A woman boarded a bus. Every seat was filled. She was tired and carrying several packages. Noticing her plight, a man stood and graciously offered his seat. She sat down and promptly fainted. After she was revived, she looked at the man who had given up his seat and said, “Thank you sir” whereupon he promptly fainted. “Thank you” is so rare today. You may feel like fainting when someone says “thank you” to you, but God will never faint when you give thanks to Him. The Thanksgiving holiday 2020 is upon us. I need not tell you that 2020 has been and continues to be a very challenging season in our lives. Because of the ups and downs of 2020, it is vital to focus our faith and be thankful to the One who is worthy of our praise and gratitude. David wrote in Psalm 92:1-2 “It is good to give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to Thy name, O Most High; to declare Thy loving-kindness in the morning, and Thy faithfulness by night. Psalm 92:1-2 The Psalmist declares that it is GOOD to give thanks to the Lord. Gratitude to God is a good thing! When we arise in the morning praise for His loving-kindness should be on our lips. Retiring at night, our last conscious act before slipping off to sleep should be to thank Him for His faithfulness. Indeed it is good to give thanks to the Lord. Someone said “He who forgets the language of gratitude can never be on speaking terms with happiness.” Excellent thought. Thankful people are secure, happy people. A thankful heart is a healthy heart. A grateful mind is a great mind. Gratitude is a sign of a life lived well. Gratitude is the memory of the heart. I believe that if a person isn’t thankful for what he’s got he isn’t likely to be thankful for what he is going to get. Gratitude is an attitude that we cultivate daily. I have discovered that gratitude is a great antidote for anxiety, despair, depression, discontent, jealousy, envy and a grumbling spirit. When tempted to be ungrateful, be grateful, and see what happens in your heart! Reflect on these benefits of a thankful heart. · Thankfulness guards against a complaining spirit · Thankfulness insulates us from bitterness · Thankfulness opens up opportunities for creative ideas to flow · Thankfulness inspires and encourages those around us · Thankfulness pleases God and silences Satan I agree with David that it is good to give thanks to the Lord. Why not set aside some undistracted time to get alone with the Lord? Praise Him from a grateful heart for the following things this Thanksgiving. Ø If your sins are forgiven and you have the free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ…GIVE THANKS! Ø If you have a committed, caring, faithful husband or wife… GIVE THANKS! Ø If you have a happy, healthy, family and home life…GIVE THANKS! Ø If you attend a good Christian church which serves as a spiritual home for you and your family…GIVE THANKS! Ø If you walk in health and wholeness and do not suffer from sickness or illness …GIVE THANKS! Ø If you have been spared tragedy and calamity by God’s protecting hand…GIVE THANKS! Ø If you have a good job that you enjoy where you feel you make a difference…GIVE THANKS! Ø If you have a roof over your head, clothes on your back, and food in your belly….GIVE THANKS! Ø If you have people who love you, believe in you, support you and encourage you...GIVE THANKS! Ø If you have a future and hope in God and believe that you can do all things through Jesus Christ who is your strength… then GIVE THANKS! Remember to say thank you to the Lord, especially when you are under stress or pressure. Giving thanks to God in the middle of a crisis calms our spirit, brings peace to our heart and restores our perspective that the Lord is with me, for me and working on my behalf. How about you? Are you going to experience a thankful Thanksgiving? Psalm 107:1-2. “Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His loving-kindness is everlasting. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so…” A Word For Your Week The more you are thankful to God for what you have, the more you will have to thank God for. Currently millions of Americans are shaken over important issues in our nation.
Many are wondering where our country is heading. Some are shaken a little bit, some a lot and some are shaking in their emotional boots! Breaking News bulletins can shake things up in a hurry. Covid-19. Controversial Presidential election. Troubling worldwide events. Catastrophic natural disasters. Shameful, divisive, hateful political theater. Heartbreaking tragedies. Economic ups and downs. Moral implosion. Injustices. Prejudices. Civil disorder. All the above and more shake, shake, and shake our personal and corporate security to the core if we are not watchful and careful. Significant shaking can cause you and me to feel dumfounded, dismayed, disappointed, disillusioned, doubtful, and if not careful, downright depressed. I do not like any of these “d’s” do you? So what should Christians do when a whole lot of shaking is going on? I encourage you to read Hebrews in 12:25-29 where we are reminded that God’s Kingdom is unshakeable. “And this expression, “Yet once more” denotes the removing of those things which can be shaken, as of created things, in order that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.” Hebrews 12:27 Created things that are shakable will be shaken “yet once more” so that unshakeable things will remain. I believe the writer is encouraging us to focus our faith on what is unshakeable and lasting, not on what can and will be shaken and lost. Three thoughts stand out to me about not being shaken. First, shaking is part of life. Shaking happens. I do not think I need to elaborate much here. All of us, at some time or another, and most likely more than once, have felt shaken by something that has happened. The fact is shaking (besides earthquakes!) is a by-product of living in this world that chooses to reject God. Secondly, there are some things that will be shaken and will not survive. Human opinion. Material possessions. Worldly stuff. Everything man made. Temporal things. None of these things will pass the shaking test. Shakeable things do not stand the test of time. Thirdly, and most importantly, there are things that are unshakeable. Shake proof things exist in life. When shaking comes, they are unshakeable and remain. Allow me to remind you of three unshakeable things you and I can build our life upon.
