A New Year is here. Now what? Is New Years just a time to celebrate the turning of the calendar by counting down the clock with a crystal ball in New York City, setting off breathtaking, fantastic fireworks, making personal resolutions, sipping some bubbly and kissing someone you love, or could it be a significant turning point in our life?
From Genesis to Revelation, and everything in between, God is about the business of making things new. The Apostle John, the receiver of the revelation of things to come, wrote by the Holy Spirit “And He who sits on the throne, said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” And He said, “Write, for these words are faithful and true.” Revelation 21:5 God is a God of new. New is normal for the Sovereign Lord of the universe. New is in His holy nature. God’s faithful, true word declares He does new things. Guess what? Our heavenly Father loves to do new for me and you!
At a significant juncture in my journey, I was deeply depressed, despairing of life, and uncertain about the future. The Lord lovingly overwhelmed a broken guy who was struggling to find his way back from a life setback. Oh, how I needed to hear that God was going to do something new! God, not Steve or anyone else would deliver me from the “former things,” the hurtful “things of the past” that I was dwelling on. “Behold” means to pay attention. Listen up. The Holy Spirit spoke to me: Steve, yesterday is history. The old is behind. The future is forward. Your Father in heaven is going to do something new. Note the word says, “WILL DO something new,” not might, or hope to do. What a promise from the Promise Keeper! With His help, I focused on something new, not something old. Today, not yesterday. Over time, my attitude and life changed. The Lord brought me back from my setback. I am a comeback kid in Christ who knows the power of God doing something new! Do you need something new in 2025? Are you tired of dwelling on yesterday? How is focusing on hurt, pain and heartache helping you to move forward? Do you really think the Lord wants you to drag negative baggage into your faith journey in the New Year? Time to close out 2024 and open the door of 2025 with some new luggage! Something New In You In The New Year I do not know what the something new in you should be in 2025. But you and God do. Here are a few suggestions that may apply to your life.
Resolutions, like gym memberships and diet plans, last about three weeks. Commitments to make significant changes in our life, with God’s help, can last a lifetime. Write down what your something new in the New Year is going to be. ____________ _____________________________________________________________________. Could it be there is someone in your life that would love to see you do something new for you in 2025? Someone who genuinely cares about you is pulling for you to do better in an area of your life and hoping you will do something about it. Why not surprise them with a new you in the New Year! You might live a better life than I do. But I know this about me, I need something new all the time! I really do. Just ask my wife…I am sure she has an idea or two for me in 2025! Robert Schuler has said “It takes guts to leave the ruts. A rut is a grave with the ends kicked out.” Doing the same old thing, the same old way is being stuck in a rut. Living in a rut is not God’s good, acceptable and perfect will for His followers.
Every day, not just New Year’s, is an opportunity to be and do something new in Christ. A NEW YOU IN THE NEW YEAR…. why not? Look to the Lord to do something new in you in the New Year. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” II Corinthians 5:17 A Word For Your Week: Something new in you in 2025. Christmas is a wonderful time of the year.
I am a Christian. I believe with all my heart that Christmas is about the birth of God’s Son Jesus Christ. Imagine with me for a moment you are one of the shepherds tending your sheep. Fairly normal, probably boring, sheep herding shift. Then, the night sky lights up with angelic messengers. declaring a wonderful, history and life-changing message for humanity. And the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:10-11
Personally, I really enjoy the traditions of the holiday festivities. Santa Claus. Brightly lit Christmas trees. Families sharing a festive meal. Goodies galore. Wide-eyed children (adults too!) excited to open presents. Neighborhood light tours. Inspirational church programs and pageants all warm my sentimental heart.
Fact: Ever since the birth of Jesus over two thousand years ago, Satan, the world and our surrounding culture has declared war on Christmas. Their target: Jesus Christ. Anti-Christian, secular minded, liberal thinkers boldly attempt to remove Christ from Christmas. You who keep up with culture know their tactics. Ban Nativity scenes from public. No Christmas carols banished from school holiday programs. “Happy Holidays” is the politically correct replacement for Merry Christmas. Even poinsettias have been removed from a courthouse because they are a religious symbol! Talk about “Bah, Humbug!”
I have a few thoughts worth thinking about regarding the futile attempt of arrogant, self-righteous, Christ rejecters who are on a mission they can never win.
