Authority simply means that someone is in charge. I need not tell you that lawful authority and law enforcement is under attack across America. Rebellious, disrespectful, disobedient, antagonistic, anti-authority thugs and violent criminals are attempting to dismantle our laws and give law enforcement a bad name. Lawlessness is a sign of the last days (see II Timothy 3:1-5). Law defying, law breaking elements have orchestrated events to discredit lawful authority. The liberal, anti-law and order media is drinking the poisonous Kool-Aid that police officers are evil and out to hurt the public. As a patriotic American who loves his country, I am offended by such ignorance and insolence. What is happening alarms, concerns, frustrates, enrages and grieves me. I have been, am and will always be a law-abiding citizen who respects, honors and supports lawful authority. I have relatives and friends who serve as police officers. I have been with them on “ride alongs” in the middle of the dark of night when most of you are sleeping. The dedicated officers protect the good guys while going after the bad guys. I must admit the little boy in this aging elder man gets a spine-tingling thrill when the light bar flashes and the siren blares as the police cruiser shifts into light speed in pursuit of evildoers. I have had a bird’s eye view of what really happens on the street. Law enforcement is an extremely dangerous and often thankless job. Every single day when law enforcement officers put on their badge and uniform to “protect and serve”, they face danger that you and I don’t. I challenge critics and detractors to put on the uniform for just one day and then see how they feel. I heartily and proudly applaud every good police officer who puts their life on the line so you and I can live in a safe, orderly society. Unfortunately, you and I know what our misguided culture is saying about lawful authority and law enforcement. So, what does the Bible, God’s Word have to say? What position should a professing Christian take regarding lawful authority? Romans 13:2-4 states “Therefore he who resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath upon the one who practices evil.” Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Paul writes five things about lawful authority. 1. Authority is from God. 2. Authorities are ministers of God for good. 3. Those who resist authority oppose the ordinance of God (not a good thing to do). 4. Good guys have no reason to fear authority. 5. Bad guys have every reason to fear authority. Could it be that some people fear cops because they are doing something wrong? In no uncertain terms, Paul says authorities are avengers of God to those who bring trouble upon themselves by practicing evil. Please note lawful rulers and law enforcement are God’s ministers and God’s avengers. Take that Marvel superheroes! They only bring about the harvest that evil people sow. Reaping what criminals sow is called correction, punishment. Police officers aren’t evil enemies. They are God’s ministers for good. The rule of law and its enforcement is critical to order and survival of a republic like the United States. Anarchy and every evil sin reign when there is no lawful authority. I have an idea. Why not take a personal stand against the tide of anti-authority and anti-law enforcement by standing tall with the over one million men and women in blue? How To Show Support For Law Enforcement Officers
When a police officer pulls you over, be respectful. Courteous. Cooperative. Comply with and obey his/her instructions. Make it easy for the officer to do their job. Don’t call the officer names, curse at him/her, threaten their personal safety in any way, or pull out your phone to record what you think is an injustice. If you did something wrong, admit it, own it, take responsibility for it, and don’t hassle the officer who is doing what you would do if you were in his/her boots. Thank the officer for looking out for your safety. As a fellow professing Christian, I remind and encourage you to believe and stand on God’s Word regarding authority. Almighty God backs, supports and blesses those who observe and obey authority toward Him, our marriages, our families, our friends and our society. Stand shoulder to shoulder with lawful authority. Speak up. Speak out. Silence is not golden here. Don’t be deceived and duped by the anti-authority peddling media darlings and anarchists who are hell-bent on vilifying, crucifying and marginalizing police officers. This all out, demonically inspired, evil, human assault on lawful authority will only result in cultural chaos, disorder, division, insurrection, anarchy and the destruction of the rule of law in America. May that never be. Almighty God watch over those You have appointed to watch over us. In Jesus name. Amen! A Word For Your Week: Pro-law enforcement is the proper position for professing, biblical Christians. Lawlessness and disorder are savagely ravaging America.
