Everyone has expectations.
What you and I expect effects what we experience. Our hopes, dreams, what we anticipate, and look forward to is important. Today I want to address our expectations of God. If you are a professing Christian, do you expect God’s best? Honestly, do you expect, hope for, look forward to God’s best for your life? Three months ago, while I was waiting on the Lord the Holy Spirit whispered to my spirit “Steve, expect God’s best”. “Expect God’s best” was significant and timely for me. I was seriously pondering what might happen in the future. Wondering where in the world our mixed-up world was heading and how it would impact me and my loved ones. The Lord answered my questioning with “Expect God’s best!” Satan hates the thought of expecting God’s best. The devil knows God’s love is the best of the best. The evil one’s hatred is the worst of the worst. His strategy is for you and me to expect the worst in life, especially from God. The world system, that rejects the Kingdom of God, always expects the worst, never the best. In addition to our soul’s arch enemy and the world, our fallen. sinful nature tends to lean to the worst rather than the best. You and I know we do this at times. It is too easy and spiritually/emotionally deadly for you and me to think the worse rather than God’s best. Sound hopeless? Not at all. I believe expecting God’s best is a choice. A choice followed by discipline to keep choosing to believe God’s best for my life every single day. How do we know God has His best in mind for us? Romans 8:31-32 is one passage that says so. “What then shall we say to these things? If God be for us, who is against us.? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up or us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?” I can expect God’s best because He is for me. Nobody can come against me and succeed. A pastor commented “If God is for me, everybody else might as well be!” Amen to that. God loves me and is for me. He demonstrated that love by sending His own Son, His only Son, Jesus, from heaven to die on a cross to save me from my sins. God the Father did not withhold His only Son, His best, back from you and me. When we see Jesus hanging on the Cross and rising from the dead the message is clear from God: this is how much I love you. I gave up my very best or you! Then verse 32 tells us if God did not hold back Jesus from us, certainly He will “freely give us all things.” All things…. whatever I need to successfully fulfill God’s will for my life. Because God gave the greater, greatest gift of His Son, I can rest assured He will supply the lesser gifts I need. He loves me that much. Therefore, I can indeed expect His best from Him! In verses 33-39 Paul lays out all the worst stuff that can come against you and me. Paul was convinced, completely persuaded that nothing, absolutely nothing can separate us from the love of God. Christ’s followers overwhelmingly conquer life because Jesus loves us. How can you and I not expect God’s best when He has done all of this for us? Life lesson for me: Expect God’ best no matter what circumstances confront me. Up, down or all around, trust God for His best. God never gives us less than His best. Less than best is not in His character. He calls me to walk by faith in Christ, believing and expecting to receive God’s best! His love is the best thing I can expect from Him every day. I do not need much more than that! The best way to know God’s best for your life is to study the Bible. God’s best is for you today! I challenge you to confess with your mouth every day “Lord, I expect your best!”. Experience a great day because you are expecting God’s best! “My soul waits in in silence for God only, for my hope, expectation is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 62:5 A Word For Your Week: Expect God’s best then rest in Him. Moments.
Recently I have written about enjoying the day and enjoying the journey. Today I will discuss enjoying the moment. Life journeys are made up of days. Days are about hours and minutes. You and I pay close attention to our time pieces whether it is an old-fashioned clock, Apple Watch or digital time displayed on our I-phones. Tick tock, tick tock. Hours and minutes tick off. As time marches relentlessly on, what about the moments during the hours and minutes? A month or so ago, while I was enjoying downtime in our family room with Jo Ann and our dog Daisy, the Lord said to me as clear as the day “Steve, I want you to enjoy the moments of life. This moment.” Moments matter. Steve, enjoy the moment. That word has challenged me. Encouraged me to not let moments that matter pass by. I believe Jesus enjoyed the moments in His life and wants us to enjoy our moments too. In John 10:1-1 we read the parable of the Good Shepherd. In verse ten, Jesus said “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I came that they might have life and might have it abundantly.” Satan, the devil, is the thief who would steal, kill and destroy God’s sheep. I believe one of his many dastardly strategies is to steal moments. Minimize the moments God gives us. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, would have us to savor moments. Abundant life in Christ is about enjoying life’s moments. Life that is abundant recognizes and rejoices in the wonderful moments that make up our life. Moments like sunrises. Sunsets. Sand between toes on the beach. Significant achievements. Hugs. Revelations from the Lord. Encouraging words. A child’s giggles. Time with friends. Hiking in a forest. A Cardinal’s melodic song. Springtime. Sitting on a mountain top. A warm, furry puppy curled up on your lap. A baby’s birth. Naps. Favorite foods. Fireplace fires on a cold, wintry night. A warm comforter on the bed. Chocolate! Coffee for you caffeine addicts! Why don’t you take a moment right now to list some or your cherished moments? You will be surprised how many good moments you can come up with. Making Moments Matter
In the past I have missed the joy of moments that God sent to bless me. Thinking backwards or forward robs us of the current moment. Moments have purpose. A fifteen-minute restful nap is a moment that refreshes and renews. I am currently making a conscious, disciplined effort to enjoy the moment. Maybe take a few more naps too! I do not want to waste any moments anymore. Maximize moments by enjoying them. Enjoying the moment is about focus. Lack of focus obscures the joy of the moment. Soak up the here and now of the moment you are in. If we choose to not enjoy the moment, we might miss the blessings God intended for us that moment. Store memorable moments in your mind’s memory banks. When you are older, you will be glad you filed good, heart-warming happy memories in your mental hard-drive. Elderly folks may not remember what they ate for breakfast, but it is remarkable how well they recall memories of moments from the distant past. My friend, as life moves on, do not miss the moments the Lord gives you to enjoy. Lord, help us to keep in the moment. A Word For Your Week: Enjoy the moments of life before they slip away. Do you enjoy your Christian life? I mean, really enjoy the journey of faith you are on with the Lord Jesus Christ?
