Faith is active. Never passive. Believing then acting on our belief is something you and I do.
Luke 17:11-19 records the amazing, inspiring, healing miracle of ten people with leprosy. Scenario. Jesus and His disciples were traveling to Jerusalem. Entering a “certain village” along the way, ten people with leprosy “stood at a distance from Him.” Leprosy was and is a horribly debilitating, disfiguring disease. A person with leprosy in Jesus’ day was socially isolated, ex-communicated from the community. A leper had to announce they were “unclean, unclean” whenever they were in public.
TRUTH: Healing was in the going because going was an act of faith in Jesus.
Worth Thinking About
MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST, DO YOU NEED JESUS TO HEAL YOU? RESTORE YOU? FORGIVE YOU? PROVIDE FOR YOU? PROTECT YOU? IF SO, GET UP. GET GOING TO HIM. GET GOING TO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU TO DO. Mary, mother of Jesus “Whatever He says to you, do it.” John 2:5 A Word For Your Week: With faith-filled obedience to Jesus, RECEIVE YOUR MIRACLE AS YOU GO. Where is God?I do know this about His whereabouts. The Almighty One, your and my Creator and Redeemer is not hiding out in some galaxy far, far away. According to His Word, through His Son Jesus Christ, He is right here. Right now.
Almighty God makes His home in the hearts of Christians through the Holy Spirit. “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price’ therefore, glorify God in your body.” I Corinthians 6:19-20 Think with me for a moment. If as a Christian, my body is God’s temple where He resides, then why have I heard some Christians use phrases like “When God shows up” ” I am waiting for the Lord to show up.” “God hasn’t shown up yet.” “I sure hope God shows up soon.” I even heard a preacher say from the pulpit in a message recently that “God finally showed up.” Sounds like God has a showing up problem, doesn’t it? I am sorry. This does not line up with scripture. Our verse for this week tells us that God, speaking through Moses, assured Israel that they need not fear the opposing Canaanites in the Promised Land. “You shall not dread them, for the Lord your God is in your midst, a great and awesome God.” Deuteronomy 7:21 Hey, My people, listen up. No reason to fear anyone or anything. Why? Because their Lord and God, who is a “great and awesome God” would be in their midst. “In your midst” means with you. Right in the middle of things. Not somewhere out there, out of touch with your life. But right here with you every step of the way. God would show up for Israel because He was there with them. Israel did not have to look for God to show up. The show was in town. God was the main attraction. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, God is the God who always showed (shows)up. The way I read God’s Word, the God of the Bible is a sovereign God who does show up. Because He is God who does not have to check in with anybody else before He acts, God can show up in any way He wants to. How God shows up is up to Him, not me! Well-meaning, sincere people of faith can become frustrated when God does not seem to be working on their behalf. It is hard for all of us at times to wait for the Lord to work. Isaiah 64: 5 states “When You didst awesome things which we did not expect, You did come down, the mountains quaked at Your presence. For from of old they have not heard nor perceived by ear, neither has the eye seen a God besides You, WHO ACTS ON BEHALF OF THE ONE WHO WAITS FOR HIM.” Could it be that God shows up on our behalf when we show up to wait on Him? Maybe, just maybe this showing up thing is more about me, than God. What about daily fellowship with the God who is with us? How about worship, prayer, Bible reading, meditation, listening for God’s voice, obedience to His direction and fellowship with fellow believers in Jesus? I have a feeling if I show up to meet with Him, He will show up because He waits for me to show up! Truth: God does not need to show up. I do. Why We Sometimes Think God Has Not Shown Up
God cannot not show up. It is not possible for the God who is with us to not show up. God shows up because He has already shown up! God came to earth as Jesus. Jesus Christ is Immanuel which means “God with us.” God shows up through Jesus in our lives. I have a word for any of you, who like me, like to sense God’s presence every moment of the day. I have learned and continue to learn that the Lord Jesus is with me every moment of everyday. His Word says so. Faith does not have to feel God’s presence. Faith trusts in the promise of God’s presence, especially when we do not feel like He is near. Be encouraged my fellow Christian. No matter what you may be facing at this moment, God is here and near to help you victoriously overcome your challenges. GOD IS WITH YOU. HE IS FOR YOU. HE IS WORKING ON YOUR BEHALF THIS VERY MOMENT. Just a thought: you and I need to rethink this “showing up” thing.