As a proud citizen and military veteran of the country I respect, love, I am heartsick and upset over those, who by their arrogant, disdainful, despicable, disgraceful defiance of law and order, are suppressing and seeking to take away my Constitutional right and freedom to live in a lawful and orderly society. It’s a fact of history: Nations fall from within when there is no law and order. Lawlessness creates disorder, fosters disunity, and fuels destruction, devastating the decency and peace of a nation. A country and culture collapses when confusion reigns. Let me ask you a serious question: do you want to raise your children and grandchildren in a lawful or lawless country? A safe and secure, orderly society or an unsafe, insecure disorderly one? Part of your and my legacy for our families is to leave them a lawful, orderly nation. God is a God of order, never disorder or confusion. I Corinthians 14:33 declares “For God is not a God of confusion (“not the author of” KJV) but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.” Seven things we should consider from scripture regarding law, lawful authority and order.
Order breeds order. Disorder breeds disorder. No law. No order. No culture. No future. Remove lawfulness, and lawlessness runs rampant, unchecked, indiscriminately destroying everything in its path and blaming someone else for the lawbreakers misbehavior. Rest assured, those who blindly, contemptuously ride the winds of attempting to abolish law and law enforcement will reap a whirlwind of wickedness that they will regret, and of course, whine about! Standing Up For Law And Order
Are you committed to law and order? Will you stand heart to heart and should to shoulder with other law-loving, law-abiding, law-supporting citizens to stem the evil tide of lawlessness and disorder plaguing our nation at this time? When push comes to shove, will you support the rule of law and law enforcement? A Word For Your Week: Law and order is God’s plan and will for His people. Frightening civil unrest, unbridled chaos, brazen lawlessness and disorder, malicious violence, senseless destruction and hateful, spiteful divisiveness is disrupting peace in our culture.
Lately I have found myself extremely ticked off, torched ,incensed, infuriated and madder than a hornet concerning what many misguided, anti-American people are doing in an orchestrated attempt to destroy the United States of America as me, you and many country loving patriots of our republic have known it. I have been upset before in my life. You probably have too. This angst I am experiencing has risen to a level that I am concerned about. Why? Because it is trying to steal my peace. I don’t like the me who can get so upset. An edgy, irritable, short-fused, hard heart is not my desire. Backlash and payback are not the name of the game for me. Indeed, there is justification for what the Bible calls righteous indignation and anger. God Himself has been angry more than once with humankind. God loves us. Christ’s cross proves it. But there are things that God hates and gets His holy dander up. I am certain the Almighty is not very pleased with some in our society who are rebelling with malicious intent against everything holy, sacred, moral, authoritative, historical, reasonable, wise and plain old common sense. While in my hide-away place of prayer last week, the Holy Spirit (after I informed God how teed off I was!) quietly said to me in my heart “Guard your peace” Steve. In that serene revelation moment, I reminded myself that my Lord and Savor Jesus paid the ultimate price for my peace. As the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ is my peace. It is important to my spiritual, emotional, mental, physical and relational health that I never take the Lord’s peace lightly and that I guard the peace I have graciously received from Him. Peace in our hearts, sprits and minds is vital to a Christlike, God-honoring, healthy, prosperous, successful, blessed and satisfying life. Peace disrupters don’t give a rip about Steve Roll’s peace. But, as a Christian, I do. As He prepared to go to the Cross, Jesus said to His faithful followers “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” John 14:27. Note: Jesus’s peace would be their peace; therefore, they did not need to be afraid or troubled in their heart. The world’s peace is false. Christ’s peace is true peace. Writing from a dark, damp, depressive jail cell, awaiting the executioner’s sword, Paul wrote in Philippians 4:7-8 “The peace of God which passes all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Finally brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of a good report, , if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.” Amazingly Paul experienced joy in jail. Thirteen times the word joy or rejoice is referenced in the book of Philippians. Paul’s joy was based on Jesus’ presence and peace in his mind and heart. How could Paul, facing death, be peaceful and joyful? He guarded (the word means fortress) his heart and mind. He built a spiritual/emotional fortress/wall around his thoughts and emotions. Paul set a watch over his life to protect the peace of God which came from the “God of peace” (verse 9). He also instructed and encouraged believers what to think on. Note the list of “think on these things” is totally opposite of what is happening in our streets, newscasts, political pontifications and combative “conversations”. If we focused our thoughts on “these things” our day would be much more peaceful! Guarding our peace does not mean that, as Christ’s followers, we compromise truth, we cower or cave into evil pressure, click our life on silent mode, or stick our heads in societal sand. Not at all. May it never be. Godly, peace-filled folks who know Jesus Christ are the ones the spiritually lost, ungodly, evil, confused, misled people in our culture need to hear from. How will people who do not have the peace of God in their heart receive it unless God’s peace-filled people share the Good News with them? When given opportunity, pray it up, stand up, speak up to share Jesus Christ from a peaceful heart. Pointers Worth Pondering for Guarding Your Peace
Rest assured that Satan, the world system, ungodly people and even immature, professing Christians will attack you and me, seeking to disrupt and steal our peace. If you and I don’t guard our peace, nobody else will. Guarding my peace is my responsibility. So, Steve Roll is doing his best to guard his peace. My friend, keep your peace guard up! “Finally, brethren, farewell. Be complete, be of good comfort; be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.” II Corinthians 13:11 A Word For Your Week: You are the guardian of your peace. Americans are trying desperately to figure out what matters in life.
