“During these trying times…”
The above statement is the opening line of a commercial on television that leads into the sales pitch of the service their company is providing. I do not know about you, but I am wearying of people reminding us about “trying times” as if we did not know that the times have and continue to try our faith, resolve and patience. There has never been a time in human history, beginning with Adam and Eve, where mankind did not face trying times, various trials and tribulation. The real issue with “trying times” is what you and I are going to do about them. Will we be triumphant over them or be troubled and overcome by them? Thoughts About Trying Times
The Apostle Paul writes in II Corinthians 2:14-15: “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in His triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being save and among those who are perishing.” Paul, the Gospel gunslinger of grace in the New Testament, makes three statements about triumphing over trying times.
Trying times can be spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, relational, cultural or economic. Throughout my lifetime I have experienced various trials. I am sure you have also. James 1:2-3 states “Count it all joy my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.” Hey James, I am still working on that “joy” thing! Whether you and I feel like it or not, see results the way we want to see them at the time or not, we always triumph in Christ. Not some of the time, or occasionally, but always, every single time you and I triumph over tests, trials and trying times. So do not act like a loser. Get rid of the loser’s limp. I get irritated when I hear a Christian say when I ask them how they are doing who respond with a sigh “Oh, I am just hanging in there.” Please tell me how a professed believer in Christ can just “hang in there’ when the Son of God hung on a cross, died a horrible death and then rose from the dead to save us from sin and prepare the way for us to go to heaven. Beats me! I do not get that attitude. We are triumphant in Christ because of His triumph over Satan, sin, death and the grave! Friends, loser’s limp will get you and me nowhere. How can we positively influence and encourage fellow believers and be winsome witnesses to those who are searching for Jesus if we are sucking our spiritual thumbs, dragging our pity-poor-me blankies around and looking like we were baptized in lemon juice? That is not a picture of a triumphant Christian. People all around us are being beaten up by trying times and trials. They need to see Christians always triumphing in Christ. They will be attracted to Jesus when they see us rising above trials and winning the day as we walk by faith and not by sight. The next time your faith is under fire because of a trying time, release your battle to the Lord and receive strength from Him to overcome and triumph over your trial. You, my friend, are triumphant in Christ! “In all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.” Romans 8:32 A Word For Your Week: Trying times are excellent opportunities to triumph in Christ. It’s a miracle.
The word miracle is spoken a lot in our culture. At times, rightly so. At other times, not so much. I am pretty sure that a last minute “hail Mary” touchdown pass by my favorite football team is not a miracle. I mean, who does Almighty God, the Sovereign Lord of the universe cheer for? Which team’s sports jersey and apparel does He wear? My team or my rival? Just saying. A miracle, simply put, is “the supernatural intervention of God.” Something is not a miracle unless God is involved. The Christmas story in the Bible is a true story of Gods’ glory intersecting/interacting with humanity. Every time I read Luke’s account of the announcement of Christs birth I get holy goose bumps. “And in the same region there were some shepherds staying out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them and they were terribly frightened. And the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people’ for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you; you shall find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.” Luke 2:9-13 According to the Bible, God’s Word, Christmas is all about Jesus Christ. Here’s what gives me holy goose bumps.
Without Christmas, you and I are without hope, lost for eternity. With Christmas, you and I have the hope of hopes! Christmas is all about Jesus Christ. A beautiful nativity set adorns our family room. It is the centerpiece of our Christmas decorations. When I see Joseph, Mary, the shepherds, and animals adoring baby Jesus in the manger, I reflect and meditate for a moment or two. I always shed a warm, grateful tear or two. I praise God for the gift of salvation through His Son. Remembering once again the reason for the season, I ask the Lord for opportunities to share the good news of Christmas with a lost, hurting world. As Christians, you and I are bearers of good news. A message of hope for all mankind. The coming of the Christ child at Christmas is the miracle of miracles. The world has a Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord! God’s Son was born in a manger so you and I can be born-again as a child of God. If the miraculous birth, life, death and resurrection of God’s Only Son Jesus Christ is not a miracle, I do not know what is. My friend, do you need a miracle in your life this Christmas? Something that only God can do for you? More important than the miracle you seek, do you know the miracle maker? Do you have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you confess Jesus as your Lord and Savor? Have you repented of your sin and received Jesus into your heart? Are you headed to heaven because your sins have been forgiven, washed in Christ’s holy blood, and your name is written in the Lamb’s book of life? If you don’t know Christ and would like to, the miracle you need this Christmas is just a prayer away. Why not unwrap the greatest gift of all, salvation, this Christmas? Receive Jesus. Heavenly Father, I believe that Jesus Christ is your Son who died on a cross and is risen from the dead. I repent of my sins. Please forgive me. I receive Jesus into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior. From today on I choose to serve and obey the Lord. Thank you Father for saving me. If you sincerely prayed that simple prayer, welcome to the family of God! According to Matthew 1:23, Jesus is Immanuel, which means “God with us.”. Imagine that. God with you and me. Right here, right now! Amazing! It’s a miracle! “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become the children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were not born of blood, nor of the will of man, but of God.” John 1:12-13 A Word For Your Week: The Christmas miracle awaits all who seek Jesus. America’s supply line.
