You and I live in a noisy world.
Noise. Noise. And more noise. Hyped up infomercials and commercials scream at us. Agenda driven news bulletins upset us. Governmental mandates infuriate us. Work environments test our patience. Family issues stress us. Financial pressures worry us. An immoral society concerns us. “Noise” from the world has a way of pushing, pressuring and stressing you and me to react negatively instead of responding positively to life. Honestly, many people, including some Christians, are so noise driven they would not know how to enjoy and savor a few moments of peace, quiet, serenity and contentment. God’s remedy: compose and quiet our soul. Simply put composure is a calmness or repose, especially of mind, bearing or appearance, self-possession. (Webster). To be composed means to handle life in a peaceful, self-assured, confident manner that is in control of responses to stress, pressure, adversity and opposition. The writer of Psalm 131 has the solution for life’s “noise” that disturbs and disrupts peace. “O Lord my heart is not proud; nor my eyes haughty; nor do I involve myself in great matters, or in things too difficult for me. Surely, I have composed and quieted my soul; like a weaned child rests against his mother, my soul is like a weaned child within me. Oh Israel, hope in the Lord from this time and forever.” The Psalmist reminds the Lord that his heart is in the right place. The writer’s heart is not involved in and upset by things that, if you will, are above his pay grade! His response to “noise” and chaos: Surely, I will compose and quiet my soul. He chooses to compose and quiet himself when others are engaging in controversy and difficult matters they cannot resolve. He minds his own business with a composed and quiet soul. The image of a weaned child resting quietly against his mother is a wonderful picture of how our soul should be when life’s noise overwhelms us. As with the Psalmist, it is up to me, no one or anything else, if my soul is composed and quiet or not. When I think of a composed, quiet soul, I think of the Lord Jesus Christ. If anyone in history could have lost His composure, blown his “cool. it was God’s Son. From the moment He began His ministry, Jesus was rejected. Large crowds that initially followed Him, thinned when He told them what it would cost to follow Him. He was mocked, ridiculed, and falsely accused of blasphemy by the self-righteous, pompous religious hypocrites. He was denied by Peter, betrayed by Judas’ kiss on His cheek. False witnesses spoke against Him before Pilate. Hate-filled crowds maliciously and mercilessly screamed “Crucify Him! Crucify Him.” Cruel, brutal Roman soldiers drove iron spikes through His flesh. The Father turned away from Jesus when Jesus became sin for us. Oh Lord Jesus, for three years You composed and quieted your soul when everything in your humanity must have wanted to cry out foul ball. This is not right what you are saying about Me and doing to Me. Though misguided, evil men who listened to the noise of Satan and an unbelieving world lost their composure and killed God’s only Son, Jesus willingly went to the cross and declared before He died “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do.” Under unbelievable, tremendous pressure In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus remained composed and quiet in His soul when he declared “Not my will, but Yours be done.” Composed. Quiet. Lord, help me to live my life that way amid the “noise“of this lost world. How to Compose and Quiet Your Soul
How about your soul? Composed and quiet amid the noise? “In quietness and confidence will be your strength.” Isaiah 30:15 “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10 A Word For Your Week: Soul composure and quietness is our friend. The first installment of the Star Wars saga (1976) hit the big screen when my wife Jo Ann and I were living as a young married couple in San Diego, California.
