Who likes to be deceived? No one that I know……but sadly, many today are deceived.
According to Webster, deceive means to ensnare, to be false, to cheat, to cause to accept as true and valid that which is false and invalid. Synonyms: mislead, delude, beguile, misguide, misinform, defraud, trick, hoodwink and underhandness for the purpose of leading astray. Wow! Sound familiar? Webster hits the nail on the proverbial head. Deception is all of the above. Deception has been around as long as the Garden of Eden. Our first parents, Adam and Eve, were duped by the serpent (devil) and bought into his deception. Result: unceremoniously booted out of Paradise. Adam and Eve lost it all because they listened to a deceiver! In II Timothy 4:3-4, Paul, who is facing imminent death (verse 5), instructs his ministry protégé Timothy to be faithful to fulfill his ministry like Paul has (verses 1-2, 5-8). He warns about false teachers, deceivers, who will not teach sound doctrine. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.” The elder tells the younger that you will preach the Word of truth, but there are those who will deceive people to believe falsehood and lies instead. Note he said people with “itching ears” (KJV) will ditch sound doctrine, abandoning truth for myths. Why? Because they want teachers (deceivers) to tickle their itching ears, to tell them what they want to hear. Sound familiar? Guess what? There is no shortage of deceivers (dupers) who will sign up for that job, then and now. Deceivers and deceived people will always be with us. Misguided, non-thinking, gullible people flock to the deceiver’s den. The “time” Paul is speaking of is here and now. 2020. The spirit of deception is well entrenched in our nation. Throughout religion, politics, education, business, media and relationships there is a deceiver standing on every corner of society, positioned and poised to dupe the next vulnerable victim. Deceived people deceive people. Deceivers are manipulators. They want you and me to believe what they want you to believe, and behave the way they want you to behave. Deception is not about you. It is about the deceiver. In our nation, deceivers abound, whose purpose is keep or draw people from truth. You, me and our families must be on guard against deceivers. We must be vigilant to not be duped by whatever form of political/cultural correctness is out there. Discerning And Dealing With Deception
Don’t be so blind that you don’t see the deception surrounding you and your loved ones. Be wise. Don’t be duped by deceivers. Instead receive, believe and live your life according to the Word of God. The Lord will never dupe anybody. “And Jesus began to say to them, “See to it that no one misleads (deceives) you.” Mark 13:5 “Let no man in any way deceive you…..” II Thessalonians 2:3a “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore, be shrewd (wise) as serpents, and innocent (harmless) as doves. ” Matthew 10:16 “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.” Galatians 6:9 A Word For Your Week: To not be duped by deceivers, stay close to Jesus. During the 1970’s, the Jesus movement swept across America. Multitudes of people came to a saving knowledge of Christ. I was one of them. On October 6, 1972 I received Jesus Christ into my heart as my Lord and Savior.
Bumper stickers were a big deal in the 70’s. If you remember that, I know how old you are! Some people plastered their bumpers, trunks and rear windows with myriads of stickers. I am pretty sure some old rust bucket, beater cars were held together by duct tape and the stickers! As a young believer in Christ, I remember a bumper sticker that declared “KEEP THE FAITH”. Today, 2020, when many are struggling with faith in God, maybe Christians should plaster “KEEP THE FAITH” stickers on their bumpers. Sadly, in our day, some folks are jumping ship on the Lord, while others are silently caving into unbelief. Alarmingly, misguided people, who have been deceived by the devil, are outright denying their faith. Faith is essential to salvation. Salvation is about faith in Jesus Christ. Without faith, belief in God’s Son who died on the Cross and rose again from the dead to provide forgiveness for our sins, you, me and every human can’t be saved. The Good News is “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. Paul writes in Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, but that no one should boast.