Accountability. Transparency.
Two very familiar, over-used, increasingly empty words many people in our culture use as an expectation of others. But seldom of themselves. Of course, I did not mean me or you!
But, and it is a BIG BUT, where can you find it today? Seems to me everybody wants everyone else to be accountable and transparent. Truth be told: those who call, clamor for, and demand accountability and transparency, are often those arrogant, stuck-on- themselves folks who refuse to be transparent and give an account of their life. Sad. But oh, so true. General negative attitude to being accountable and transparent. Me? Accountable? You must be kidding. I do not have to give an account to anybody for anything. Not God. Not any person. My life is nobody else’s business. But others must give an account and be transparent with me. May I ask? When did each of us become a deserted island bordered by I, me, mine and myself? The fact is all of us share space with eight billion fellow human beings on earth while we live the life our Creator gave us. In the United States, we have entered an election season. (Oh, happy days!). Politicians running for office declare” I will be the most accountable and transparent servant of the people our nation has ever seen.” (GAG!!!). You and I have heard that song and dance before. Then scratched our head in disbelief about certain candidates! Fellow Christians, let us be biblical during this time and every day of our lives. You and I who profess Jesus as our Lord and Savior are accountable to Him, to fellow Christians and to the unsaved. Our life should be an open book of God’s Good News!!! Jesus taught about giving an account and transparent living. Read Matthew 12:26, Matthew 18:23, Luke 16:2. The Lord was an open book to the disciples. He hid nothing. He told them the truth and lived truth in their presence for three years. The Apostle Paul writes about accountability in Romans 14:12-13. “So then, each one of us will give an account of himself to God. Therefore, let us not judge one another anymore; but rather determine this—not to put an obstacle or stumbling block in a brother’s way.” After reading those words, you and I need to get on our faces before the Lord, take care of our business and repent of judging another brother’s life. Paul pointed out two important truths.
On, and on and on. You and I should be accountable and transparent with our Creator and our fellow human creatures.
Blessings/Benefits of accountability and transparency.
A Word For Your Week: Christlike accountability and transparency make for a conscience clear life….and a peacef |
January 2025
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