It seems like every time you turn around, something matters.
I jumped on the “matter” bandwagon last week with #wisdommatters. I am going to ride the matter band wagon again today. This blog is written specifically for my fellow Christians. Convictions Matter. A conviction is something of which I am convinced. Webster defines conviction as “a strong persuasion or belief, the state of being convinced, certain.” In our scripture for this week Paul, a Christian serving God in a pagan, heathen, anti-Christian world, was personally persuaded, certain, absolutely convinced, that Jesus Christ was the answer to life. “For this reason I also suffer these things, but I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day.” II Timothy 1:12 Under daily pressure to conform to a secular culture, Paul suffered for Christ and was not ashamed. Why? Because he was convinced (conviction matters) that the Lord would guard, keep safe his life which Paul had entrusted to His Lord and Savior. Take note of the words of commitment Paul uses: “not ashamed”, “know”, “believed”, “convinced” and “entrusted”. No compromise of convictions for Paul! The gospel trailblazer of the New Testament church was fully convinced that Jesus was the truth, the only truth. Paul was persuaded that the one and only Son of the Living God who died on a cross and rose again to save us from our sins can be trusted to keep His Word to His followers up to the very last day. Convictions Matter. As a devoted, sincere, certainly imperfect, wholehearted follower of Jesus Christ, I am deeply concerned and alarmed that many professing Christians, unlike Paul, are compromising biblical convictions because of cultural pressure to erase Judeo-Christian values and traditions from the fabric of our nation. It is incredible to me and troubles my heart greatly that some Christians are now declaring acceptable values, beliefs and behaviors that are unacceptable in the Bible, the Word of God. Is it wise for you and me to compromise what Jesus Christ shed His precious blood for? Thoughts About convictions
I ask myself how does a Christian get to a place where man’s opinion, political polls, agenda pushing pundits, popular personalities and celebrities overrule personal convictions? I am scratching my head and asking the Holy Spirit to console the grief in my heart as to why so many of my professed brothers and sisters in Christ are compromising convictions, selling out to secular society. And for what? Man’s approval? Satan’s lies? If you are a professing Christian who compromises biblical convictions, I believe you are crucifying Christ again. I know what my core Christian convictions are. I have held them for almost fifty years and have not altered, adjusted or abandoned them. I never will. Like Paul, I am not ashamed of Jesus and my Christian faith. I will stand boldly for truth and righteousness no matter what cultural pressure tries to do to get me to compromise what I believe. I know the Lord is taking care of business on my behalf. I am thankful for His faithfulness to me every single day of my life. What do you believe? What are your core convictions? Why do you believe what you believe? Are you willing to take a stand for what you believe? Are you willing to defend your faith and values? At any price? Or have you compromised convictions that you say you believe in? Are you waffling with God’s holy Word? Sitting on the fence regarding your faith? A word from me regarding election of leaders in America. I love my country. Leadership will dictate our future. Take time and make the effort to check out the convictions of candidates. What about their personal convictions, character and conduct? Does their belief and behavior line up with your personal core convictions based on the Bible? Listen very carefully to their words. More importantly, research their lives and track records. Why would you even consider voting for someone to lead our nation whose convictions are contrary to Christian truth and principles? Please think about it. If believers in Christ continue to compromise convictions, soon the America you and I have live in will be unrecognizable. Are you sure you want your children and grandchildren to live in a morally rudderless culture that openly rejects Jesus Christ and Christian values, purposely brainwashing the impressionable minds of your loved ones with anti-Christian propaganda? Never, ever compromise your faith. “And so having obtained help from God, I stand to this day testifying both to small and great, stating nothing but what the Prophets and Moses said was going to take place, that the Christ was to suffer, and that by reason of His resurrection from the dead He should be the first to proclaim light both to the Jewish people and to the Gentiles.” Acts 26:22-23 A Word For Your Week: Choose uncompromising convictions for the cause of Christ. |
January 2025
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