“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8
My brothers and sisters in Christ have a great day because GOD IS WITH YOU!!!!!! “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20b “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 “For He Himself has said,” I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5 A Word For Your Week: When looking for God to show up, you show up first. Easter. Resurrection. Jesus is alive! Last weekend, all over the world, Christians joyously celebrated Christ’s powerful, glorious resurrection from the dead. My heart was stirred deeply once again as I focused on the Cross and empty tomb. What a Savior!
What is incredible to me, as a follower of Christ, is that the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead resides in little old me. See Romans 8:9-11. Resurrection life and power is mine. Glory to God! As I reflect on Easter 2024, I am pondering what resurrection life means for me and what my responsibility is to share my life in Christ with people who do not know Him. I would like to share some personal thoughts about my Christian witness to America. I love my country. I am a citizen patriot who proudly flies the Stars and Stripe at my home every day. I served as a Hospital Corpsman in the United States Navy during the Viet Nam War. I firmly believe in the foundational principles of our nation that our forefathers, most who believed in God and His Word the Bible, established in our Constitution and Bill of Rights almost two hundred and fifty years ago. Without question, the world has never known a country like ours. America has been an exceptionally great nation, a beacon of light, life and hope, bringing untold blessing to the world when it has adhered to its Judeo-Christian roots. But sadly, our spiritual/moral light has dimmed, our hope is waning, and life, the way our Maker designed it, is slowly but surely slipping into an abyss of death. America is fast becoming a culture of death. A spirit of darkness and Satanic evil hovers over our nation. If you do not believe me, what about the thousands of babies’ lives we terminate in their mother’s wombs every single day? What about the fact that the United States has one of, if not the highest, murder rates per capita of civilized nations? How “civilized” is that? What about the multitudes of Americans who die agonizing, horrible deaths from drug overdoses? What about our embarrassingly high divorce rate, in our “enlightened” society? A divorce decree delivers death to family relationships. Walking out on loved ones, instead working out issues is far too commonplace. Do I need to tell you about violent home invasions? Terrorism in our churches, malls, schools, hospitals, places of employment. Foul, filthy, profane language, which is becoming the norm, demeans people and speaks death into the lives of all of us made in the image of a Holy God. Domestic violence, perversion of sexual relationships, sexual abuse and assault, corruption of power, disrespect for lawful authority, ambushing and killing of police officers, evil-based blockbuster movies and entertainment venues, anti-Christian talk shows, pop culture music, and video games focus on death, not life. What troubles my heart most is that so many people, who have bought into the deceptive, death producing lies of the evil one, participate in the above. What is really disturbing, and grieves my spirit, is that some “professing” Christians behave no differently. This should not be.
Death and dying is the new normal in America. Breaks my heart. What can be done? The Bible, God’s Word, has the answer. Jesus removed the distance between death and life when He sacrificed Himself on a cruel Roman cross for our sins. Before His death and resurrection, Jesus’ friend Lazarus had died. Standing at the foot of Lazarus’s tomb, weeping with his sisters Mary and Martha, Jesus declared to Martha “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26). What a word for grieving, hurting hearts. Death is not the end. Life is. Resurrection life. It comes through believing in Jesus who said “I am the way, the truth and the life; no man comes to the Father but through Me.” (John 14:6). Jesus paved the way to eternal life through His resurrection. My friends, all of us must answer Jesus’ pivotal question to Martha “Do you believe this?”
May the resurrection life of Christ in you and me shed bright, redeeming light into the hearts of precious people who, though they are stumbling in the darkness and confusion, are searching for lasting answers in these evil days. Truth is: You and me are Christ’s Goof News ambassadors sharing eternal life through faith in God’s Son. May we be found faithful in these challenging days. “That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to his death, in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.” Philippians 3:10-11 A Word For Your Week: Share resurrection life in Christ with those who have lost their way. I spend the lion’s share of my ministry time helping hurting people find healing, restoration and renewal through God’s love in Jesus Christ. If you know me, you are aware that I am passionate about restoration. The Lord has given me a compassionate, tender heart and a wise, discerning spirit. Watching God work in the lives of people who are experiencing a life crisis is priceless!
