January 9, 1973. I enlisted in the United States Navy.
I spent four years as a Hospital Corpsman, caring for the medical needs of sailors and Marines during the Viet Nam war. - First stop of my all expenses paid journey with Uncle Sam: boot camp. The Naval Training Center was in San Diego, California. Upon arrival, I and other fresh recruits were unceremoniously welcomed by a meaner-than-a- snake, screaming at the top of his lungs drill sergeant, calling us things I cannot repeat here! Civilian clothes were quickly confiscated. 1960-70’s style mustaches, beards, long hair and anything else that looked hippy-ish was shaved off. Bald as a billiard ball and in shock, I and my new GI buddies looked like aliens from a galaxy far, far away! Then, accompanied by more yelling about our mothers, each of us were assigned guard duty. Our names were put on a watch list for two hour shifts in the middle of the night on a watchtower. Intimidated to the max by our new “mother” I and my shocked wanna-be-sailors wondered what in the world are we going to guard? San Diego of course. Boot camp for sure. Really? Me, with a fake rifle, was going to hold off an enemy invasion? Who in the world would want to conquer boot camp anyway? I remember thinking as I walked around watching for the enemy from my watchtower post, struggling to stay awake, “What is the purpose of this exercise? Military. Guard duty. Watchtowers. Being on watch is vital to security. New recruits like me ts could very well be in a warzone soon. Vietnam was still a raging, dangerous battle zone. Right up front we learned the importance of being watchmen on watch towers. Watching. Observing. Guarding. Warning the troops if the enemy was preparing to attack. A soldier on guard duty is protecting himself, fellow soldiers, his country and his loved ones from enemies. Guard duty, being on watch, is not just about the individual soldier. It is about standing guard against evil that seeks to destroy everything the soldier on guard duty holds dear. In the service, if a soldier slept on guard duty, he could face the death penalty. Staying awake on watch to keep fellow soldiers safe was not taken lightly. Biblically, Christians are watchmen on watch towers, on guard duty, looking out for themselves and the people they love. So, what are Christians watching for, guarding? Peter helps us out. He writes in I Peter 5:8-9 “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert (guard duty). Your adversary the devil prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world.” Note Peter says to be” firm in your faith.” Faith in Christ is always under assault. Believers in Jesus are to be on constant, vigilant alert from attacks of the devil who is a murderous, lying thief who steals, kills and destroys. Satan is the chief foe of our faith. His strategy is to convince Christians to stop believing in Jesus and to keep non-Christians from coming to Christ. Observations from I Peter 5:8-9
When you and I became a Christian we enlisted in the Lord’s army (II Timothy 2:1-4). Jesus is our Commander in Chief. You signed for as a watchman in God’s Kingdom. Are you alert spiritually? Obeying God’s orders? On guard duty? Watching and warning? Whatever it takes, never drop your spiritual guard. Remain awake and alert at your faith post. Be a spiritual watchman on the watch tower for yourself, your loved ones, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ and people you would like to lead to a saving knowledge of Jesus. Watch. Warn. Win in the name of Jesus! “Now as for you, son of man, I have appointed you as a watchman for the house of Israel; so you will hear a message from My mouth, and give them warning from Me.” Ezekiel 33:7 “The Lord is faithful and He will keep you, strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” II Thessalonians 3:3 A Word For Your Week: Watch for God who watches over you and your loved ones. Get ready.