“ Initial faith in Christ saves us. Continuing, unwavering faith, keeps us. Faith that falters is faith that fails. Let’s discuss for a moment unwavering, constant, steady, unfluctuating, non-vacillating faith that God rewards. Imagine you are one hundred years old. Your wife is ninety. God sends you a news bulletin: Abraham and Sarah, you are going to have a son. You will not adopt one. Sarah will get pregnant by you old man and deliver one. How ridiculous, right? Not exactly. Study carefully Romans 4: The stunned seniors hoped against hope. Faith fueled their hope. For over twenty, at times very long years, they waited, wholeheartedly believing God’s promise to them. Yes, they questioned the Lord, scratched their heads a few times, even laughed at the prospect that they would have to set up a nursery! You and I would have done the same. KEEP THE FAITH looks like this. It is recorded that Abraham believed God. He and Sarah hoped against hope. Abraham did not waver in unbelief. He did not become weak in faith. He gave glory to God, for through faith, unwavering faith, he was assured that the Lord would perform what He had promised. In the Hall of Fame of faith, it is recorded about Abraham that when God called him, by faith, Abraham went out not knowing where he was going. (Hebrews 11:8). When his faith was severely tested, Abraham did not waver in unbelief, as he offered up Isaac, his only begotten son of promise to the Lord on Mt. Moriah. (Hebrews 11:17). Throughout his life, Abraham believed God. No doubt in my mind Abraham and Sarah would be worthy of a “KEEP THE FAITH” bumper sticker for their camels. Abraham’s faith was deeply, securely, profoundly rooted and grounded in God and His promise. It was not faith in faith, nor faith in some creed or religious rule or ritual. Abraham’s faith was simple, unwavering faith in Almighty God, his heavenly Father, who is faithful to keep His Word. Ways To Keep Unwavering Faith
My fellow Christian, never compromise or apologize for your faith. No concession or apology tours concerning your belief. Believe in God’s promises whether anybody else does or not. When unbelievers and weak Christians challenge your faith, adamantly refuse to cave in, capitulate, or retract what you believe. Truth, righteousness and love does not retreat in the face of opposition. On the contrary, “KEEP THE FAITH”. Be bold about your belief because Jesus was bold for you on the Cross. How will lost souls hear about Jesus Christ and turn to Him if His professed followers waver in their faith? Who and what do you believe in? Why do you believe what you believe? If you believe in God, why do you keep believing in Him and His promises? Maybe it is time for you and me to do a faith check-up. Maybe our belief needs a tune up, hopefully not an overhaul. Keep on keeping on with your faith. Those “KEEP THE FAITH” bumper stickers may not be such a bad idea after all. “Therefore, do not throw away your confidence in your faith, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised.’ Hebrews 10:35-36 “And because lawlessness is increasing, most people’s love will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” Matthew 24:12-23 A Word For Your Week: Keep the faith because God keeps His promises. Hope.
Hope helps you and me cope with life. No hope…no cope! A “perfect storm” of life-upsetting, life-altering negative circumstances has produced a spirit of hopelessness that is discouraging, disheartening and depressing millions of Americans. A deadly pandemic. Social distancing and lockdown. Business shutdown. Potential economic collapse. Frightening civil unrest. Deception. Distortion. Discord. Division. Distrust. Our society is seemingly coming unraveled at the seams. Any wonder many are struggling with hope? As I survey my surroundings and personal situation, I like most, am being challenged to make sure my hope is not misplaced. Let’s be honest. Real honest. Gut level honest. Speaking as a Christian, If our hope is in the world system that rejects God, in people, who the Bible tells us that all of us, including you and me, have sinned and fallen short of His glory (Romans 3:23), in manmade, fallible institutions, fluctuating financial markets, godless government, agenda driven news organizations, narcissistic celebrities, what is “trending” on social media, political parties, military might, popular pastors, the religious church or anything else that falls short of putting our hope in God is false hope, ultimately leading to despair. I have good news smack dab in the middle of bad news. HOPE IN GOD IS HOPE THAT WILL NEVER FAIL. In God’s Word, the Bible, the Hebrews writer exhorts/encourages his fellow Christians, who were being persecuted for their faith and suffering loss in many areas of their life, to encourage one another by confessing their unwavering hope in the Lord. “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds.” Hebrews 10:23-24 Please note the following. 1. Christ’s followers are to “hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering.” To hold fast means to hold on to. To firmly grasp. Not letting go of our grip. Holding fast is a tenacious unwillingness to surrender what is being held on to. Hope is to be confessed. I question if unconfessed hope is really hope. Speak your hope and faith with your mouth. Acknowledge, give witness to your hope in the Lord by your words and behavior. Hope without wavering. Make you choice and keep your choice. No fluctuating or vacillating. No tottering or weaving. No back and forth. No hopefulness one day, hopelessness the next.