I pose this question because too often we Christian’s gripe, grumble, complain and appear unhappy with our life in Christ. Ever been there? Most likely you have like I have. Before we proceed, maybe we should fall on our faces and humbly repent! God wants us to enjoy our life journey. According to Psalm 37:23 our life journey consists of steps that are sovereignly ordered, established by God Himself. “The steps of a man are established by the Lord, and He delights in the way he takes. “Psalm 37:23 Almighty God lays out the path for each of us…. step after step after step. He planned the days of our lives (steps too!) before there were any (Psalm 139:1-16). Our Heavenly Father is happy with the steps He establishes for His children. Therefore, you and I should delight, take joy in, and be happy about each day and each step. That is right…. every step. Honestly, I like some steps better than others, and so do you. But, if I believe, and I do, that God orders my steps and He is pleased with them, then I should be pleased too with the journey He has appointed for me. Jesus enjoyed His journey. How do we know? Because the Word of God says so. Jesus came to earth to do the will of His Father. His mission was to reveal the Father to us and restore our relationship with Him. Psalm 40:8 is a prophetic word concerning the attitude of the Lord Jesus.” I delight to do Thy will, O my God; Your law is within my heart.” Psalm 40:8 The Lord delighted to do God’s will. Through faith and obedience, He stepped out God’s plan for Him. In Hebrews 12:2, we are told that Jesus enjoyed while He endured. What a powerful truth! Jesus endured the cruel torture of the Cross because His heart and eyes were set on the joy of the journey, resulting in a destination of providing salvation for you and me. Lord Jesus, thank you for enduring some difficult steps that I might enjoy salvation. I will ask you again. Are you enjoying your journey? Many of us are infected with Destination Disease. We focus on the end of the journey instead of the journey itself. “Are we there yet?” is not only the cry of antsy children in the back seat on vacation. Too often we are obsessed with the goal, the finish line that we neglect to enjoy the process along the way. We say things like “When I get that promotion”, When I get married”, When I have this much money”, When I fund my retirement account”, and on and on and on. Destination disease can create frustration, disrupt peace and try to steal joy from our hearts. Maybe we should enjoy the days (one at a time!) God blesses us with as we work toward the desires of our heart that God has given us. Start Enjoying Your Journey · Stop complaining about your lot in life. Embrace life. Thank God for your life. Laugh more. Life is a lot more fun with a smile on our face. · Notice the little blessings along the way. There are lots of them if you will look for them. · Dump Destination Disease. Look forward to the journey as much as the end of the journey. · Trust God to turn not so good steps around into a delightful journey. · Discipline yourself to take steps, not leaps, in life. Step by step is the way God set it up for you and me. · Flee from people who dislike their journey. Ran from them as fast as you can so you do not catch what they have! You and I choose to enjoy our journey or not. Enjoying the journey is much better than not enjoying it. Trust me, I have figured that one out after much trial and error over too many years. My life is more stable, peaceful and joyful because I have learned (and am still learning!) to enjoy my journey in Christ. Begin your day by rejoicing in the day the Lord has made. Look forward with joy to the path He has laid out for you to follow. Step out your daily journey with joy. Jesus is excited about your day…. and you should be too. Enjoy your day as part of the journey God has set before you as you head toward heaven. “This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 A Word For Your Week: Enjoy your journey with Jesus. When you awaken from a night’s slumber do you declare “Good morning Lord!” or “Good lord, its morning.”