It is a fact of real life that you and I will experience some shaking. But when tempted to be shaken, will we remain unshakeable? Not everyone is shaken up by the same thing. Things shake up people in different ways. I believe that we should be sensitive and seek to understand what might be shaking someone up. Just because it is not shaking us up does not mean the trial is not very real to the other person. I know what has the potential to shake Steve Roll up. You do not need to know what those things are, but I do. I must identify, then isolate and not be intimidated or negatively influenced by the shaking going on. I would like to report that I am 100% successful in standing unshakeable. But then I would be less than human and certainly not honest. My personal resolve and goal is to be unshakeable in the things that cannot be shaken. I have realized that it takes some good old-fashioned grit, guts and complete surrender to and dependence on God to stand tall and firm when life is tumbling down around me. Being unshakeable in spirit does not mean that Satan will not try to shake us up. The devil is a disrupter, a confusion artist, an antagonist. Satan is a master of stirring things up. He thrives on disorder. The evil one is a conniving, lying, deceiving enemy who is bent on shaking up the security and stability of God’s people. Satan’s strategy is to shake us up and shake us down for the purpose of destroying our faith in Jesus Christ. The devil’s goal is to keep spiritually lost people from coming to faith in Christ and to discourage those who have faith in the Lord. Unshakeableness (is that a word?) is not for sissies! The longer shaking goes on, the more you and I need to dig in our spiritual heels, pull up our spiritual bootstraps and stand fast in our faith. Spiritual and emotional wimps do not live unshakable lives. Are you unshakeable, unflappable, immovable in Christ? Does your faith withstand the shaking that is going on? Take some quiet time before the Lord to take inventory of your ability to withstand shaking. My fellow Christian, this is not the time to cower in discouragement. No matter how much the world around you is shaking, choose to wake up every day with unshakeable faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Your trust in God will shake up what is trying to shake you up. “My soul waits in silence for God only, for my hope is from Him. He only is my rock, and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be shaken.” Psalm 62:5-6 “Now we request of you brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our gathering together with Him, that you may not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come.” II Thessalonians 2:1-2 A Word For Your Week: Shake off what is trying to shake you and your faith. 2020. A year of uncertainty.
Uncertainty is a watchword for this hour in which you and I live. Every where we turn, people are talking about uncertainty. Families, individuals, businesses, governments, churches, non-profit organizations are uncertain about the near and far future. Covid-19 virus, illness, loss of loved ones, a divided nation, anarchy, riots and looting in our cities, open assault on Constitutional liberties, hateful attacks on Christianity, unrestrained, degrading immorality, economic decline, financial hardship and terrorist threats…all spell uncertainty and insecurity for many people. To be certain means to be settled, fixed, sure, assured, proven to be true, incapable of failing. Uncertainty is just the opposite. Uncertainty can be unnerving at best, frightening at worst. Uncertainty breeds fear. Fear feeds uncertainty. Certainty breeds faith. Faith feeds certainty. The Apostle Paul in the Bible lived and ministered the Good News of Jesus Christ in times much like ours. Uncertainty abounded. But he was certain about one thing. In II Timothy 1:12, Paul personally declared “For this reason I also suffer these things, but I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day.” During seasons of suffering, Paul was not ashamed. Why? Because he was certain about his relationship with Jesus Christ. Paul was convinced that God would guard everything that he had entrusted to the Lord when he became a Christian. Paul walked by faith as a convinced, confident, conquering Christian in a culture that opposed the gospel because he was certain the Lord would watch over him. His certainty kept him secure in his faith, causing him to rise triumphantly over uncertainty. Ten Things Christians Can Be Certain Of In Uncertain Times.