2. A believer’s hope is based on God who is a faithful promise keeper. Unwavering, unshakable, immovable hope is rooted and ground in a loving God who is our hope. The God of the Bible promises to meet every need of His followers. He is not a promise breaker as many people are. God keeps His Word. Period. It is not in God’s character to lie. What our Creator and Redeemer promises He performs. Hope for now and eternity is guaranteed because our Lord Jesus keeps His Word.
3. Hopeful Christians are “to stimulate (encourage) each other to love and good deeds”. Unwavering hope is contagious! If you are feeling hopeless in any way, surround yourself with a bunch of fired-up, hope-filled, hopeful brothers and sisters who do not vacillate concerning hope in Christ. Catch what they have! Right now, in your circle of relationships, inside and outside of the church, there are people struggling with hope. Be their cheerleader! Remind them of God’s promises. Man has messed everything up. Jesus is the Savior and is coming back soon! Don’t keep your “unwavering hope” to yourself.
Is your hope in the God of the Bible? Is your hope in Him and His promises? Is your hope unwavering? Not wishy-washy, but unshakable, immovable, steadfast, firmly planted in the soil of God’s precious promises? Is your confession of hope confidently, courageously consistent? Bottom line. 2020. Yes, 2020! Are you holding fast to the confession of your hope? And are you encouraging fellow Christians with the lope you have in the Lord? Now is the time. Today is the day. Every day is the day to confess our unwavering hope in God! “Christ in you, which is the hope the glory.” Colossians 1:27. “And hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” Romans 5:5 “Surely my soul remembers and is bowed down within me. This I recall to my mind; therefore, I have hope. The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning, great is Thy faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:20-23 A Word For Your Week: Keep your hope and faith solidly focused on God’s promises. Society is obsessed with success.
So, what is true success? How would you define success for your life? I have been asked that question many times during my ministry. As a Christian who has walked with the Lord for nearly fifty years, I have concluded that the world’s idea of success and God’s are very different. Being a “seasoned citizen” in our culture, and hopefully, an ever-maturing follower of Jesus Christ, reflecting upon the life I have lived, brings me to the place where “success” for me is not about pedigree, position, power, fame, fortune, influence or any temporal, material thing. Success that lasts into eternity has to do with my relationship with God. Success for me is fulfilling God’s will for my life. I believe Jesus Christ is the single, most significant example of someone fulfilling God’s will for their life. This is what the Bible and Jesus says about His life purpose. Then I said, Behold, I have come (in the roll of the book written of Me) to do Thy will, O God. Thy Law is written within my heart.” Psalm 40:7-8 “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10 “Teach me to do Thy will, for Thou are my God; let Thy good spirit lead me on level ground.” Psalm 143:10“ “I glorified Thee on the earth having accomplished, fulfilled the work which Thou has given me to do. “John 17:4. “And He went a little beyond them and fell on his face praying “My Father if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me: yet not as I will, but as Thou will.” Matthew 26:39 Take a sacred peek with me into the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46). Jesus had traveled to Jerusalem on purpose. He knew a cruel Cross would be waiting for Him. Agonizing for hours, sweating drops of blood because of the burden of sin He would bear, wrestling with His humanity to do His will or God’s, imagine the moments (three times) the Lord declared “Not My will, but Your will be done.” His human flesh hoped it might be possible to not have to drink the cup of suffering. But in His spirit, He knew He came to fulfill the Father’s will and sacrifice Himself for you and me. Having settled it to go to the Cross, Jesus gathered up His sleepy followers, was arrested, falsely accused, tortured twice, then nailed on a rough piece of wood. Close to breathing His last earthly breath, Jesus asked the Father to forgive His tormenters and all of us because all of us have sinned. “IT IS FINISHED.” The Son of God breathed His last breath. What was finished, accomplished, fulfilled in that dark hour on Golgotha? SALVATION. The Father’s will for mankind was salvation from sin, death and eternal damnation. Jesus death on the Cross and resurrection from the dead purchased salvation. He did the will of the Father when it cost Him everything. Thank you, Jesus, for your willingness to do Your Father’s will so I could be saved! From the day of His birth, to the ascension to heaven, God’s only Son’s goal was to fulfill His Father’s will. As you journey through the Gospels with Him, it is so evident, that Jesus’ life was not about Him. It was about the Father’s will being carried out through Him. Jesus’ life, ministry, death on the Cross, glorious resurrection and promise to return for His children was/is His success. Suggestions Why God’s Will Is The Way to Success.