A currently trending, headliner topic of discussion among politicians, economists and consumers is our nation’s supply chain. The at times volatile rhetoric of short supplies, backed-up goods sitting in cargo containers at our ports and foreign nations holding up essential parts and products we need is creating a spirit of anxiety, worry, apprehension, fear and even angst in many. I have good news for you and me: even if the store shelves empty, the Lord will take care of His own. The United States Government, United Nations, Wal-Mart, Target, or Amazon Prime will never out supply the Lord of heaven and earth! The Holy Bible, God’s Word, has many things to say about God’s supply chain. Search scripture regarding heaven’s supply chain. Let’s look at just one of God’s promises to provide the needs of His followers. Writing from a dark, damp, smelly, bare bones, lonely prison cell, the apostle Paul declares “And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 Look at and marvel at what the prisoner of the Lord says about provision in or outside of prison.
Take that all of you who are freaking out over America’s supply chain! Paul was content with his circumstances because he knew God would provide “Not that I speak from want; for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstance I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering. I can do all things who Him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:11-13 Paul knew the secret of contentment. He learned to be content with God’s provision. As a Christian, it took me a while to learn to be content with God’s provision. I grew up in a welfare home with a single mother and five brothers. We never went without. But as the oldest son there were times I worried about groceries and other necessities. That “little boy” has traveled with me for decades. Every once in a while he shows up and tries to get me to worry about provision. Thank God I have a glowing testimony of how graciously, generously and bountifully the Lord has provided for me and my family over the years. Lean or fat times, He has always supplied. God’s supply line is lifetime. David writes in Psalm 37:25 “I have been young and now I am old; yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants begging bread.” Young. Old. His family. God provided for David and his brood all the time in every circumstance. He does the same for you and me! You and I will not always get what we want, but God’s Word assures us that we will always, yes always, and I say it again, always have what we need. The Kingdom of God will never run out of the goods and services God’s people need. By the way, there is no hoarding in heaven. You and I do not have to hoard anything on earth. God forbid the children of Israel to gather no more than a one day supply of Manna. Every single day it appeared from heaven and the Israelites were fed. God’s supply chained worked for His chosen people. One of my favorite Christian hymns says it all. “Great is Thy faithfulness, great is Thy faithfulness; morning by morning new mercies I see; all I have needed Thy hand has provided, GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS, GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS TO ME.” Steve Roll says a hearty Amen! If the grocery store shelves begin to empty, lift your eyes on high to see God’s heavenly pantry, storehouses and distribution centers full and ready to fulfill your every need. My friend, stop worrying about stuff. Start trusting God to supply the stuff you need when you need it. A Word For Your Week: Trust God to always meet your every need. Hanging in my study above my desk and computer is an eye-capturing picture of a bald eagle soaring majestically high above lush green forests framed by a splashing, two-tier, whitewater waterfall cascading down massive granite boulders.
