In our current culture there is a trending, popular phrase people use.
When you ask someone to do something for you many will reply “no worries”. In other words, don’t worry. I got you covered. I will take care of you. No worries. Thoughtful, nice gesture, especially when accompanied with a smile! The truth is people of the world like “no worries” because worldly folks have every reason to worry. My dear grandmother Eplin who resides in heaven, used to call people who worry “worry warts!” As a youngster with a vivid imagination, when grandma would use that term, I imagined people with disgusting, yukky, puss-filled worry warts popping up all over their body! Kind of a gross thought for a kid. An insightful person said worry is like a rocking chair. Lots of motion, but you do not get anywhere.
No worries for Jesus because His Father in heaven had everything under control. My friends, worry is not our friend. Faith in Jesus Christ is the remedy for worry. He has us covered and will always meet our every need! So, why worry when Jesus says not to?
It is another day. Now what?
“So teach us to number our days so that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12
The words day and today are used hundreds of times in the Bible. Our Creator took six days to make creation, ONE DAY AT A TIME. Scripture makes it plain that TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION. God provided heavenly bread for His people Israel ONE DAY AT A TIME. In Matthew 6:25-34 (read the whole passage) Jesus said the birds do not have food panties or storehouses. They are fed ONE DAY AT A TIME. In the Lord’s prayer (Matthew 6:9-13 Jesus told us to pray for “OUR DAILY BREAD.”
Our verse emphasizes making our day count by having a heart of wisdom. I like the idea of presenting my heart as a wise heart to God. Truth be old: I need God’s wisdom every day. How about you? The day we are living in is the day to serve the Lord with all our heart, walk in His wisdom and tell others about His love. How To Make Your Days Count
Today is the day to rejoice in God’s goodness. Today is the day for us who know Him to look for Jesus to split the eastern sky and come back to take us home to heaven. What a glorious day that will be!!!!!!! When you and I look back on the history of our lives, the many days and years we lived, will we be satisfied that we counted our days, one at a time, and made them count? I hope I will.
“But encourage one another day after day as long as it is still called TODAY, unless any of you be hardened by the deceitful of sin.” Hebrews 3:15 A Word For Your Week: Make the most of today because today matters. As I look over the American cultural landscape, there is an ominous, darkening cloud of disorder descending upon our country.
Any nation state that does not respect, support and uphold law and order is a country doomed to self-destruction. Disorder sets the stage for demise from within. Willful defiance, disobedience, and disruption of law and order is a recipe for national implosion.
Our Sovereign Creator, who is purposeful and orderly, laid out His plan for our life in His holy word. God’s good, acceptable, and perfect will and plan is good because He is good! The plans the Lord has for us (Jeremiah 29:11-13) are intended to bless us in every area of life. When you and I line up our lives with the order we find in Scripture, life is awesome and fulfilling, now and for eternity. James 3:13-18 has something especially important to say to us about wisdom and order. “Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good behavior his good deeds in the gentleness of wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, do not be arrogant and so lie against the truth. This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, and demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering without hypocrisy. And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.” Read these verses a few times. Let the truth sink in. Simply put: Disorder and every evil thing springs from bitter, jealous, arrogant hearts filled with selfish ambition. Disorderly behavior is based on lies against the truth. James calls this behavior earthly, natural (of man) and demonic. Certainly not wise. In contrast, a lifestyle based on truth from above (God’s wisdom) produces righteous fruit… purity, peacefulness, gentleness, reasonableness, mercy, steadfastness and is not hypocritical. Life will be one of order. That is the kind of life I want to live. If you and I want to be wise and full of understanding, ask for wisdom (see James 1:5). God will grant it. Then walk in it by displaying good behavior which I believe is orderly, not disorderly. It is a no brainer folks. If each of us would order our lives according to God’s order, our personal, family, friendships, business, ministry and national life would be blessed and prosper! There is no question that Americans must seek “wisdom from above” if we are to survive as a republic founded on Judeo/Christian principles. Bottom line: Is our nation going to be a nation of law and order or unlawfulness and disorder? “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Psalms 33:12 A Word For Your Week: Order your life according to the order outlined in God’s Word. It is election day in America.