I have settled it for me. I do not want to be a fool! With all my heart, I desire to understand God’s will for my life and with His help fulfill it. How about you? You don’t want to be foolish, do you? Do you know what God’s will is for your life? In general and specifically? If you know what His will is, are you diligently seeking to fulfill, accomplish it? If necessary, what adjustments do you need to make regarding your view of success in light of success is fulfilling God’s will for your life? May His will be done in your life every day. “Not by the way of eyeservice, as men pleasers, but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart.” Ephesians 6:6 A Word For Your Week: Doing God’s will is success indeed. Everyone has expectations.
Especially now as we navigate our way through the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping across our world and nation. You and I are still affected in numerous ways by this virus and at a significant junction in our life journey where we are pondering what might be next. There are those who fear the worst is to come. Doom and gloomers are a dime a dozen. Others are cautiously optimistic about the future. Many, maybe most, are unsure where to put their expectation because much is still unknown. To expect means to hope, to anticipate, and to look forward to. I believe God put an expector in each one of us. Hoping and looking forward to certain things, especially good things, happening in our lives is very natural. Healthy expectation is critical to moving forward in life. A spirit of positive expectation fires up our souls. Hope and anticipation of good things and better days stimulates walking by faith and believing God for the best. But when our hopes and expectations are not realized, we feel let down, disappointed and discouraged. A major cause of burnout, depression and suicide is based on unfulfilled expectations. Often expectations are not fulfilled because our expector is expecting something from a source that is not always reliable. Many of us invest our hopes (expectations) in people. People are wonderful, but they can be very fickle! Investing our hopes, dreams, and expectations in people can be disheartening when their expectations don’t meet ours. Psalm 62 is an excellent word of encouragement to us regarding expectations. The Psalmist clearly and confidently confesses that His expectation is from God. His hope was in the Lord. “My soul waits in silence for God only, for my expectation (hope) is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be shaken.” Psalm 62:5-6 David avoided the tempting trap of putting his hope in people or himself by pinning his hope on God. Therefore, David detoured disappointment by focusing his faith in God and His expectations for his life. David says some significant things about expectation. 1. He waited on God to meet his expectations. Note that his soul was silent. Quiet. Meditative. Contemplative. And anticipatory. Why? Because “my hope is from Him.” God put hope in David’s heart. The Lord was the source of David’s expectations. · David’s expectation was that God Himself would always meet his expectations. 2. God was David’s rock and salvation. Expectations built on a rock will not be moved. David’s life was stable and secure because God was His foundation. The Psalmist had enough spiritual sense to look with faith to His Savior for His hope and expectations. · Jesus Christ is the bedrock for Christian believers to build their hopes and expectations on. 3. David’s life was not shaken. From time to time, our expectations and hopes will be tested. Shaking comes to reveal what cannot be shaken. Hope that is placed in God is hope that will stand. Misplaced hope will fall. · You and I will not be shaken when our expectation is founded upon the unshakable God of the Bible. 4. God’s expectations were David’s expectations. When we spend time with the Lord, and trust in Him, our expectation is from God. His hopes and dreams for us become our hopes and dreams. What He expects of us is what we expect of us. My expectations must be His expectations for my life. What God hopes for me is what my hope should be. · Life is fulfilling and enjoyable when we expect what He expects. Recently I slipped away to a place I go to often to pray and wait on the Lord. As I was seeking the Lord regarding the challenging situation me, my family and others are facing at this time, the Holy Spirit spoke to my spirit “Steve, focus today and every day after on the good, awesome things God is going to do coming out of this pandemic. “ Every day since, I have confidently, positively and joyfully confessed my expectation of God’s goodness now and in the future. This perspective has warmed my heart, motivating and encouraging me to expect God to turn this present evil into good on behalf of all those who love Him. I believe you and I get what we expect. What are you expecting God to do in your life today? What is your expector expecting? Set aside some quiet time to reflect on what you expect. What are you expecting to happen? Where is your hope based? Who are you expecting it to come from? “Know that wisdom is thus for your soul; if you find it, then there will be a future, and your hope (expectation) will not be cut off.” Proverbs 24:14 “Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.” Psalm 62:8 A Word For Your Week: Line up your life with God’s expectations for you. |
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