Miracles happen in the hearts of broken people as the Lord mends and binds up their heartache. (See Jeremiah 30:17, Psalm 147:3, Psalm 34:18, Psalm 23:1-3, Psalm 30:11, and Matthew 11:28-30). Over many years of restoration counseling, I have observed that certain behaviors prevent good-intentioned people from being emotionally healthy and establishing long-lasting, fulfilling, mutually satisfying relationships. As I thought about this in my study today, the Lord put on my heart to share with you ten things you and I can do to have a healthier emotional life. I must give you a heads up. This list is not for the faint of heart. You may well see yourself in one or some of these tips. Do not be offended. Refuse to become defensive. I am not your enemy. As your brother in Christ, I am in your corner with the Lord. Choose to open your heart and allow God to search you like David did. “Search me O God and know my heart. Try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me and lead me in the everlasting way.” Psalm 139:23-24 When we permit the Holy Spirit to point out hurtful ways in our life, healing and health is on its way!
Maybe you can add another tip or two for yourself. Get alone with the Lord and run this list by Him. Be quiet. Patient. Listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit. God loves you and will point out what you need to change in the coming days. Please take care of yourself emotionally every day. You, your family and friends will be glad you did! A Word For Your Week: Search my heart Lord, heal my hurts and make me emotionally healthy. A spirit of demonic, ever-darkening fear stalks our world, nation and people everywhere.
Frightening scenarios…troubling circumstances…unanswered questions…beyond our control tempt us to be terrified, anxiously wondering if there is hope for the future. Satan, the enemy of our souls, along with his hell-bent minions, who pledge blind allegiance to the Evil One, work relentlessly and tirelessly to deceive, divide and destroy humanity. Through lies, falsehood, hatred, division, violence and perversion of what is pure, our spiritual enemy’s end game goal is to eradicate all that is holy, righteous, just, good and true in humanity. Sounds depressive huh? My friend, do not be disheartened, discouraged or depressed. Our word for this week from Psalm 46 is God’s remedy for times like these. Read the eleven verses as a unit. I will highlight the truths revealed for our encouragement. THEME OF THIS PSALM: God is our refuge even though the world is falling apart.
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Verse 1). “The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold.” (Verse 11) “Very present help in trouble” means Johnny on the spot. Right with us. Near as near can be. God is with us as our refuge, shelter. Our stronghold. Our fortress. Our strength. Our Heavenly Father has never taken a hike on us when life heats up. He cannot forsake His blood-bought sons and daughters, It is not in His holy character to abandon His children.
“Therefore, we will not fear, even though the earth should change, and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; though the waters roar and foam, though the mountains quake at its swelling pride.” (Verses 2-3.) Today’s fear producing issues. Economic collapse. Political upheaval. Anarchy. Terrorism. Riots. Wars and rumors of wars. Sexual perversion. Moral implosion. Eco-system disasters. Disrespect for authority. Racism and bigotry. Worldwide pandemics. Food shortages. Cataclysmic natural disasters. Christian persecution. The world without Jesus is rapidly hurtling in a handbasket toward a fiery, eternal hell. The above sounds like mountains crashing into the sea to me!
“Be still (cease striving, let go, relax) and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth.” Verse 10 My friends, cease striving. Stop trying to figure things out. Relax. Chill a little bit in God’s presence. Let Go… Let God. Hand off your anxiety, fear, and the uncertainty you feel to the Lord. As our helper and stronghold, God has got it.
Paul writes in Romans 8:31 “If God be for us, who can be against us.” I heard a pastor say “If God is for us, everybody else might as well be” I say amen and amen to that! Personal Application
As long as you and I live on this fallen earth, “even though” will be part of our life. The question we must answer: will we overcome “even though” with resolute, immovable faith in the One who overcomes on our behalf? I dare myself and you to live like that every day! “For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, but My lovingkindness will not be removed from you, and My covenant of peace will not be shaken, says the Lord who has compassion on you.” Isaiah 54:10 “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” I Corinthians 15:58 A Word For Your Week: “Even though” is a call for Christians to stand firm with confident faith in the Lord Jesus Christ no matter what is happening. Like me, are you asking “Who can be trusted these days? Who or what can I put my faith in? There is so much “noise” and “clutter” today in our culture, clamoring for our faith. Think about it. Political personalities, celebrities, pollsters, media darlings, elitists professors, religious superstars, military power, slick salespeople, master marketers, economic forecasts, “trending” products and services ad nauseum, in your face infomercials and more seek your and my trust.