Our citizens head to the polls to cast votes for their preferred candidates to lead our nation. Voters are hopeful their choice will prevail and bring stability, security, prosperity and peace to our nation. Breaking News alerts will soon announce who won what. Here is a Breaking News ALERT you will not find on any news/media outlets: OUR GOD REIGNS! God is not Republican or Democrat. He is INDEPENDENT! GOD REIGNS!!! No matter who resides in the White House, God sits on His throne in heaven! “God reigns over the nations, God sits on His holy throne.” Psalm 47:8 Almighty God rules over the affairs of men and nations. He oversees His Kingdom and universe. He cast His vote for you, me and all of humanity when He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die on a Cross to save us from our sins. Praise God for this eternal truth! You and I would agree these are perilous and challenging days. Bible believing, compassionate Christians everywhere are appropriately concerned about worldwide health pandemics and the hellish evil the devil has unmercifully unleashed upon nations, including the United States of America.
Fueled by fear, the worldwide war on terror and racial/ethnic tensions have exploded into a fiery fury of panic that is paralyzing and petrifying people on every continent. News alert after alert has to do with what evil men are doing to fellow human beings. The news is not good. People across the globe wonder if man will soon annihilate himself in a World War III scenario that is looming on the horizon of the human experience. As virulent viruses multiply, rockets are flying and people are dying, is there any hope? Is there anywhere to turn for help in this time of trouble? Yes, there is. But it is not in the direction of the bad news of the news media. Ø You and I find help and encouragement in discouraging times from the Good News found in the Word of God. With unmistakable clarity and an uplifting word of assurance, our scripture declares: GOD REIGNS AND HE IS AT HOME ON HIS HOLY THRONE! According to Webster reign means “to possess or exercise sovereign power, to be predominant or prevalent, to rule.” The subject of our word reigns is God. The Almighty One is the One who possesses and exercises sovereign power that no man or nation can overrule. No earthly clan of man, political party or any contingent of demons from hell can cross God’s border to ransack His Kingdom or kidnap His children. He is holy. His throne is holy. Nothing unholy can unseat His holiness. In times of terror and crisis, it is all too easy to think that man rules. Especially when evil men cross nation’s borders and slaughter innocent people. It happened in the Old Testament more than once. In Judges 6-8 the Midianites crossed Israel’s borders, devastated the people’s land and seemed to be in charge. They did not have the last word. God raised up Gideon as his deliverer. The evil Midianites were destroyed. Three hundred chosen warriors under “the valiant warrior’s” leadership slew 120,000 Midianites! Gideon gave God the glory for the miraculous victory over the menacing Midianites.
Take heart Christian in these troubling times. Man does not rule over the affairs of men. God who made man does. He has a redemptive plan that is right on schedule. I have read the Book from cover to cover. As the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end (Revelation 21:6), God has the first and last word. That means He reigns! The people who acknowledge His Lordship will reign with Him forever! If your heart is tempted to grow faint these last days, stir up your faith in the God who reigns.
Ø And most importantly of all JESUS CHRIST is KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS! (Revelation 19:11-16). Look again at what Paul says every human being will do one day. “Therefore, God also highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those who are in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:9-11 Men’s knees will bow, not to men, but to Jesus Christ!
Pray for our lost, hurting, deceived world. Pray for protection of the innocent. Pray for wisdom for our world’s leaders. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6). Remember that Jesus said all these things would happen (Matthew 24:1-14) before He returns for the church. Ø Thank you Heavenly Father that you rule and reign over our affairs! “The Lord will reign forever, Thy God, O Zion, to all generations. Praise the Lord!” Psalm 146:10 “The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice! Let the many islands be glad.” Psalm 97:2 A Word For Your Week: Stand strong as you stand alongside the GOD WHO REIGNS! |
January 2025
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