Do you enjoy your Christian life? I mean, really enjoy the journey of faith you are on with the Lord Jesus Christ?
I pose this question because too often we Christian’s gripe, grumble, complain and appear unhappy with our life in Christ. Ever been there? Most likely you have like I have. Before we proceed, maybe we should fall on our faces and humbly repent! God wants us to enjoy our life journey. According to Psalm 37:23 our life journey consists of steps that are sovereignly ordered, established by God Himself. “The steps of a man are established by the Lord, and He delights in the way he takes. “Psalm 37:23 Almighty God lays out the path for each of us…. step after step after step. He planned the days of our lives (steps too!) before there were any (Psalm 139:1-16). Our Heavenly Father is happy with the steps He establishes for His children. Therefore, you and I should delight, take joy in, and be happy about each day and each step. That is right…. every step. Honestly, I like some steps better than others, and so do you. But, if I believe, and I do, that God orders my steps and He is pleased with them, then I should be pleased too with the journey He has appointed for me. Jesus enjoyed His journey. How do we know? Because the Word of God says so. Jesus came to earth to do the will of His Father. His mission was to reveal the Father to us and restore our relationship with Him. Psalm 40:8 is a prophetic word concerning the attitude of the Lord Jesus.” I delight to do Thy will, O my God; Your law is within my heart.” Psalm 40:8 The Lord delighted to do God’s will. Through faith and obedience, He stepped out God’s plan for Him. In Hebrews 12:2, we are told that Jesus enjoyed while He endured. What a powerful truth! Jesus endured the cruel torture of the Cross because His heart and eyes were set on the joy of the journey, resulting in a destination of providing salvation for you and me. Lord Jesus, thank you for enduring some difficult steps that I might enjoy salvation. I will ask you again. Are you enjoying your journey? Many of us are infected with Destination Disease. We focus on the end of the journey instead of the journey itself. “Are we there yet?” is not only the cry of antsy children in the back seat on vacation. Too often we are obsessed with the goal, the finish line that we neglect to enjoy the process along the way. We say things like “When I get that promotion”, When I get married”, When I have this much money”, When I fund my retirement account”, and on and on and on. Destination disease can create frustration, disrupt peace and try to steal joy from our hearts. Maybe we should enjoy the days (one at a time!) God blesses us with as we work toward the desires of our heart that God has given us. Start Enjoying Your Journey · Stop complaining about your lot in life. Embrace life. Thank God for your life. Laugh more. Life is a lot more fun with a smile on our face. · Notice the little blessings along the way. There are lots of them if you will look for them. · Dump Destination Disease. Look forward to the journey as much as the end of the journey. · Trust God to turn not so good steps around into a delightful journey. · Discipline yourself to take steps, not leaps, in life. Step by step is the way God set it up for you and me. · Flee from people who dislike their journey. Ran from them as fast as you can so you do not catch what they have! You and I choose to enjoy our journey or not. Enjoying the journey is much better than not enjoying it. Trust me, I have figured that one out after much trial and error over too many years. My life is more stable, peaceful and joyful because I have learned (and am still learning!) to enjoy my journey in Christ. Begin your day by rejoicing in the day the Lord has made. Look forward with joy to the path He has laid out for you to follow. Step out your daily journey with joy. Jesus is excited about your day…. and you should be too. Enjoy your day as part of the journey God has set before you as you head toward heaven. “This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 A Word For Your Week: Enjoy your journey with Jesus. |
January 2025
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