I cannot speak for you, but trust is a big, huge deal to me. LIFE IS ABOUT TRUST. According to Webster trust means “assured reliance on the character, ability, strength or truth of someone or something, dependence on something future or contingent, hope, one in which confidence is placed.” My friends, trust and faith are foundational to success and satisfaction in life. Relationships with God and people must be built upon trust if they are to be healthy, productive and satisfying. At seventy plus years I am convinced that as humans we must trust someone or something to make sense of life on earth. When people, things, or systems break my trust, it is extremely disappointing. Generally, I am a trusting person. I want to put my faith in others and be able to rely and depend on them. But not everyone nor everything is worthy of trust. I have had trust broken by people more than once. Each time was very disheartening and disillusioning. Looking around today, only the God of the Bible fits Webster’s definition to a tee. Reliability based on character, strength, and truth describes God. We can put our hope and faith in our Creator because He alone can be counted on to be who He says He is and do what He says he will do. Our Creator put the ability to trust within our souls. Trust originates and ends with Him. Being a God of goodness and grace, He entrusts us to decide where to put our trust. Trust is up to us. Who we trust is our choice. People, even well-meaning ones, often fall short of this standard of trust. Anyone or anything less than God is not to be our primary place of trust. That is why the Word warns us not to trust in men, or money, or military might, or anything but God Himself. The psalmist knew where to put his trust. According to Psalm 143:8, Davide knew who to rely on. “Let me hear Thy loving-kindness in the morning, FOR I TRUST IN THEE.” Teach me the way in which I should walk; FOR TO THEE I LIFT UP MY SOUL.” Psalm 143:8 David believed that God alone was worthy of trust. He looked and listened for God’s loving-kindness every single morning. David began the day depending on God because God was dependable. David put His faith in God because God was faithful. David trusted God to take care of every need because God was trustworthy. Note that David lifted his soul up to God. Why? BECAUSE HE TRUSTED IN HIM. David put his personal faith and confidence in the Lord. It is a sad commentary on our day that so many people in our secularized society lift up and sell their souls to almost anyone or anything except the Living God who can save their soul.
Before you throw in the towel on trust, I have good news for you. Turn your eyes toward God and trust in Him. With David, we can confess with confidence, “I TRUST IN THEE” because:
The question of the hour and every hour is: Who are you trusting in today? Paul writes in Romans 10:13“Whoever believes in Him (puts their trust in Jesus Christ) will never be disappointed.” Throughout my life, people, institutions, services, products material stuff, and myself have disappointed me. Because of His divine nature and holy character, God cannot and will not ever disappoint those who trust in him. If you do not want to be disappointed, trust in God. I have decided to trust in the Lord who can be trusted. Trust will always be tested. With God’s help, I desire to pass the trust test. I ask you once again “Who do you trust?” “The steadfast of mind Thou will keep in perfect peace, because he trusts in Thee.” Isaiah 26:3 “The fear of a man brings a snare, but he who trusts in the Lord will be exalted.” Proverbs 29:25 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not lean upon your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 A Word For Your Week: Trust in the One who can be trusted. Certain words in the Bible stand out like the proverbial sore thumb. They smack you in your spiritual face, shaking your soul, moving you mightily.“From now on” is one of those attention grabbing, jump all over you phrases.
SCENARIO. John 8:1-11. Before you read on, take your Bible. Review this passage. Read it as if you were there in real time observing what happened. OBSERVATIONS
Now. To the significance of this biblical story. The gathered crowd watching from the gallery, the accused woman and Jesus were alone. (Verse 9). The publicly disgraced, embarrassed, humiliated woman is one-on-one with Jesus. What was she thinking? What is Jesus going to say to me? What will happen to me? “And straightening up, Jesus said to her “Woman, where they? Did no one condemn you? And she said “No one Lord.” And Jesus said “Neither do I condemn you.” Go your way; from now on sin no more. “ John 11:10-11 Oh my! Takes my spiritual breath away every time I think about this scenario. Do we understand what just happened to this adulterous woman? She could have been stoned to death. Life over. Enter Jesus. The Son of God, full of love and compassion, peered into her eyes and her heart. Woman, where are those religious bigots, accusers who dragged you in here? “No one Lord” is here. This dear woman’s accusers could not in good conscience condemn her because they are sinners too! “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23. Jesus “Neither do I condemn you. Go your way; FROM NOW ON sin no more.” What do you think that precious woman thought? What did the assembled audience think? Probably most of them thought who is this guy? Who forgives sin. Who gives a sinner a second chance. What is this lady going to do? Here are my observations.
I know what I think. Steve Roll has sinned in his life. More than once. Thankfully, I am a sinner saved by grace (Ephesians 2:8-9). How? On October 6, 1972. I repented of my sins, asked Jesus to forgive me, received Him into my heart and chose from that day forward to trust Him, walking by faith, eternally grateful for a new life free from the condemnation of sin.