This picture has inspired my soul for the past twenty years when I sit to write A Word For Your Week. In my mind’s eye I am sitting in that breathtaking setting. The caption at the base of the portrait inspires me the most. “…be strong in the Lord, and in the power (strength) of His might.” Ephesians 6:10 Paul introduces the classic passage on spiritual warfare and the whole armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-20 with verse ten. Paul says “Finally, my brethren…” When a biblical author uses a summary statement like finally, it is time to sit up, wake up, pay attention, take note and get what God is saying to those of us who believe in His Son Jesus Christ. The passage is about power over the enemy of our souls. Satan is not intimidated or fearful of weak Christians. Weak, feeble, powerless Christians will never win lost souls to Christ. Life by its very nature, whether people know the God of the Bible or not, beats us down, works us over, and wears us out. Real, everyday life finds a way to drain and deplete you and me of strength and power for living successfully daily. I do not know about you, but weakness is not one of my friends. Being powerless and weak does not set well with me. Never has. I am certain it never will! I admit Steve’s strength is limited. I also know God’s strength is limitless. To fight the good fight of faith (I Timothy 6: 12) you and I must be strong in the Lord. The Christian life is a daily walk by faith and not by sight (II Corinthians 5:7) in His power, with His strength. Paul understood human weakness and divine strength. Read and meditate on II Corinthians 12:1-10. Paul experienced a heavenly vision. Satan attacked him with a “thorn in the flesh” which we are not sure what exactly what the thorn was. I believe it had something to do with his eyesight and perpetual harassment and persecution from the Judaizers. The “thorn” made Paul weak. Three times He asked the Lord to remove it. God’s response “My grace is sufficient for you; for power is perfected in weakness.” (Verse 9). Paul’s personal response is utterly amazing, instructive and inspiring. “Most gladly therefore, I will rather boast about my weakness, that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore, I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; FOR WHEN I AM WEAK, THEN I AM STRONG.” Do Paul’s words hit you in your soul as hard as they hit mine? Like a ton of spiritual bricks? My goodness gracious. When I am weak, then I am strong. Well content with weaknesses. How Paul did you come to that conclusion and confession? Paul was convinced by promise and experience that the power, strength of God rested on him in his weakness. Like brother Paul, there is hope for Steve. In my weakness there is power from God to make me strong. Paul could preach, teach, exhort, write, encourage and live this way because he knew he could be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Weakness is not our friend. But it is a pathway to God’s strength and power. What To Do When You Feel Weak
When spiritually weak, put on the whole armor of God. Then you will battle with God’s power! Like Paul, God’s grace is sufficient for you and me and His power is perfected in your and my weakness. Weakness or strength. Strength in weakness. You choose. “Once God has spoken; twice I have heard this; that power belongs to God.” Psalms 62:11 “But they that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength; they will mount up with wings as eagles; they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses……” Acts 1:8 A Word For Your Week: Be strong in the strength of the Lord. Jesus said to them “Come and have breakfast.” John 21:12
Imagine having breakfast with Jesus. How awesome would that be! Christ’s disciples dined with the Lord on the beach early one morning after fishing all night (John 21:1-14). What a breakfast it turned out to be, especially for Peter (John 21:15-22). Peter. A seasoned fisherman spent all night fishing for fish, when in his heart, he wished he was fishing for men (see Matthew 4:18-20). This was the third time Jesus appeared to His followers after His resurrection. When Peter recognized the Lord, he was so excited to see Jesus that he jumped out of the boat and sprinted to the beach. He wanted to be with Jesus so bad, but something was not right. Peter was experiencing a major confidence crisis. Before Jesus went to die on the Cross, Peter, sharing in the Last Supper, adamantly declared that he would never deny the Lord (see Matthew 26:30-35). Jesus said he would, and Peter did (Matthew 27:69-75). Peter’s denial devastated him, dealing a near death blow to his character and confidence. The Lord knew Peter was deeply disappointed with himself. Jesus knew Peter was embarrassed and ashamed. Jesus knew it was hard for Peter to face Him and his fellow disciples. So, the resurrected Savior arranged a breakfast. Breakfast on the beach to help Peter save face. Peter, do you love Me? Lord, You know that I do. Then Peter, feed and tend My sheep. Get up off the ash heap of depression and despair and get ready to minister the Good News I called you to proclaim in My name. Imagine what the Lord’s restoring words meant to Peter! Relief. Refreshing. Renewed hope that better days were on the horizon. The Lord still believes in me and plans to use me. What a breakfast!!! Observations about this breakfast at the beach with Jesus.
