Jesus said to them “Come and have breakfast.” John 21:12
Imagine having breakfast with Jesus. How awesome would that be! Christ’s disciples dined with the Lord on the beach early one morning after fishing all night (John 21:1-14). What a breakfast it turned out to be, especially for Peter (John 21:15-22). Peter. A seasoned fisherman spent all night fishing for fish, when in his heart, he wished he was fishing for men (see Matthew 4:18-20). This was the third time Jesus appeared to His followers after His resurrection. When Peter recognized the Lord, he was so excited to see Jesus that he jumped out of the boat and sprinted to the beach. He wanted to be with Jesus so bad, but something was not right. Peter was experiencing a major confidence crisis. Before Jesus went to die on the Cross, Peter, sharing in the Last Supper, adamantly declared that he would never deny the Lord (see Matthew 26:30-35). Jesus said he would, and Peter did (Matthew 27:69-75). Peter’s denial devastated him, dealing a near death blow to his character and confidence. The Lord knew Peter was deeply disappointed with himself. Jesus knew Peter was embarrassed and ashamed. Jesus knew it was hard for Peter to face Him and his fellow disciples. So, the resurrected Savior arranged a breakfast. Breakfast on the beach to help Peter save face. Peter, do you love Me? Lord, You know that I do. Then Peter, feed and tend My sheep. Get up off the ash heap of depression and despair and get ready to minister the Good News I called you to proclaim in My name. Imagine what the Lord’s restoring words meant to Peter! Relief. Refreshing. Renewed hope that better days were on the horizon. The Lord still believes in me and plans to use me. What a breakfast!!! Observations about this breakfast at the beach with Jesus.
Main Point of this breakfast meeting: The Lord restores those who love Him. Let me shoot real straight with you. Have you messed up in some way? Are you disappointed in yourself? Do you feel embarrassed or ashamed? Have you lost your confidence? Is your self-esteem shot because you feel you failed God and people you love? Now this question is the one that really matters. Despite your shortcomings, mistakes, and even sin, do you love Jesus? I want to say it again. Do you love the Lord? If Jesus asked you right now, smack dab in the middle of your confidence crisis, “Do you love Me?...... how would you answer? If your answer is “Yes Lord, You know I love You,” then there is hope for you If you have messed up, but sincerely and wholeheartedly love the Lord, He will forgive your mess and restore you to Himself. Honestly, there will be times in all our lives as Christians when we are hurting, questioning, wondering, even doubting. That is when we need to hear and heed Jesus’ gracious invitation “Come and have breakfast.” The fish and bread will be cooking on the barbecue. Serving you with a smile, Jesus will ask you if you love Him. Tell Jesus you love Him with all your heart. Then humbly and joyfully receive the healing, restoring and renewing power of God’s forgiving love! Then you can enjoy a moment of sweet fellowship, and who knows maybe even a meal, with the One who loves you unconditionally and eternally! How about breakfast with Jesus? I would like that. How about you? “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and my load is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 “For I will restore you to health and I will heal your wounds” declares the Lord.” Jeremiah 30:17 A Word for Your Week: Jesus restores us when we need restored. |
January 2025
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