“There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.” Romans 8:1 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. “ I John 1:9 A Word For Your Week: From now on sin no more. (Author’s note. This was first written in 2017).
Maggie. Sweet. Steal your heart smile. Spontaneous. Strong willed. Energetic. Enthusiastic. In love with life. Like a beautiful butterfly in flight, my three-year-old, free-floating granddaughter, glides into a room on a wind of innocence and purity. While visiting with her Doodah and Grandma this past weekend, I looked at her precious face and everything in me said “innocence.” Maggie’s take on life is simple: enjoy what God has put in front of her. And I mean enjoy! Life to Maggie is for the taking. Get after it, no matter who or what is in the way. Oftentimes baby brother Evan (nine months old) is run over when Maggie takes flight on her next adventure. I love her innocent spirit. Like all of us, Maggie has a sinful nature which comes out in various forms from time to time. Parents and grandparents know what I mean! But, oh what I love about her is she is pure, uncorrupt, unassuming, and uncomplicated. She takes life at face value and trusts. In her little innocent heart, she believes to the best of her ability that life is good. How refreshing to this Doodah’s heart who has lived almost seven decades and honestly needs an injection from her innocent spirit. It is no wonder to me that Jesus said the Kingdom of God is like a child. “And they were bringing even their babies to Him so that He might touch them, but when the disciples saw it, they began rebuking them. But Jesus called for them saying “Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it at all. “Luke 18:15-17 The spirit of a humble, innocent child is what the spirit of God’s Kingdom is like. I can see Jesus hugging up and playing with little ones. Laughing with them as they giggle. Having plain, old, pure fun with kids. Maybe loving the spirit of children kept Christ’s spirit young while he fulfilled His mission to be the Savior of the world. Innocence lost is something that humanity cannot afford to lose. The Spirit Of Innocence
No matter what age or stage you at are as an adult, chill out a little bit. Uncomplicate your life. Step back a step or two to days of innocence, purity and spontaneity. Too many of us “mature” people are stressed out. Wrinkles and worry fissures dot the landscape of our aging faces. Some of us look like we were baptized in lemon juice! Cranky. Negative. Uptight. Even cynical. When was the last time you acted like a little child? (I know wives think husbands act like kids all the time!). I mean, how long has it been since you threw caution, not commonsense or wisdom, to the wind and unwound with a little innocent spontaneity? Who gives a rip what someone else thinks. Let innocence overwhelm. Life is too short and eternity too long to miss the joys and satisfaction of spontaneous innocence. Oh, Doodah, to be like Maggie occasionally. She challenges me to get out of my old man comfort zone and enjoy life for a moment. Really enjoy the life that I have in Christ. Maybe a dose of childlike innocence is what you need today. Ask the Lord to make your heart trust, leap, fly and run like a child. That is His will for us. Maggie. Thank you little one for blessing dear old Doodah’s heart. A Word For Your Week: Lighten up your life with a little innocent behavior. Do you have the courage to say “God, check me out”. Give every aspect of my life a thorough going over. Send the search light of the Holy Spirit into the deepest recesses of my mind, heart and spirit. Examine my thoughts and actions. Let me know if they line up with the Word of God.
You can only do this if you are a man or woman of INTEGRITY. People with integrity have nothing to hide and nothing to fear. Their lives are an open book. The word integrity according to the dictionary means “wholeness,” “entireness” or “completeness.” The root word means untouched, intact and entire. A person of integrity is whole and has their act together. There is no division between conviction, character and conduct. Someone said “What you see is what they be” applies to integrity minded people. Integrity is BEING WHO YOU SAY YOU ARE and DOING WHAT YOU SAY YOU DO. Does integrity matter? You bet it does. Integrity mattered to David. In Psalm 26. David is experiencing serious heat from evil men. “Vindicate me O Lord, for I have walked in my integrity; and I have trusted in the Lord without wavering. Examine me, O Lord, and try me; Test my mind and my heart” Psalm 26:1-2 As the malicious assault on his character and conduct rages, the psalmist turns to the Lord. He invites God to examine His life with the purpose of vindicating and justifying him. Men are lying about him. Slinging mud. Assassinating his character. Destroying his credibility. Dead set on ruining his reputation and life. But David knows who he is and knows that God knows who he is. He is not afraid to look to the Lord to set the record straight. With sincerity and confidence he says, “Lord, I have trusted you without flinching or shrinking back. I have walked in my integrity. My daily life has not been hidden. Everyone has seen who I am and what I do.” I love verse four where he declares “I have not walked with PRETENDERS.” David is the real deal. No pretense. No deception. No secret or double life. No duplicity. No