Along with what seemed like everyone else on the planet, we purchased tickets to our local theater to view what would become an epic, blockbuster movie. Endlessly long, winding lines of hyped-up, crazed science fiction fans encircled the cinema, excitedly anticipating an intergalactic journey into a galaxy far, far, away. Munching on buttered popcorn…..glued to our seats…intently following the story line…. Princess Leia popped up in a hologram. Young Luke Skywalker stumbled upon the hologram embedded in the affable, loveable robotic R2D2. Cruelly detained by Darth Vader and the evil Empire, the imprisoned princess pleaded for help for herself and her people. The princess’s impassioned plea was this: “Obi Wan Kenobi…you are our only hope.” Skywalker hadn’t heard of Obi Wan Kenobi. But the princess had. Desperate for deliverance from those serving the dark side of the Force, Princess Leia looked to a legendary, battle tested, wise Jedi Knight who knew the good side of the Force. Obi Wan, she hoped, would help deliver her people from the oppressive tyranny of their enemies. Obi Wan indeed helped save the day. Stars Wars junkies and groupies celebrated wildly with Luke, Princess Leia, Han Solo, R2D2, C3PO, Chewbacca and the rest of the Rebellion forces. Light speed back to the future. Today in 2021 many people feel hopeless, helpless and powerless. Evil seems to be triumphing over good. Americans and people around the world are desperately searching to find hope in someone or something. I am sorry to say Obi Wan Kenobi is not available as our only hope in 2021! Obi Wan Kenobi is a fictional hero in a futuristic, fantasy story of good triumphing over evil. So where should you and I look for hope? You and I are being bombarded with scripted, orchestrated hype about the word hope. Hope peddlers have popped up on every corner of our lives. Carefully crafted, intentionally slanted, biased messages of pleas for hope and help inundate the media outlets. Almost everywhere you turn, someone is saying something about hope. Hope lobbyists lie in wait to capture unsuspecting, vulnerable victims. Hope in this charismatic personality, this or that politician or political party, this business plan, this philosophy, this religion, this bailout, this handout…whoever or whatever someone thinks you should hope in is passionately pandered and peddled to the public. Truth is, hope in any of the above is false hope. The false hope of the world can leave you feeling discouraged, depressed and despairing. Another truth: People can cope when they have hope. True hope. Hope that is indeed hope. Good news! You and I are not hopeless, helpless or powerless. Hopelessness does not have the last word. Through faith in Jesus Christ, you and I have hope, help and power. Evil does not have to carry the day. Good triumphs over evil. So, who should you and I look for to save the day? Where should we be putting our hope, turning to for help and receiving power to overcome life? During these desperate, difficult days, who or what is our only hope? Wading through the wasteland of false hope, I submit to you OUR ONLY HOPE is the person of Jesus Christ. Paul declares in Colossians 1:27 “To whom God willed to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Looking for hope? Paul nails hope for us. “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Glory, spending eternity in heaven with God is the goal of life. Jesus living in us with the promise of heaven is the only true hope in life. Glory has nothing to do whatsoever with financial prosperity, national security, political correctness, balanced budgets, ethnic equality, diversity, tolerance or anything else that depends on man to pull off meeting his needs. In our verse, the mystery Paul speaks of is no longer a mystery. The curtain has been pulled back. Jesus has been revealed, to both Jews and Gentiles, as the Messiah, the Savior of the world. He, and He alone, is our hope of salvation. (John 14:6, Acts 4:8-12, romans 6:23, John 1:12, Revelation 3:20). The Word of God declares that hope in Christ is a living hope (read I Peter 1:3-9), an eternal hope, and abiding hope, a hope that doesn’t fade away, and a hope that will never disappoint. I don’t know about you, but that is the hope I want in my life. Jesus is our only hope because hope is only found in Him. There is no hope in anyone else. The Force be with you, or God be with you? Are you hoping in some Obi Wan Kenobi, or in the risen Son of the Living God, the Lord Jesus Christ? Feeling hopeless? Please don’t. Instead, take heart. Be encouraged. Focus your faith on the hope you have in Jesus Christ. “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. In his great mercy, He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” I Peter 1:3 “And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” Romans 5:5 “Be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who hope in the Lord.” Psalm 31:24 A Word For Your Week: Place your hope in the One who is our only hope. Unanswered questions can be challenging and often troubling.
Why? What? When? Why now? How come? What is up with this? How long? What next? How can good come out of this situation? God, what are You doing about this? Questions. Questions. Questions. It is so human and natural for you and me, even as Christians, to seek answers to issues and situations that are beyond our control, incomprehensible and have upset life’s apple cart. The truth is, you and I do not like question marks! Sudden serious illness, premature death of a loved one, life-altering tragedies, broken relationships, severe financial reversals, unsolicited negative surprises, crippling setbacks and unexpected turns of events leave us scratching our heads, wondering what has happened and seeking God for answers we so desperately desire. The bad news is life is full of questions. The good news is God promises to help us navigate through our tumultuous sea of heart-breaking, gut-wrenching, mind-boggling, life-altering unanswered questions to find peace amid the emotional storm. As a pastor for over four decades, I have been called upon repeatedly by fellow believers who are in shock, hurting, suffering, wondering and asking