Depending on who you talk to, you will discover a myriad of differing, divergent, often divisive opinions concerning what matters. As the obvious order of the day, “what matters” is an emotionally loaded, volatile watchword turning our society inside out and upside down. People in our diverse society tend to think that what they think matters surely matters to everyone else. Maybe, maybe not. As people draw what matters battle lines through talking points, debate, dialogue, conversation, protest, marching or posting emotionally charged opinions openly on social media, one thing is clear: very little is clear! The vast majority of folks consumed with what matters, no matter how it is defined, are missing the mark about WHAT MATTERS MOST. To maintain my serenity and sanity while surveying the what matters landscape, I have concluded and committed myself to not be confused about what matters most. Honestly, I am deeply troubled and disheartened in my spirit because many have been misled and are misleading others about what matters. As I have personally struggled with my emotional responses to what is happening across America, the land that I love, the Lord has graciously and lovingly reminded me to focus my faith, thinking,, emotions, priorities, behavior and relationships on what I know what matters most. The Bible is crystal clear concerning what matters most. What matters most for time and eternity is salvation. My, your and every human’s problem is sin. Jesus, God’s only Son, came to earth to save us from sin. Salvation means wholeness, being saved from sin, to a holy, healthy relationship with God. The following scriptures, all spoken by Jesus, make it clear why He came and what He taught matters most in life.
In Matthew 7:13-14 Jesus is saying we can have all the world offers yet lose what God’s Kingdom offers. God’s Son came to earth to save our souls, not our pocketbooks, racial heritage, political affiliation, our business enterprises, religious rituals, our personal opinions, preferences and pleasures, or even our relationships with others. Salvation matters most. The Cross Jesus died on at Calvary matters most. The empty tomb that Jesus rose from the dead from matters most. Forgiveness of our sins and the free gift of eternal life matters most. What matters most is that when men and women are saved, their hearts change. Sin is our problem. The Savior who became sin for us and paid the price for our salvation is the solution for all our human problems. When you and I receive Jesus into our hearts, we become new persons in Christ (II Corinthians 5:17) . Changed hearts make a difference in how we live our life and conduct our relationships. When individuals are saved, society changes. Love for one another with the love of Jesus Christ replaces the arrogance, prejudice and hatred that plagues an unsaved, evil soul. Bottom line: Man’s causes, movements, and revolutions are temporal. They simply don’t last. The cause of Christ matters most because it is eternal. The Kingdom of God lasts forever. Seriously think about this for a moment. In the light of eternity, how much does what you and I think is so important that we might miss heaven because we rejected God’s Son Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? Eternal loss is loss indeed! My friend, how about you? Do you know what matters most? Are you personally experiencing what matters for time and eternity? Do you have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ? Paul, saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9) wrote in Romans 10: 9-10 “That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation” Have you confessed with your mouth and believed in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord and God raised Him from the dead so you can be saved from sin, death and the grave? If not, settle for once and all what matters most. You can receive Christ right now, right where you are at. Simply, sincerely humble your heart. Bow your head. Ask God to forgive your sin. Receive Jesus into your heart by faith. Choose today to live your life for Christ. Then, thank Jesus for saving your soul, because that is what matters most! “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name.” John 1:12 A Word For Your Week: Live your life according to what matters most. |
February 2025
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