Main Point of this breakfast meeting: The Lord restores those who love Him. Let me shoot real straight with you. Have you messed up in some way? Are you disappointed in yourself? Do you feel embarrassed or ashamed? Have you lost your confidence? Is your self-esteem shot because you feel you failed God and people you love? Now this question is the one that really matters. Despite your shortcomings, mistakes, and even sin, do you love Jesus? I want to say it again. Do you love the Lord? If Jesus asked you right now, smack dab in the middle of your confidence crisis, “Do you love Me?...... how would you answer? If your answer is “Yes Lord, You know I love You,” then there is hope for you If you have messed up, but sincerely and wholeheartedly love the Lord, He will forgive your mess and restore you to Himself. Honestly, there will be times in all our lives as Christians when we are hurting, questioning, wondering, even doubting. That is when we need to hear and heed Jesus’ gracious invitation “Come and have breakfast.” The fish and bread will be cooking on the barbecue. Serving you with a smile, Jesus will ask you if you love Him. Tell Jesus you love Him with all your heart. Then humbly and joyfully receive the healing, restoring and renewing power of God’s forgiving love! Then you can enjoy a moment of sweet fellowship, and who knows maybe even a meal, with the One who loves you unconditionally and eternally! How about breakfast with Jesus? I would like that. How about you? “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and my load is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 “For I will restore you to health and I will heal your wounds” declares the Lord.” Jeremiah 30:17 A Word for Your Week: Jesus restores us when we need restored. Doubting Thomas.
Imagine being remembered throughout the ages as the disciple who doubted Jesus. If I had been Thomas, I think I would have rather been called Trusting Tom or the believing one instead of the doubting one. No doubt Thomas struggled from time to time with doubt. Before we judge Thomas too harshly, if you and I are honest, we need to remember that we battle with unbelief and have bouts of doubt from time to time too. John 20:19-29 records an encounter Thomas had with Jesus after the Lord’s resurrection. Read the passage to understand the context of what Thomas experienced. Jesus appeared to the disciples. Thomas was absent. Jesus greeted His faithful followers with “Peace be with you” and then they received the Holy Spirit. Jesus left. When Thomas arrived, the disciples greeted him with “we have seen the Lord.” Thomas doubted. He remarked “Unless I see in His hands and the imprint of the nails and put my finger into the place of the nails and put my hand in His side I WILL NOT BELIEVE.” Guess what Jesus did? Eight days later, door locked, the Lord appeared to Thomas and the other disciples. Verses 27-29 state “Then He said to Thomas “Reach here your finger and see My hands; and reach here your hand and put it in my side; and be not unbelieving but believing. Thomas answered and said to Him “My Lord and my God.” Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, have you believed? BLESSED ARE THEY WHO DID NOT SEE, AND YET BELIEVED.” Oh my! I love what took place. Two things that Jesus did that warm my heart.
In the future, I have an inkling Thomas doubted a lot less! What do you think? He ministered the Good News of Christ across India and Asia and died as a martyr for his faith. What To Do When Doubting
Faith believes without seeing and acts accordingly. Hebrews 11:1-2 states “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the men of old gained approval.” Then the writer recalls the faith of men and women of God in the Hall of Fame of Faith throughout the rest of the chapter. Every person believed before they received. Each saw with the eye of faith before they held the object of their faith in hand. Reading and meditating on their faith stirs my faith, challenging me to “believe without seeing” as Jesus told Thomas and the other disciples Struggling with doubt? Having trouble finding your way out? Wondering what is wrong with your faith? Do you wrestle with believing without seeing? How about learning believing about not seeing and still believing? God is so good when we have a bout with doubt. He will not condemn us. He will send His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit to comfort, minister and teach lessons us about trusting in Him. Take heart my friend. With the Holy Spirit’s help, take doubt out with simple, childlike, sincere, scriptural faith in Christ. Call doubt what it is. It is an attack on your faith. Hit it hard head on with God’s Word about faith. Confess faith over your doubt and it will have to take a hike! Believing without seeing sends doubt down the road! “And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6 A Word For Your Week: You can win your bout with doubt! Sometimes you and I make the Christian life more difficult than it needs to be. (I heard a few honest sighs in the background).