Oh, unbelieving, secular man, wake up! Jesus came at Christmas, grew up, taught truth, personally suffered, was crucified on a cruel cross and rose from the dead with resurrection power to be your Savior. History is “His” Story. The redemption story began with a baby born in a manger that first Christmas. Two thousand years after the holy child’s birth, our lost, sad, sin-sick world still needs Jesus.
Fellow Christian, this Christmas stand up for what you believe. Never be intimidated by an unbelieving culture. Refuse to be shaken by the foolishness that abounds.
At Christmas, and everyday of the year, Jesus is still, and will always be, good news of a great joy! “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 A Word For Your Week: Jesus Christ is Christmas. “I am bored.” “My life is boring.” “I am bored to tears.”
Recently I have heard statements about being bored from a seventy-year-old retiree, a thirty-year-old Generation Z-er, an eleven-year-old fourth grader, and a forty-year-old wife and mother. BORING HAPPENS.
Lots of stuff to do…BUT WE HAVE MORE BOREDOM THAN EVER! Americans are a go, go, go ….do, do, do people that have no idea what to do when the go and do come to a screeching halt. I have a couple of thoughts about boredom. Boring is never invited. It just shows up. Who gets up in the morning, begins their day by declaring I cannot wait to be bored today? No one in their reasonably sound mind that I know. Boring is a genuine feeling that comes and goes. Boredom messes with our head and emotions. Stimulates all sorts of stinking thinking. Tempts us to be discouraged and depressed. Being bored is a royal pain in the hind end!
A shepherd knows each sheep by name. The sheep know the shepherd’s voice. Shepherds protect the sheep from predators who seek to destroy them. The shepherd is willing to lay his life down to save the sheep. In verse 10 John writes about Jesus: “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I (the Good Shepherd) have come that they might have life, and have it abundantly,” What does abundant life in Christ have to do with beating boring? Everything. When you and I walk by faith that the Good Shepherd Jesus laid His life down for us sheep so we could have an abundant life, boredom fades into the sunset! Boredom wants you and me to think we have no life. Nothing is happening. Where did the fun go? Jesus laid down His life on a cruel Cross and rose from the dead so that we could be saved. Salvation is all about joy! The joy of receiving Jesus’ joy that no one can steal from us (John 16:20). Listen up my friend. When I am wrestling with boring, I still have abundant life in Christ. His victory is my victory. His joy is my joy. His peace is my peace. How can abundant life in Christ be boring? Not possible. Abundant life in the Lord is sustaining, satisfying, gratifying, fulfilling and eternal. Just a thought. Boring won’t kill you! Make boredom work for you.
“Now we who are strong should bear the weaknesses of those without strength and not just please ourselves.” Romans 15:1 “Serve the Lord with gladness, come before Him with joyful singing.” Psalm 100:2 A Word For Your Week: Beat boredom with abundant life in Christ! Two people. Similar life circumstances. One is joyful, happy. The other sad and depressed.
The difference? Attitude. One chooses joy. The other does not.
Sadly, in our society, joyless people are the rule while joyful people are the exception. A genuinely joyful person sticks out in the crowd like a happy sore thumb (can a sore thumb be happy?). Not sure about that one! Lack of joy puts many people in their grave long before they are pronounced dead! Know anyone like this? I have seen far too many joyless people in my lifetime. Oh, how our world needs joy! How can you and I be joyful in a joyless world? In his book “Laugh Again,” author Charles Swindoll writes: “I have discovered that a joyful countenance has nothing to do with one’s age or one’s occupation (or lack of it) or one’s geography or education or marital status or good looks or circumstances. Joy is a choice. It is a matter of attitude that stems from one’s confidence in God—that He is at work, that He is in full control, that He is in the midst of what ever has happened, is happening, and will happen. Either we fix our minds on that and determine to laugh again, or we wail and whine our way through life, complaining that we never got a fair shake. Laughing one’s way through life depends on nothing external. Regardless of how severely the winds of adversity may blow, we set our sails toward joy.”