A familiar phrase you and I use when preparing for life events. Ready means being prepared for what is going to happen. Readiness is an important, indispensable key to success in life. People who are ready for life reap its richest rewards. People who are not ready, well, you get the picture. Matthew 26:36-56 records Jesus and His disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane, a pivotal point in Christ’s life and ministry. Read and meditate on this sacred passage of scripture. I will list key phrases of the Lord and make comments. “The He said to them “My soul is deeply grieved to the point of death; remain here and watch with Me.” (Verse 38) “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will.” (Verse39). “And He cane to the disciples and found them sleeping, and said “So you could not watch with Me for one hour?” (Verse 40). “Keep watching and praying, that you may not enter into temptation, for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” (Verse 41). “Then He came to the disciples and said to them “Are you still sleeping and taking your rest?” Behold, the hour is at hand and the Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners. (Verse 45). “Arise let us be going, the one who betrays me is at hand.” (Verse 46). I read this passage with deep, inexpressible emotions in my heart for Jesus and the disciples. When the Lord needed the support, love, prayers and watchfulness the most, His followers went to sleep. Asleep at their most important post. Jesus agonized about His coming death. Deeply grieved He sweat drops of blood. Three times He asked the Father if the cup of suffering could pass. Three times the Son of God surrendered His will to the Father’s will. Three times He sought the support of His closest followers who were nodding off when they should have been lifting their Master up to the Father. The words “Are you still sleeping and taking your rest?” and “So could you not watch with Me for one hour?” haunt my soul. I call you My friends. I loved, cared for, ministered, taught and endured You for three whole years. I am all alone. Need your support. You cannot stand watch with Me for one single hour? Sixty minutes as I prepare to be crucified on the Cross? That phrase rips my heart. Jesus said let us get up and get going boys (my paraphrase). Jesus left the Garden of Gethsemane prepared, ready for the Cross. The disciples left the Garden unprepared, not ready for the Cross and what would follow. As Jesus walked toward the Cross, the disciples walked away from it. Peter cut off a guy’s ear. The disciples fled and hid out when Jesus was crucified. Christ’s closest followers feared for their lives. Only John the beloved showed up at the Cross. When the hour came for Jesus to be taken away and nailed to a cruel Roman Cross, the disciples were nowhere to be found. What if they had watched and prayed? Just asking. Rest was more important to them then readiness. Initially they failed because their faith was not ready. Sleepy faith. Read the book of Acts to see what they learned about watching, praying and putting their faith in the Lord. With the power of the resurrected Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit, they turned their world upside down! Christian Readiness
As Christ’s followers, let us watch and pray for we know from experience our spirit is wiling but our flesh is weak. I pray you and I will not let the Lord down by spiritually sleeping when we should be awake, alert, watching and praying. May the Lord not find you and me sleeping when we should be watching and praying for His glorious return! “Awake sleeper, arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Ephesians 4:14 A Word For Your Week: Faith must be ready for what lies ahead. Growing up as a child and teenager I did not understand boundaries.
Why can’t I do that? What is wrong with playing in the street? Why is taking a piece of candy from the store without paying for it wrong? Why can’t I stay out late like other kids do? What is the big deal about not experimenting with illegal substances? Why can’t I do with my body what I want? What is wrong about sex outside of marriage? My argument: How come I cannot do what I want when I want for whatever reason I want? The reason: God and the people who care about me love me. From cover to cover, God’s Word, the Bible, is a book of boundaries. A good example of boundaries is found in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17) “Thou shall” and “Thou shall not” are divine fences. The Lord’s boundaries are based on His unconditional love for us. He loves us period! Which means He watches over the ones He loves. When God erects a boundary, He is saying “I love you.” Boundaries in the Bible are a blessing, not a curse A benefit, not a detriment. The Bible’s boundaries are do’s and don’ts, holy fences erected by God to protect His people. There are more do’s than do nots. Do’s and do nots are good for you and me. Do the do’s and you are blessed. Do not do the do nots and you are blessed. Stay within boundaries, safe. Cross boundaries, unsafe. Looks like a win/win proposition to me! The Apostle John writes in I John 5:3 “For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments, and His commandments (boundaries) are not burdensome.” God’s commandments are given, not to weigh us down, but to lift us up. Never to burden us. Always to bless us. Not to imprison or enslave us, but to set us free from our carnal desires and ungodly behavior. Our flesh rebels against boundaries, especially God’s. Why? Because we want to be and do what we think we should be and get to do. As sinful creatures (Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:6-12) we want to be our own God. You and I want to call the shots, be in charge, run the show. Almighty God is in charge and His boundaries are immovable. Our culture labors purposely and tirelessly to move or remove boundaries that God has set for our good. Moral boundaries, purity boundaries, decency boundaries, relationship boundaries, lawful boundaries and wise, common-sense rules for a peaceful society are being torn down in the name of human enlightenment. Boundary crashers, breakers and busters who disrespect their Creator and Redeemer are walking in spiritual darkness, not light. Boundary breakers. Boundary crashers. Boundary busters. Oh my, I see them far too often in my crisis counseling ministry. Sadly, I hear words laced with tearful regret “If only I had not crossed the line.” People sabotage relationships by crossing boundaries. When men and women set personal standards and boundaries for themselves and break them, they become conflicted, confused, and overcome with shame and guilt. It a hard road to hoe when we know we have let ourselves (and others) down. Relationally, broken boundaries sever the bonds of trust and security. Crossed lines, particularly moral ones, are extremely difficult to restore. Some people are insecure and co-dependent on others. They know better but they keep moving the fences to accommodate another person’s poor behavior. Then they are surprised when the people who say they love them jump the fences again and again. A word to the wise: when you set a boundary, do not move it. What good is a fence if it keeps moving? The good news: God loves us so much that He sent His sinless Son Jesus to redeem us from our sinful natures. There is no boundary when it comes to Jesus’ love for you and me! How You Can Be A Boundary Keeper
“And Jesus answered and said to them “Why do you (Pharisees) yourselves transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?” Matthew 15:3 A Word For Your Week: Thank God for boundaries that bless your life. In one of their wildly popular, chart-topping songs, the 70’s rock group Chicago posed a question. “Does anybody know what time it is? Does anybody really care?” This former rock and roll fan can hear those thought-provoking words in my head right now.