One of the many things I love about Jesus Christ is how the truth He taught in the Bible makes the Kingdom of God and salvation simple. Simple enough for a thick-headed, self-centered, questioning, stubborn guy like me. It is too easy to make walking by faith difficult, to overthink belief, to complicate what is simple, to try and figure out why God does what He does. I wonder if our heavenly Father sits on His throne and shakes His head in bewilderment as to why His followers make living for Christ difficult. Just a thought! For instance, what about prayer? You and I can be tempted to turn praying into a spiritual ritual, a dogmatic exercise, a complicated dialogue of do’s and don’ts when conversing with the Lord. Jesus cuts through the proverbial mustard regarding prayer in Matthew 7:7-11. “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find, knock, and it shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds and to him who knocks it shall be opened. Or what man is there among you, when his son shall ask him for a loaf, will give him a stone? Or if he shall ask for a fish, he will not give him a snake, will he? If you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Father who is in heaven give what is good to them that ask Him?” Wow! Prayer and God’s response is profoundly simple.
I am a father and grandfather. I love to give good things to my children when they ask. Warms my heart to bless them. Of course, I would never give them a rock when they asked for a Ding Dong! Or a snake if they asked me for some salmon. You and I are sinful, imperfect human beings. Certainly not very godlike at times. But we still give good things to our kids. Why? Because we love them. “How much more” does God love us who are His sons and daughters through faith in His Son Jesus Christ. God is a God of more, not less. Worth thinking about. If you and I would give good things to our children, why is it hard for you and me to believe that God wants to give you and me good things even more than you would to your kids? God is not stingy with His love and goodness. He lavishes, pours His everlasting love, mercy, grace and abundant goodness upon those He loves and those who ask. I like that! I hope you do too! Today there is a trending phrase that goes like this. “I love you. I love you more!” Nice. Guess what? As God’s kids we love Him, and you guessed it, He responds I love you more. Out of His “I love you more” flows “How much more.” How is your prayer life? Are you asking, seeking and knocking? Jesus said to ask. Put your faith in action to ask God for the good things He promises in His word. I challenge you this week to ask, then receive “how much more” God has planned for you. Keep prayer simple. Believe God has your best interest at heart and will give good things to you because you ask! “You do not have because you do not ask.” James 4:4 “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?” Romans 8:32 “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20 “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in all things, you may have an abundance for every good deed.” II Corinthians 9:8 A Word For Your Week: Expect God to do much more than you thought He would. As a Christian, what does God want from me?
The Lord does not want anything from me. He wants…ALL OF ME. Fully, completely and unconditionally surrendered to His good, acceptable and perfect will. “My Utmost For His Highest” has been the number one best selling Christian devotional for the past one hundred years. Written by Oswald Chambers (1874-1917) it is rich with scriptural treasure based on the Bible’s truth and principles. When you read Chambers devotions you feel you are drinking from the bottomless well of God’s wisdom. I highly fully endorse and highly recommend every Christian read, study, meditate upon and apply the timeless teachings of “My Utmost For His Highest.” While I was reading his October 23rd devotion entitles “Not A Bit of it!”, the Lord put on my heart to share it with you. Chambers uses some archaic terms of his day which I kind of like. But you will get the picture he is painting. So here it is. “Not A Bit Of It!” “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away.” II Corinthians 5:17 The Lord never nurses our prejudices. He mortifies them, runs clean athwart them. We imagine God has a special interest in our particular prejudices; we are quite sure that God will never deal with as He has to deal with other people. “God must deal with other people in a very stern way, but of course He knows that my prejudices are quite all right.” We have to learn-----“Not a bit of it!”. Instead of God being on the side or our prejudices, He is deliberating wiping them out. It is part of our moral education to have our prejudices run straight across by His providence, and to watch how He does it. God pays no respect to anything we bring to Him. There is only one thing God wants of us and that is our unconditional surrender. When we are born again, the Holy Spirit begins to work His new creation in us, and there will come a time when there is not a bit of the old order left; the old solemnity goes, the old attitude to things goes, and “all things are of God.” How are we going to get the life that has no lust, no self-interest, no sensitivity to pokes, the love that is not provoked, that thinketh no evil, that is always kind? The only way is by not allowing a bit of the old life to be left; but only simple, perfect trust in God, such trust that we no longer want God’s blessings, but only God Himself. Have we come to the place where God can withdraw His blessings and it does not affect our trust in Him? When once we see God at work, we will never bother our heads about things that happen, because we are actually trusting in our Father in Heaven Whom the world cannot trust. When I read this and let it soak in, it is as if the Holy Spirit lowered (lovingly of course) the boom on Steve. I have chewed and prayed over this for days. Am I fully, unconditionally surrendered to Jesus? I have been a Christian for nearly fifty years. Thinking I have been all His. I believe I am according to the Word of God. But that question of coming to the place where God can withdraw His blessings would not affect my faith? That is one to not take light. Jesus gave His all for me on the Cross. Have I given my all to Him? Have I denied myself, taken up my cross and followed Him wholeheartedly without reservation? Has Steve surrendered everything to the One I call my Lord and Savior? The Holy Spirit is working me over. It is a good thing. I will come out on the side where Jesus is everything and I am who and what I am because of Him. How about you? Has this devotional poked your spirit? Challenged you to take inventory of your relationship with the Lord when it comes to unconditional surrender? God loves us you and me so much that He does not want anything from us but our unconditional love, undivided devotion and joyful obedience. Let’s do this. You pray for me and I will pray for you that we will come to grips with unconditional surrender to God and go forward with faith as more than mighty conquerors in Jesus. So be it! “Therefore, do not let sin reign in your mortal body that you should obey its lusts, and do not go on yielding, presenting the members of your body to sin and unrighteousness; but yield, present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members of instruments of righteousness to God.” Romans 6:12-13 A Word For Your Week: Trusting God means fully surrendering to Him. America.