Three life-altering observations about the attitude of joy and rejoicing that I am learning from Paul in Philippians. First, JOY is not based on CIRCUMSTANCES. If circumstances are responsible for joy, then Paul should have been horribly depressed! He was chained to a Roman guard, under house arrest, awaiting execution. Few if any of Paul’s daily circumstances shouted joy. Read II Corinthians 11:22-33 and see what Paul’s life was like. Paul rose above his difficult situation by rejoicing in the Lord. His joy was internal, not external. Rejoicing flowed from the inside (his heart), not from the outside (his situation.).
The one and only object of a Christian’s joy is Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus came and gave His life so that His joy would be made full in all who believe in Him (John 17:13). Nothing can steal His joy from our heart without our permission.
When was the last time you looked in the mirror and your eyes danced with joy? You had a joyful bounce in your step? Others noticed a joyful spirit in you?
2. Choose joy in every circumstance. 3. Refuse to allow anyone or anything to steal your joy. 4. Rejoice in the Lord! ALWAYS! No matter which way the winds of life are blowing, set your sail for JOY! “The joy of the Lord is our strength” Nehemiah 8:10 “These things I have spoken to you, that My (Jesus Christ) joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.” John 15:11 A Word For Your Week: Today and everyday choose Jesus Christ and His joy. If you have ever been lost, you know how good it felt to be found!
When I was 12 years old, Grandpa Wunderle took me deer hunting. He was a stow-away immigrant from Germany, had a deep guttural voice, distinct German accent and enjoyed eating cold sardines out of a can (smelled disgusting!). He was quite a character, called me Stevie, and wanted to show me how to hunt. O-dark thirty (before sunrise) found us in the woods. Grandpa showed me all his hunting gear, demonstrating how it worked. He handed me a whistle.” Stevie, your job is to blow this whistle, which will drive the deer to where I am so I can shoot them.” I am sure I thought that was not very fair to Mr. Deer. Throughout the day, I blew and blew that whistle with all my might. Over and over again. Unknowingly, I wandered off and drifted away from where Grandpa told me to stay. It got dark at the end of the day. Really, really dark-dark! I had no idea where Grandpa was. Forest noises haunted me. My young mind imagined all kinds of creepy things that were coming to get me. I was lost. Very frightened. No idea where I was or how to find Grandpa. I blew that whistle for all I was worth! After what seemed an eternity, low and behold, in the distance I saw a lantern and the shadow of a big, burly man coming my way. It was Grandpa! I ran as fast as my terrified feet could fly, hugged and held on to him for a long time. STEVIE WAS FOUND! NO LONGER LOST! My friends, I do not like being lost. Not in the woods. Not on the highway. Not in an unfamiliar city. Not anywhere. My wife says my sense of direction is so pitiful I could get lost in the car on our driveway. There is more truth to that than fiction!
A young man asked his father for his inheritance. Dad is still alive, so what is up with that junior? The father gave his second son the money. Immediately, the misguided, greedy boy left home and went far away where he partied to sow his wild oats. Spent his entire inheritance on wine, women and song. When false friends spent all his money, he ended up feeding pigs in a pig pen! The hogs were eating better than him! Friendless. Financially broke. Emotionally destitute. Lamenting his situation, verse seventeen records a monumental, destiny changing phrase “when he came to his senses.” When he woke up to his dire circumstances he turned toward home. He would not return as a son but as a servant. Trudging up the road, dirty, filthy, smelling like a pig (not a kosher thing for a Jewish boy!) he saw his father coming to meet him. Before he would complete his repentance speech, his dad, full of compassion, ran to his smelly son and embraced him! The wayward son confessed his sins. Father’s response was utterly amazing. He told his attendants to “quickly” do the following things,
Every time I read this story, my eyes well up with tears of joy and spiritual chills course through me.
John Newton was a slave trader. He came to faith in Christ and wrote the most iconic, popular Christian hymn of all time Amazing Grace. Newton wrote “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost and now I am found, was blind but now I see. Newton’s personal testimony: once lost, but found. Blind but seeing with the eye of faith. Like John Newton, I, Steve Roll, once was lost. But now I am found. I was blind. But now I see. October 6, 1972 changed my life for eternity when this lost boy turned to the Savior and Jesus welcomed me home to His heart with the promise of eternal life in heaven! GLORY TO GOD!!!
“For the Son of Man has come to seek and save that which was lost.” Luke 19: A Word For Your Week: Jesus specializes in finding and saving lost souls. |
February 2025
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