Are you excited about the possibilities of a new day and ready to leap out of the sack, or would you rather pull the covers back over your head and stay in bed for the day? How you and I look at the new dawning day is a matter of attitude. How we view the new day influences how our day will go. As we think, so life goes. Enjoying the day is a decision, not an emotion. You and I may not feel good for some reason. But we can still enjoy the day in spite of our emotional state. The Psalmist figured out how to get each day off to a good start. This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 Rejoicing in the day the Lord has made is a choice…an attitude I choose to have whether others choose to do so nor not. This is what David said to help us start our days well too. The Lord made today. “This is the day the Lord has made.” Each day is a gracious gift from God. His holy handprint is on today. The new day isn’t made by men. It is handcrafted by Almighty God Himself. Sent from heavenly places for you and me to enjoy. Because the Lord made today, I will rejoice in it. “Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” “Let us” means you and me. I, Steve Roll, will rejoice (not might or think about it later!) and be glad. I will be happy about the new day. I will give heartfelt thanks to God for another sunrise. I will praise Him for another opportunity to live for Him, to love and serve the people in my life. I made it safely through the night. So, let’s go God and see what you have in store for me today! Enjoying Every Day
I encourage you to do this every morning. After you shake off the bedhead, wipe the cobwebs from your eyes and before you step on the floor, confess with your mouth “This is the day the Lord has made; I, (your name) will rejoice and be glad in it.” Tell the Lord you are excited about the new day, raring to go and ready to see what today holds. Hop out of bed, carefully of course. Then confidently declare “Watch out world. I expect to have a great day. Here I come in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord.” A bonus idea. In addition to declaring you will rejoice in the new day, why not ask the Lord “Who can I serve in your name today?” Serving others always makes for a good day! I have done this for a number of years. This attitude has transformed the way I look at the new day. What a difference it has made on my outlook. Three thoughts before I wrap this up.
A Word For Your Week: Embrace and enjoy every day the Lord gives you. I am an old-timer who still uses a Day-Timer as my calendar.
I feel extremely comfortable and secure writing out my daily, weekly, and monthly schedule by hand in my personal calendar. Old-fashioned? Indeed, and proud of it! And guess what? Steve Roll is ready if the internet crashes. My pen and paper will save my bacon while techy, electronic calendar people panic because their schedules vanish to some cloud in a high-tech galaxy far, far away. In January, as I began thinking and praying about what will fill the pages of my Daytimer for the next three hundred and sixty-five days, the Lord spoke to my heart. The Holy Spirit quietly whispered to me “Live a day at a time in 2021.” A day at a time. Not a few days, a week or weeks, a month or months, or a year. One single day at a time Steve. What a fresh word of revelation for 2021, especially after 2020. I needed to hear that. I tend to get ahead of today. Maybe you do too. You and I seem to be wired to drive life’s train way down the tracks when our Father in heaven would beckon us to back up the train to live for today. GOD IS A TODAY GOD. Have you ever thought about that? God’s love for you and me is all about today. This day. The one we are living. Right now. He loves us a day at a time. Of course, the Almighty knows the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end. His domain is an endless eternity where time is non-existent, and yet, according to Psalm 139:16, God knows about every day you and I will live, even before we live them. “Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance; and in Thy book they were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them.” If for some reason as you read this, you don’t feel extremely special, valuable, of immense worth and importance, and uniquely significant, then think again. God saw you before you were and has laid out your days before you ever had a Day-Timer or I-phone. How awesome you and I are, and what an awesome God we serve! I believe God would have us focus on each day of the “days” laid out for us in His eternal plan. Jesus addressed the issue of today in Matthew 6:25-34. Four times He commands His followers to “not be anxious” (worry) about life. Instead, have faith that God will always be faithful to provide the basics of life that we need. His faithfulness is revealed one day at a time. Daily provision is God’s promise. All the days of our life, one day at a time, God takes care of His kids! Verse 34 speaks volumes to me about my attitude. After exhorting His listeners to put God’s righteousness and kingdom first (assuring them God would provide all they would ever need) He says “Therefore, do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care of itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” I get that part where each day has enough trouble of its own! I am sure you do too. Jesus says don’t borrow tomorrow’s troubles because today, the one you are living at this time, has enough trouble of its own. That is why the Lord teaches us to live for today. Look to God to help you deal with today’s troubles. A day at a time is the way God set it up. Thank God for that. He knows one day of trouble is all about this guy can handle! Sometimes I think I am spiritually thick-headed. Slowly but surely, I am figuring this out after sixty-eight years of loving that I experience less stress and possess greater potential for success when I focus my faith on today, not tomorrow and tomorrows. 2021 is made up of one day at a time. That’s the way our Creator set it up. Today, a day at a time, is what God has ordained for us to live for His glory and the good of mankind. A day at a time looks something like this.
Enjoy the moments of each day. Maybe you should consider living 2021 a day at a time. Embrace. Experience. Enjoy each day that comes as a gracious gift from a good God. “So teach us to number our days, that we may present to Thee a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12 A Word For Your Week: Live today like it is the only day you have. |
January 2025
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