned in Paul’s heart. You can almost feel the heat when Paul declares in Philippians 1:21 “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Inspired and fired-up, Paul testified that his life was all about living and dying for Jesus who lived in him. Life is Christ for Christians. Paul lived every day of his earthly life with the passion, power and fire of the Holy Spirit burning within. Why? Because he loved Jesus for loving and saving Him! Living for Christ was Paul’s life. Paul was not only on fire to live for Christ. He was also on fire thinking about dying and being with the Lord. Philippians 1:22-25 express his earnest desire to depart and be with Jesus. Note the phrase “very much better”. Think about it. “To die is gain”. What believers gain by dying is being with Jesus. To be absent from our body is to be present with the Lord (II Corinthians 5:7-9). I can get fired-up about seeing Jesus face to face one day soon (I John 3:1-3). Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus! (Revelation 22:20). Paul was fired-up about living and dying for the Lord. If you call yourself a Christians, how about you? Are you excited about living and dying for Jesus Christ? Are you fired-up about your Christian faith? Would people around you say that you are on fire for Jesus Christ? Do people come watch you burn because you are so hot for the Lord? God’s love sets a holy fire in a born-again believer’s heart. The New Testament church was born out of fire (see Matthew 3:11, Acts 1:8 and Acts 2:1-4). Our first Christian brothers and sisters were ablaze for Jesus. The purifying fire and supernatural power from the infilling of the Holy Spirit they received at Pentecost propelled them out into a lost world with passion and energy. Deeply and unashamedly passionate for Christ, their gospel message was irresistible. Their ministry was invincible. They possessed a fired-up faith! Their evangelistic fervor turned multitudes of lost people’s lives around for Christ. Spiritual rebirth is exciting! Passing from death to life produces a joy and excitement that is beyond description. Reborn by the fire of God, you and I are to stay on fire all the days of our lives. Sadly, in 2022, many believers in Christ are passive and powerless instead of passionate and powerful. Many have allowed the fire of faith to fizzle instead of sizzle. No wonder we struggle to reach and win a dead world. Life begets life. Lifeless people cannot give life. It is not possible to catch others on fire if there isn’t a fire burning deep within our hearts! So how is your spiritual fire burning? Is your faith tired and failing, mired in the muck of indifference, or fired-up and blazing a trail for sinners to find Jesus? If your faith is fizzling out and needs fired up, consider doing the following things. 1. FIRE UP YOUR FAITH. In II Timothy 1:6 Paul told young Timothy to “kindle afresh” (KJV stir up) the gift within him. When a fire is flickering and ready to go out, stirring up the ashes brings back the flame. Fire up your faith. Remember who Jesus is and what He has done for you. Do not look to someone else to fire you up. Rekindle your own fire. Get fired up by falling in love with Jesus all over again. 2. KEEP YOUR FAITH FIRED-UP! Once started, a fire has to be kept burning or else it will go out. Jude 20-21 exhorts us to be “building yourselves up on your most holy faith” and “to keep yourselves in the love of God.” Building up faith and keeping God’s love strong in my life is my responsibility. I am required to keep putting fresh logs on the fire of my heart if my spiritual fire is to continue to burn. Keep fired up by reading your Bible, praying in the Holy Spirit and staying focused on the love of God. Continually growing in our love for Jesus keeps us passionate and fervent in spirit to serve God and extend His Kingdom on earth. Three thoughts worth thinking about. 1. Lukewarm is not an option for Christians. See Revelation 3:15-16. 2. Stop feeling tired. Get re-wired with Jesus and fired-up through the Holy Spirit. 3. Christians never retire. We re-fire so God can re-hire us for the work of the Kingdom. Who is watching your life to see if you have fire or not? Friends, relatives, neighbors, and associates are all observing your level of spiritual heat. Bottom line: Is your spiritual heat drawing people to the fire of God’s love? “And though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, obtaining as the outcome or your faith the salvation or your souls” I Peter 1:8-9. A Word For Your Week: Fire up your faith! Life will be more enjoyable and people will come to watch you burn! |
January 2025
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