As I write today (October 18th) dark, ominous clouds of uncertainty hover over humanity.
Anxiety. Fear. Terror taunt and haunt the hearts and minds of men and women everywhere on planet Earth. Why? The prospect of a possible world war is on the table. The war cry is eerily loud. Modern sabers are rattling, instilling uncertainty and confusion in folks like you and me. People of all stripes are troubled, wondering and worrying about what may be next. As a born-again, Spirit-filled Christian, what should Steve Roll do in a time such as this? I believe I should stand firm in faith as to what I am convinced of. To be convinced means to be certain, persuaded, without any question or doubt. There are people in our culture and world who are convinced of wrong things. Evil things. I choose to be different. In II Timothy 1: 12 the Apostle Paul shares with us what he was certain about. “For this reason I also suffer, but I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed and am convinced, completely persuaded, that He (God) is able to keep what I have entrusted to Him against that day.” Paul was a convinced, committed, confident Christian. Paul suffered for his faith (see II Corinthians 11: 22-31). The faithful messenger of the love and grace of God never sucked his spiritual thumb or threw a personal pity-poor-me party. On the contrary: I have suffered. I am not ashamed. I know who I have believed. I am convinced. I like the personal pronoun “I”. Paul’s “I” meant he was an-all in guy. Being convinced in my and your Christian faith is powerful. Do you believe that God will guard your commitment to Him every single day, no matter what?
RUBBER MEETS THE ROAD TIME Are you convinced the world system is your security? Think again. Are you convinced the government will always protect you and your loved ones? Think again. Are you convinced that the economy is your supply? Think again. Are you convinced some political figure, celebrity or popular pastor is your savior? Think again. Are you convinced that fellow humans could keep you safe from Satan? Think again. Look up Romans 8:31-39 in your Bible. Paul’s Holy Spirit inspired pen records incredibly motivating words of unwavering commitment to Jesus Christ in verses 38-39. “FOR I AM CONVINCED that neither death or life, or angels, or principalities, or things present, or things present, or powers, or height, or depth, or any other created thing, SHALL BE ABLE TO SEPARATE US FROM THE LOVE OF GOD, WHICH IS IN CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD.” Paul nailed it down for himself. Even though he bore in his body evidence of suffering for Christ, he knew without a single question or doubt what he was convinced of. Nothing, absolutely nothing, could ever separate Paul from God’s love in Jesus. I do not know about you, but I want to be like Paul in the way he followed Jesus. How about you my fellow Christian? Are you convinced, fully persuaded, that absolutely nothing can separate you from God’s love? Are you completely convinced that God is who He says He is and does what He says He will do? Seriously, are you on board 100% with unwavering faith in the Lord Jesus Christ? No matter what happens? Even if others around you are uncertain about their faith? Even if the world chooses to go to hell in a hand-basket? I challenge you in these uncertain times to be convinced. Make this your confession of faith. ‘I (Your Name) am not ashamed; for I (Your Name) know in whom I have believed and I (Your Name) am convinced that He is able to guard what I (Your Name) have entrusted to Him until that day. I will be unwavering in my personal devotion to My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who laid His life down for me through the shedding of His precious blood so that I could be saved for time and eternity.” THANK YOU LORD JESUS FOR WATCHING OVER ME EACH AND EVERY DAY! “The Lord is my light and my salvation. Who shall I fear? The Lord is the defense of my life. Who shall I dread? When evildoers came upon me to devour my flesh, my adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell. Though a host encamp against me, MY HEART WILL NOT FEAR. Though war rise up against me, in spirt of this, I SHALL BE CONFIDENT.” Psalm 27:1-4 A Word For Your Week: Conduct your daily life as a convinced Christian. |
February 2025
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