Land of the free and the home of the brave. Someone put it this way “Land of the free because of the brave.” I like that. I love and honor my country. I am a respectful, law-abiding patriot like many of you. I proudly served in the military and am wholeheartedly committed to defending our Constitution and the freedoms that Americans hold dear. But like many of my fellows Americans, my spirit is grieved, my heart is broken and my mind is troubled over the state of our beloved nation. I am gravely concerned about the direction of our republic. The United States of today is not the United States of America I grew up in. Maybe you are like me, asking the question: What is the problem with America, and most importantly, what is the solution to our nation’s problem? I have often pondered this question in light of our country’s current wayward, downward course. It seems like anyone and everyone is eager to espouse what they think is wrong with America. Search social media to validate my observation. Politicians and political pundits, religious leaders, talking head journalists, academic professors, idealistic students, radical reformers, protestors, social watchdogs, social media junkies and you-name-it proclaim their vaunted opinion as to what they think should happen to right America’s sinking ship. But few, if any, can pinpoint the real problem, let alone write a prescription for the healing of our land. In the midst of breaking bad news happening across our country daily, I have good news! Good news that will encourage you and me, inspiring hope for better days in America. Through Solomon, the wisdom writer in the Bible, God, our Creator and Redeemer, is crystal clear about our problem and its solution. “Where there is no vision, the people perish; but happy is he who keeps the law.” Proverbs 29:18 It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or a sequestered monk in a monastery to understand this simple, life-transforming truth. Vision means to see, the act or power of seeing, sight. What we see is who we will be. Solomon says men and women will be happy when they keep the law. Whose law? God’s law! You and I are happiest and most fulfilled when we have a vision for living life the way our Creator sees it. God’s way is best for us and is the basis for His blessing our lives. On the flipside, no vision (no sight or view of God’s way to live life) results in perishing. The word perish also means unrestrained, out of control. Does that sound like America today? Without vision people perish; with vision people prosper. Perishing looks like this: Disunity. Division. Disrespect. Indecency. Immorality. Disobedience. Disorder. Defiance. Contention. Strife. Rebellion. Corruption. Lying. Prejudice. Discrimination. Accusation. Insecurity. Tear down. Fear. Hatred. Violence. Chaos. Anarchy. Prosperity looks like this: Unity. Togetherness. Cooperation. Respect. Dignity. Deference. Obedience. Morality. Decency. Order. Safety. Security. Build up. Acceptance. Tolerance. Faith. Peace. Love. Happiness. Joy. Purpose. I don’t know about you, but I vote for happiness and prosperity. Perishing, lack of restraint, out of control living is not on my list of life objectives! America’s problem: No vision. America’s solution: Get God’s vision. God, who loves us and sent His only Son Jesus to redeem us from sin (Ephesians 1:3-8). Sin boils down to an arrogant, self-absorbed, godless, visionless lifestyle. God has a purpose and plan for our personal lives, our marriages and family life, our nation, our careers, our churches, our ministries and for the world. America is perishing because we as a people have turned away from God’s vision for our lives. Many Americans are willfully rejecting the Lord and His holy Word. People across our country are unrestrained, out of control, seeking to impose their will on others instead of lining up with God’s good, acceptable and perfect will for all of us.