As dawn was breaking on the horizon of the morning of October the 6th, 1972, sitting alone in his 1947 Chevy parked alongside the Spokane River, a depressed, distraught, emotionally and spiritually lost twenty-year old young man was overwhelmed by the love of God and surrendered his life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. That guy was me.
Fifty years ago this Thursday my life changed for time and eternity. “For God so loved the world (including me!) that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.’ John 3:16 As I write, my heart is overflowing with unspeakable joy while warm tears of humble gratitude flow down my cheeks. Every single day I rejoice remembering that moment when I realized that Jesus shed His life blood on a cruel Cross and rose from the dead to forgive me of my sins and graciously grant me the free gift of eternal life. I am so grateful God gave me the grace to say yes to His Son Jesus! One year later, October 1973, God called me to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ. Are you kidding me? Steve Roll a preacher! God has a hilarious sense of humor! No one who knew me before I became a Christian would have ever imagined or guessed I would be a man of the cloth. I marvel that my heavenly Father put me in the ministry. It has been my priceless privilege, undeserved honor and inexpressible joy of lifting up the name of Jesus to thousands of people for forty years of full-time Christian ministry. The Christian hymn “Amazing Grace” is my all-time favorite worship song. John Newton, once a slave-trader who gave his life to Christ, wrote these immortal words. “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me; I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see. In the movie “Amazing Grace,” which I highly recommend you view, Wilbur Wilberforce asked Mr. Newton, “What do you know about being a Christian?” Newton replied “I know two things; I am a great sinner. Christ is a great Savior.” I get what Newton meant. I, Steve Roll, is a great sinner. Once I was spiritually lost and blind. But now I see what God’s will and plan for my life is because of my great Savior Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus saved Steve Roll from sin and himself. What Salvation Through Faith In Jesus Means To Me
There is so much I still yearn to learn about His saving grace to me. There are two things I choose to do in whatever time I have left on earth. One, I will spend the rest of my life getting to know my Lord and Savior better. Two, I will share my faith with lost souls and do my best with God’s help to win them to Christ! My reader, if you know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, rejoice! Share your faith with others. If you do not know Christ, seek Him right now and receive Him into your heart by faith. Paul’s confession of faith is my confession. “For this reason I also suffer these things, but I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed in and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him util that day.” II Timothy 2:12 A former wretch like me is now an unashamed, blood bought, born-again, Spirit-filled, heading for heaven son of the Living God! Thanks be to God for so great a salvation! My faith journey continues. Having believed and received salvation through Christ, I long for the day when a once lost twenty-year old but a now found seventy-year-old sees Jesus face to face in heaven (I John 3:1-3). What a glorious day that will be!!!! “Thank You Lord for saving my soul, thank You Lord for making me whole. Thank You Lord for giving to me Thy great salvation so rich and free.” On my 50th spiritual birthday, my spirit cries out Hallelujah! Glory to God! |
January 2025
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