Do you and I know what time it is? More importantly, do we really care? How do you feel about time? What is time all about? What are you and I to do with the time we have? Phrases like “Pass the time,” “I wish I had more time,” “Where did the time go?” “How much time is left?” are all too familiar to us. As Christians, you and I need to know what time it is and we need to care. The Bible has a lot to say about time. Search the Word for yourself and discover what God thinks about time and timing. You will find a treasure trove of scripture regarding time. One scripture about how to use our time is found in Ephesians 5:15-17. “Therefore, be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise; redeem (making the most of) your time because the days are evil. So then do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is.” Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, wrote these words to help you and me manage our time God’s way. Three wise guidelines stand out to help us use our time wisely.
Paul, who formerly was Saul, persecuted Christians prior to his conversion to Christ. The apostle of grace redeemed, bought back, reclaimed lost time. How? By forsaking his past, exalting the Lord, preaching the Good News and making disciples for Jesus. My friend, time is short in the scheme of God’s redemptive plan. Make the most of your time. Do not waste it. Make time work for you, not against you. Redeeming Time
If you have wasted time and need to redeem it, release your wasteful season(s) and resolve to make the most of the time God gives you from now on. Let go, that’s right, let go of time that could have been better spent. Because “our times are in His hands” (Psalm 31:15) you and I should make the most of our time. Without question these evil days will continue. Therefore, do not be foolish. Walk carefully in God’s wisdom. Make the most of your time. Seek to understand and carry out the Lord’s will. Count your days and make your days count! “So teach us to number our days that we may present to You a heart of wisdom. “Psalm 90:12 A Word For Your Week: Redeem the time while there is still time. There are times when you and I cannot understand why we cannot do what we want to do.
If you are at all like me, I would prefer to know ahead of time everything that was going to happen, why it was going to happen, how it was going to happen and when it was going to happen. The last time I checked life does not work that way. Life is full of blank spaces. Blank spaces are gaps. They stare us down, driving us a bit crazy when we struggle on our own to fill them in. Blank spaces can cause us to bite our fingernails, pull our hair out, make impulsive decisions, kick the cat and do stupid things we may regret. Blank spaces like who am I going to marry? What job or career should I choose? College education…yes or no? Where is my new church home? Desires and plans to become a family. Doctor’s report when ill. When and how should I retire? Win the lottery (more like wishful thinking!). In Matthew 24 Jesus teaches on the topics of signs of Christ’s return, perilous times, the glorious return, the parable of the fig tree and be ready for His coming. If you have not read this chapter lately, do so and see how our times line up with many of the things Jesus said. In verses 35-36 the Lord declared “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away. But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son but the Father alone.” Big picture. All of us who believe in and love the Lord want to know when prophecy is fulfilled resulting in the second coming of Jesus and the establishment of a new heaven and new earth. I heard some amens! Guess what? FATHER GOD WILL FILL IN THAT BLANK! I would like to help Him out. My blank space fill-in would be how about now Father? Send Jesus back! I am ready. I want to see my Lord and Savior face to face. Another round of amens! Truth is His glorious return is not my call. Jesus is waiting at the right hand of the Father to receive the signal to go get my kids Son! Common Factors Of Blank Spaces
A blank space, a gap in God’s will can be a good thing. God knows what He is doing. He alone knows the beginning from the end and the end from the beginning. God’s gaps are good gaps. They force you and me to seek and trust Him. Staring at? Struggling with a blank space right now? Why not release it to God and let Him fill it in? Take the pressure off yourself. He can and will handle the gap better than you. Application: Here are some current blank spaces in my life. 1._______________________________ 2._______________________________ 3._______________________________ 4. ______________________________ Blank spaces become filled spaces when we look to the Lord to fill them. I trust you Lord for filling these blank spaces in Your way, Your time, for Your purpose, Your glory and my good. Through the power of the Holy Spirit fill me with faith and patience (lots of patience!) to wait and not worry about blank spaces. “The mind of a man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” Proverbs 16:9 “I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you.” Psalm 32:8 “The end of a mater is better than its beginning; patience of spirit is better than haughtiness of spirit.” Ecclesiastes 7:8 A Word For The Week: Wait on God with patient faith to fill in the blanks. |
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