the question “Why Pastor?” My initial response is to love them with the love of Christ and honestly respond “I don’t know.” I weep with those who weep, comfort those who need comforted and assure them that the Lord is with them though they do not understand what is happening. It is a bewildering, unsettling fact that there are some questions you and I have that will never be answered this side of heaven. No answer. That is hard for me because my inquiring mind wants to know. I want to “fix” things. It is frustrating to not be able to fix the “whys?” of life. Too often I have implored God to provide the answer that I think He should have to my question. Not knowing is perplexing at best, discouraging at worst. I have been asked by brothers and sisters in Christ if God will answer the questions we have had here when we get to heaven. My reply: I am not sure our questions about life here will be relevant in eternity. There will be no need for answers in glory because there will be no questions. Heaven is a death, accident, tragedy, illness, suffering, crying, grieving, pain and earth memory free zone! There are things you and I do not get to fix on earth. Over time, through much concerted and concentrated effort I have learned to “fix my eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2.} the author and finisher of our faith.” Faith in the Lord is the answer to the questions in my life. Biblical faith is believing God that He knows what He is doing and I can trust Him for His good, acceptable and perfect will to be done. It is not always easy, but it is imperative for you and me to trust God for what we do not understand. It is not a sin or wrong to ask God questions. You and I are not alone. Throughout the entire Bible men and women had questions. Some were answered, some were not. Search the Word. Study the accounts of people like you and me who resolved the dilemma of not knowing when they wanted to know by standing in unshakable, immovable faith. Jesus had a question as He hung dying on the Cross at Calvary. Suffering like you and I cannot possibly imagine, the Son of God cried out to heaven “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me.” (Matthew 27:46). Never throughout eternity had the Son questioned His Father. Jesus willfully and willingly came to earth to fulfill the Father’s will to be Savior of humanity. (Matthew 26:36-46). Forsaken. Rejected. Abandoned. Alone in His agony. Why Father? Imagine the pain the Father felt as He turned His back on His only Son because Jesus became sin for us. A holy God could not behold sin. Instead, sin was judged in the death of His sinless Son. That is how much God loves you and me. Jesus cried out “Why?” Heaven was eerily silent. No answer to Jesus’ desperate question. Jesus descended to hell for three days then rose triumphantly from the tomb in victory over sin, death and the grave! The world had a Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord! Jesus was separated from the Father for a brief time to secure salvation for you and me. His question was answered ultimately when He rose from the dead and ascended to heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father. Jesus trusted His question to the Father. If Jesus could trust the Father with a “why?” so can you and I with His help. Do you have unanswered questions? Seek the Lord when seeking answers to questions that seem to be unanswerable. The ultimate answer for all questions is to receive peace from the presence of Jesus. My friend, when a question troubles you, surrender your question. Release your faith. Let go of your questions to the One who loves you and does have the answers. Then receive peace from God that passes understanding, comfort through the Holy Spirit that soothes the questioning mind and encouragement and contentment from the Lord Jesus. Never allow a question mark to cause you to doubt your faith. “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed to us belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the works of the law.” Deuteronomy 29:29 “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do not lean on your own understanding; acknowledge Him in all of your ways (including questions, my insert) and He will make your path straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 A Word For Your Week: Trust God with your questions. As a believer in Christ, in an unbelieving world, do you ever feel outnumbered?
Of course you and I do. Honestly, we can easily feel surrounded and overwhelmed by enemies of our faith if we forget about the real world behind the world we live in. Pull back what I call the cosmic curtain and see what is really going on. There is a war taking place in heavenly places. Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6:12 that our “struggle (wrestling match) is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Lucifer, a beautiful angelic being, instigated the spiritual war a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Puffed up with pride, he rebelled against the Most High God (Isaiah 14:12-14). God booted the arrogant, unrepentant rebel and one third of the angels who sided with Lucifer out of heaven (Revelation 12:4). The Son of the Dawn became Satan, the prince of darkness. The spiritual war is on and goes on. The Devil and his demonic forces battle against God’s heavenly host of angelic warriors. The fight is for the souls of men. Here is the good news. Doing the math, God’s good guys outnumber the Devil’s bad guys two to one! Even greater news is this: Jesus crushed and destroyed the works of the devil. “The Son of God appeared for this very purpose, that He might destroy the works of the devil (I John 3:8). Hebrews 2:14 reads “that through death, He (Jesus Christ) might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is the devil.” And John reminds us “Greater is He (Jesus) who is in you, than he (Satan) who is in the world.” (I John 4:4) God’s side has won and wins! The devil has been defeated and will soon be chained in hell for eternity (Revelation 20:10). Being a sore loser, he still prowls around trying to pick off people who do not stand firm in faith in Jesus Christ. (I Peter 5:8-9). So, in these