What do you think of when you think of character? How important is a person’s character to you? In Romans 5:1-5, Paul addressed a process that produces “proven character.” “And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character, and proven character, hope;” Romans 5:3-4
Someone remarked “The true measure of a man is the height of his ideals, the breadth of his sympathy, the depth of his convictions, and the length of his patience.” That sounds like a man of proven character, character that passes life’s many tests and challenges. America is experiencing a character crisis in all walks of life.
From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible has a lot to say about character. I encourage you to take your Bible concordance and study the word character and related words. Look closely at the lives of the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11 who not only believed and obeyed God, but they behaved in a godly manner, exhibiting proven character. Comments Concerning Character
On Tuesday November 5th, Americans head to the polls to select our elected leaders.
I believe men and women should serve because of their character. Party affiliation, platform planks, popularity, personal charisma, popularity, pollster’s opinions, and media darlings all pale in significance to the godly, proven character we must have in our leaders if we expect God to bless America once again. As a Christian, who loves his nation and is deeply concerned about where we are and where we are headed, I will be voting according to my conscience and convictions. My belief and values are determined by God’s Word found in the Bible. Holiness not hype, purity not policy, righteousness not rhetoric, morality not tolerance of immorality, conviction not compromise, truth not half-truths will direct my decisions in the polling place. In other words, I will be voting for candidates with proven character. CHARACTER COUNTS. Who a person is matters. God is always looking for men and women who exhibit godly, proven character. So should you and I. Christ-like character is the highest form of “proven character”. Jesus proved His character when He allowed sinful men to nail Him to a cruel cross where He shed His blood. It took character for God’s only Son to say as He looked on the mocking crowd who reveled in His suffering “Father, forgive them.”(Luke 23:34).
On November 5th, I will vote for candidates based on their personal character. This is my list for evaluating the candidates. Character Checklist For Candidates ü Do they fear, love God and obey His Word as revealed in the Bible? ü Do they choose, support and protect life from the womb to the tomb? ü Do they stand up for moral decency and oppose sexual immorality? ü Are they morally faithful to their spouses? ü Do they stand by their convictions no matter what the cost? ü Do they tell the truth when truth is not popular or expedient? ü Are they the same person in private that they profess to be in public? ü Can they be trusted with other people’s money? ü Do they respect and uphold rightful authority? ü Do they protect those who cannot protect themselves? ü Will they put biblical correctness over political correctness? ü Would the people who know them best say they are honest and integrity minded? “Characters” or character…which counts most to you? You and I get to choose who will lead our land, making destiny determining decisions that will affect us, our children and our grandchildren for generations to come. Draw up your own candidate character checklist. Pray over it. Ask God who you should vote for. Then do not fail to vote on the 5th of November. · May God be merciful to the United States of America in the days ahead. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen for His own inheritance.” Psalm 33:12 A Word For Your Week: Character counts. Make your vote count on November 5th by voting in men and women with proven character. |
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