(see Romans 12:1-2). Spiritually, morally, emotionally, mentally, physically, relationally and financially we are perishing. Imploding. Lack of vision of God’s purpose for our lives is hurling us down the slippery slope of self-destruction. VISION MATTERS. People pontificate that they have a vision for America. My question is “What is the source of your vision for our nation?” I suggest we look to God for His vision for our country. ”Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance.” Psalm 33:11. “ “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to a people.” Proverbs 14:24 Biblical vision is about doing what is right in God’s sight, not what we think is right in our sight. How do we discover God’s vision? Humble ourselves and study the Bible. God’s vision is laid out for us in the sacred pages of scripture. God’s vision for our lives matters for us, our children and our grandchildren. Do you have God’s vision for your personal life? Your family? Your career? Your ministry? Your church? Your nation? The world of men and women for whom Christ died? What we believe is how we behave. Our character determines our conduct. Being who God designed us to be (vision) will make us good citizens who can turn the United States around before it is too late. Prosper or perish as a nation is up to you, me and everyone who loves America. Oh gracious and merciful heavenly Father, may Americans recapture a vision to glorify You and make the best life possible for every one of our citizens. Amen. A Word For Your Week: Restoration of a nation begins with vision. I am writing this after Oklahoma experienced a series of severe storms during the day yesterday and last night.
Our part of the nation weather-wise is designated “Tornado Alley.” Springtime is the major tornado season for “Tornado Alley” but we can experience what are called October/November severe weather storms that can include tornadoes. So, it is a bit unnerving and weird to be warned about potentially destructive, damaging weather in the fall. Very strange to have potential tornadoes lingering aloft while our festive neighbors are celebrating Halloween with pumpkins, black cats, skeletons, ghosts and goblins decorating their yards! Around 10:00 p.m. tornado sirens blared to warn us to take cover. Admittedly, the severe weather sirens are eerie, causing adrenalin to surge as blood pressure heart rates rise. Thankfully, most of the storm damage across the state was minimal. Today the sky is crystal clear blue. Cloudless. A cool, refreshing, gentle fall breeze is blowing through the trees. It is a stunningly gorgeous morning compared to the frightening scenario just a few short hours ago. It is a fact of life that you and I can encounter weather and non-weather related storms. Spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, relational, financial and cultural storms can suddenly set off warning sirens that we need to heed. Storms eventually subside and go away. Following a life storm it is significant for us to learn some life lessons about faith. In Mark 4:35-41 Jesus and His disciples were caught in a sudden, dangerous, life-threatening storm on the Sea of Galilee. Their boat was filling up with water. Sinking fast. A trip to Davey’s locker looked like a real possibility. Peter thought they were going to perish. While Peter panicked, Jesus slept peacefully in the back of the boat. Waves tossing the boat around rocked the Lord to sleep. Peter woke Jesus up (not a good move!) expressing his concern that they might drown. Jesus knew that is Father did not send His only Son and His hand-picked followers to drown. The Lord took command of the stressful situation. He got up., rebuked the wind and sea with “peace be still’—and the crisis ended. The wind died down, the sea was completely calm, and the disciples were amazed. “Who then is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him.” Jesus not only rebuked the wind and sea. He rebuked the disciples with “Why are you so timid? How is it that you have no faith?” I believe Jesus expected Peter to rebuke the storm while the Master enjoyed His nap! I am also convinced Peter and the disciples were different men after the storm. Who wouldn’t be having personally witnessed Jesus wake up from taking a few “Zzs” to calm the threatening waves with His word? During and after the storm, Jesus’ followers learned something about faith. How to trust the Father when storms swirl around us. I have a feeling they thought about not panicking the next time a storm blew into their life! What should you and I do when a life storm has blown through our life? How we walk by faith after a life storm passes reveals if the storm matured us in Christ or not. After Storms
Speak to your storm with faith that trusts God to take care of business! Then evaluate your faith during and after the storm. Choose to be strong in faith the next time a life storm visits you. Tell you storm to be still in Jesus’ mighty name! “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that overcomes the world—our faith.” I John 5:4 A Word For Your Week: Faith is the victory during and after the storm. |
January 2025
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