Matthew 28:20, Hebrews 13:5-6
James 1:5, 3:17-18
Considering the above, I encourage you to trust in the One you know can be trusted. Focus on what you know, not what you do not know. Be certain about what you are certain about. Reject the world’s bad news. Receive the Word’s Good News. Spend time with people who love the Lord and build up your faith. God always has and always will take care of His business. As a believer in Christ you are His business. You can be certain, as a son or daughter of God, that your Heavenly Father will take care of you in these uncertain times. You can be certain in uncertain times when you trust God to meet your every need through faith in His Son Jesus Christ. How certain is your faith in Christ in the waning months of 2020? Are you unashamed of Jesus Christ and trusting Him for every area of your life? “My soul waits in silence for God only; from Him is my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation. My stronghold, I shall not be greatly shaken.” Psalm 62:1- “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth should change, and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains quake at its swelling pride.” Psalm 46:1-3 A Word For Your Week: Certainty is found in Jesus Christ. Election day is finally here.
I heard a collective sigh of relief from my readers! The 24/7, incessant, annoying, unnerving, frenzied build-up to this pivotal day has evoked emotions running the gamut from excitement, anticipation and hopefulness, to anxiety, stress, worry and even fear in some. A therapist labeled this time as one of Election Stress Disorder (ESD). Most of us would way amen to that! Today dutiful voters are exercising their freedom and privilege to cast their vote for the candidate of their choice. After all the votes are cast and counted, then what? The election will be over, or will it? That remains to be seen. One thing is for sure: Life will go on in America. The truth is elections come and go. Presidents enter and leave the Oval office. Political parties rise and fall. Stock Markets are bullish and bearish. Viruses come and go. Social movements fade after their day in the sun. The world will be the world. People of every conceivable persuasion and agenda will continue to be people. The truth is people bring us the most joy as well as sorrow in life. I am a people too that you have to deal with! So, is everything going to be okay? I believe it will. Why am I optimistic about the future? My optimism is not about personalities, power people, what’s trending in social media, government, politics, economics, social issues, military might or anything man and this world can do. I believe It’s gonna be alright because of WHO GOD IS. God is the sovereign Creator of the universe. He sits on the throne of His Kingdom in heaven. He is all-knowing, all-powerful and everywhere present. He is a good, benevolent, heavenly Father who extends lovingkindness, mercy and grace to the people He created in His image. From beginning to end, God knows what He is doing. His plan for man is being carried out. I believe it’s gonna be alright because of WHAT GOD HAS DONE. God so loved you, me, and the world that He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to save us from sin. Jesus, not any man, is the Savior. His life blood was shed on the Cross. Redemption is finished. The tomb is empty! Jesus is risen from the dead, has returned to heaven, is praying for us as He joyfully awaits the Father’s word to go get my kids. Believers in Jesus will leave this lost, sad, sin-sick world to spend eternity rejoicing in the presence of the Lord because he is King of Kings and Lord of Lords! I believe it’s gonna be alright because of WHAT GOD IS GOING TO DO. His will, written in the Bible, is going to be fulfilled. He will righteously judge all of us. He will justly deal with evil, wicked people who reject Him. He will vindicate the vulnerable, innocent, righteous people who have loved Him and obeyed His Word. At the right time, He will send His only Son Jesus back to earth to retrieve His blood-bought children. Followers of Christ will go to heaven to enjoy the presence of the Father in their eternal home. All who reject Christ, along with Satan, will be cast into the lake of fire forever. It is gonna be alright because God is in control and taking care of business for you and me! Isaiah 41:10 is a personally reassuring, faith building, confidence boosting scripture for times like this. “Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely, I will help you. Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” Note two “do nots”. Do not fear, do not be anxious. Why? Because six times, count them, God refers to Himself and what He will do for us. Surely, means certainty, it will happen. God will be with us, be for us, will help us, will strengthen us, and uphold us with His righteous, right hand. Last time I checked Almighty God has a mighty big hand! He has you and me covered. No man or institution can do for you and me what only God can do. It helps me to know that God helps me. It strengthens to know God strengthens me. It encourages me and boosts my confidence to know that God has me covered. I do not need to be fearful or worried because God is with me, for me, and always working on my behalf. He knows what I do not know, sees what I do not see, and does for me what I or anyone else cannot do for me. In addition to the above, the Word of God declares that the Lord is my rock, fortress, shelter, stronghold, security, deliverer, rescuer, provider, protector, source, healer, comforter, guide, truth, wisdom and friend I just want to shout GLORY! Long, long ago, probably in a galaxy far, far away, there was an election in heaven. God voted for me. Satan voted against me. I cast my vote with God, and we won! Glory to God for eternal salvation through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. On this national election day, have you cast your spiritual vote for the Lord? If not, this is the acceptable day of salvation. Humble your heart. Acknowledge Jesus as Lord. Repent of your sins. Ask for forgiveness. Sincerely receive Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Savior. Commit yourself to live for Him the rest of your life. Thank God for saving you! When you know Jesus, you will know without a doubt that everything will be alright! “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9 A Word For Your Week: Because of Jesus Christ, It’s gonna be alright! |
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