tumultuous, troublesome times of 2021, what should Christians do? Remember that cosmic curtain? God’s Word pulls the curtain back for us in II Kings 6:8-23 to encourage us in the spiritual warfare we are engaged in. Scenario. Elisha and his servant wake up one morning to find themselves surrounded by and vastly outnumbered the army of the King of Aram. In a state of personal panic, the servant runs to his master and asks “Alas, my master, what shall we do.” The calm, cool, collected, and confident prophet responds” Do not fear for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” (Verse 16). Elisha, are you kidding! Did you bump your head getting out of bed this morning? Look outside sir. Enemy soldiers are everywhere. Positioned and poised to attack. We are outnumbered, outmanned and outgunned. Looks like curtains to me. Elisha knew something his servant did not. After declaring his faith, Elisha prayed and asked the Lord to “OPEN HIS EYES THAT HE MAY SEE!” See what? What is really going on out there! The servant’s eyes were opened, and what a show! "The mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” WOW! God’s elite spiritual troops had amassed and surrounded the enemy. Aram was out-numbered, out-manned and out-gunned! The Lord was in position to take care of Elisha and his servant. Read the rest of the story to see what God did on Elisha’s behalf. Observations About the Chariots of Fire Scenario
If you are going through a tough time just now, and feel surrounded by the enemy, OPEN YOUR EYES! Do not fear when you feel outnumbered and overwhelmed. The truth is that in Jesus Christ we are never outnumbered. Two facts you and I need to acknowledge: first, the fight is on and will always be on. Secondly, we are not alone in the fight. The heavenly host surrounds us. Because of Calvary, the cavalry has arrived. God’s troops are at their post. The Lord and a whole heavenly host of good guys are on your side to help you overcome the bad guys. No matter what seemingly overwhelming situation you may be facing, the odds of overcoming and triumphing are with you, not against you. As God’s people, we outnumber, outman, and outgun the enemy every single time! Therefore, focus your faith. Open your spiritual eyes and see the spiritual warfare being waged. Know beyond the shadow of a doubt, THOSE WHO ARE WITH US ARE MORE THAN THOSE WHO ARE AGAINST US!!! Hallelujah! “If God be for us, who can be against us” Romans 8:31. Roll paraphrase: If God be for us, everybody else might as well be! A Word For Your Week: God’s good guys always outnumber Satan’s bad guys. What is something you really love about God? A character trait, truth or promise about Him that warms your heart every time you think about it?
For me, it is the eternal truth that God, my Heavenly Father, has a heart beating with lovingkindness for His sons and daughters. Just reading, hearing or saying the word “lovingkindness” stirs my spirit in a wonderful way. In light of living in a spiritually/morally lost world that knows little of love or kindness, God’s lovingkindness is refreshing, renewing and re-energizes me to do my best to witness to others about the lovingkindness of the Lord. Life can be very hard without God’s lovingkindness. The lovingkindness of the Lord takes the hard, harsh, hurtful edge off life. I know you know what I mean. We have all been there, done that and don’t want the T-shirt when life crashes in with harshness, heaviness, helplessness and hopelessness. A little lovingkindness goes a long way when life is difficult. According to the Bible, the nation of Israel had experienced a very difficult time during a season of captivity and slavery. Through the prophet Jeremiah, God spoke these comforting, hope-filled words to His people who were down-trodden, depressed and defeated. “The Lord appeared to him from afar saying, “I have loved you with an everlasting love, therefore, I have drawn you with lovingkindness”. Jeremiah 31:1 Imagine you are trudging down a dusty, sun-scorching, seemingly endless road from a brutal captivity. Brutally beaten up and beaten down, you can’t but help but wonder if there is a future and hope for you and your loved ones. Life looks grim at best. Then you hear these words that shine a glimmer of light on your darkness. Oh my, what a lift to your soul! God’s messenger communicates I, your Lord and God, have not lost sight of you, never forgotten you. From a long way off, even though you drifted far away from Me, I have loved you. I loved you, love you now and will always love you because My love is everlasting. Therefore, I have drawn, pulled you to Me. How? Through My lovingkindness toward you. God’s lovingkindness is a magnet that draws you and me to His heart. Many times, throughout my life, God has drawn Steve Roll with His lovingkindness. His everlasting, lovingkindness bridged His heart and mine. Words seem so hollow and shallow for me to try and explain how I feel about God’s unconditional, everlasting love for me. I don’t deserve His lovingkindness. I know that full well. But, thank God, He, not me, passes judgment on my life. The Father judged my sin and failure through the voluntary sacrifice of His only Son Jesus on the Cross. Jesus paid the debt, the wages of my sin. The ransom for me has been paid in full! I am redeemed by the holy, precious blood of the Lamb. Eternal life is my destiny through faith in Christ. How has this happened? Simply and gloriously, God’s lovingkindness for a sinner like me has saved my soul. Hallelujah! Every day I do my best with God’s help to walk by faith, confidently knowing His lovingkindness is foundational to His faithfulness. God will never cease to be loving or kind. You Can Experience The Lovingkindness Of The Lord
“But You oh Lord are a God who is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth.” Psalm 86:15 “How precious is Your lovingkindness oh Lord, and the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings.” Psalms 36:7 “The Lord’s lovingkindness indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23 A Word For Your Week: God’s lovingkindness is yours today through faith in Jesus Christ. |
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