hypocrisy for him. God’s response? He backs David up and puts the detractors down. Integrity equals credibility. Society is long on hypocrisy and short on integrity. Our culture promotes charlatans while pummeling and penalizing godly character. I am afraid this insidious moral infection has invaded the church of Jesus Christ. Christians and the church are in an integrity crisis. Ever wonder why the unbelieving world mocks us and turns their back on us? Lack of integrity. Sadly, too often, we are not who we say we are and do not do what we say we will do. It is that simple. Too often I have heard people say I will never do business with a Christian again. I will not listen to Christians because so many are so hypocritical. This lost world will not listen to the Gospel if God’s people are phony. Life may be short, but it gives most people time to outlive their intentions. Integrity has nothing to do with good intentions. It has everything to do with good behavior. I have known a businessman for fourteen years. I love him as a brother in Christ, call him friend, but have no respect for him as an integrity minded person. Repeatedly, he tells me what he is going to do, and he never comes through. Good intentions. Bad integrity. I will never trust him to assist me with something that is significant because he is not who he says he is and does not do what he says he will do. Lack of integrity is inner dishonesty. Is it any wonder some Christians have trouble living in a Christlike, healthy, wholesome and productive manner with themselves and others. They are not honest. Bless their hearts--they are not who they say they are and do not do what they say they do. INTEGRITY MEANS…
INTEGRITY CHECK: Do you keep your word? Do you keep appointments? Arrive on time? Pay your bills? Deliver promised products and services? Honor your prices? Do your wife and kids believe your words? Do they respect your behavior? Are they proud of who you are at home and in public? This devotional is tough. Why? Because we know who we are and what we do or do not do better than anyone else except for Almighty God who knows and sees all things. JUST A THOUGHT WORTH THINKING ABOUT. Why not start today and help turn the tide of integrity? THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD ARE IN DESPERATE NEED IN THESE LAST DAYS TO BE INFLUENCED BY PEOPLE OF INTEGRITY. Integrity matters if you desire to be Christlike and win lost souls to Jesus. “But as for me, I shall walk in my integrity….” Psalm 26:11 “Vindicate me, O Lord, according to my righteousness and my integrity that is in me.” Psalm 7:8
A Word For Your Week: If you want God to stand up for you, stand up for Him with a life of biblical integrity. Accountability. Transparency.
Two very familiar, over-used, increasingly empty words many people in our culture use as an expectation of others. But seldom of themselves. Of course, I did not mean me or you!
But, and it is a BIG BUT, where can you find it today? Seems to me everybody wants everyone else to be accountable and transparent. Truth be told: those who call, clamor for, and demand accountability and transparency, are often those arrogant, stuck-on- themselves folks who refuse to be transparent and give an account of their life. Sad. But oh, so true. General negative attitude to being accountable and transparent. Me? Accountable? You must be kidding. I do not have to give an account to anybody for anything. Not God. Not any person. My life is nobody else’s business. But others must give an account and be transparent with me. May I ask? When did each of us become a deserted island bordered by I, me, mine and myself? The fact is all of us share space with eight billion fellow human beings on earth while we live the life our Creator gave us. In the United States, we have entered an election season. (Oh, happy days!). Politicians running for office declare” I will be the most accountable and transparent servant of the people our nation has ever seen.” (GAG!!!). You and I have heard that song and dance before. Then scratched our head in disbelief about certain candidates! Fellow Christians, let us be biblical during this time and every day of our lives. You and I who profess Jesus as our Lord and Savior are accountable to Him, to fellow Christians and to the unsaved. Our life should be an open book of God’s Good News!!! Jesus taught about giving an account and transparent living. Read Matthew 12:26, Matthew 18:23, Luke 16:2. The Lord was an open book to the disciples. He hid nothing. He told them the truth and lived truth in their presence for three years. The Apostle Paul writes about accountability in Romans 14:12-13. “So then, each one of us will give an account of himself to God. Therefore, let us not judge one another anymore; but rather determine this—not to put an obstacle or stumbling block in a brother’s way.” After reading those words, you and I need to get on our faces before the Lord, take care of our business and repent of judging another brother’s life. Paul pointed out two important truths.
On, and on and on. You and I should be accountable and transparent with our Creator and our fellow human creatures.
Blessings/Benefits of accountability and transparency.
A Word For Your Week: Christlike accountability and transparency make for a conscience clear life….and a peacef |
January 2025
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