Have you ever taken a spiritual hit and struggled to get back up?
Of course you have, and so have I. Christians are engaged in a spiritual fight (Ephesians 6:10-20). Every born-again believer takes some blows from time to time. Satan, the enemy of our souls, takes pot shots at us, hoping to knock out our belief in Christ. His shots are cheap shots. Strategically and specifically designed to discourage us from running our race and going forward by faith. If the devil knocks us down he works to keep us down. So, what should we do when knocked down in life by Satan’s hit? GET BACK UP! Believers are to get up because we may be down but we are never out! The Apostle Paul provides fighting words for us to fight back against the devil when life knocks us down. He reminds us where our strength and ability to bounce back from a spiritual blow comes from. “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing greatness of the power may be of God and nor from ourselves.” II Corinthians 4:7 First, Paul reminds us that the treasure of new life in Christ is encased in an earthen or fleshly vessel. Our renewed spirit is housed in a body that is weak and susceptible to life’s blows. Tragedy, accidents, illness, life setbacks, financial reversals disappointment and discouragement are all blows that can knock us down. But they do not have to be a knockout blow! Secondly, the power to get back up when down is from God. If it were solely up to us, we might stay down on the canvas for the eight count. Why? Because we lack power in ourselves to get back up! Our personal strength is inadequate. Paul knew from firsthand experience that our adequacy and sufficiency is of God. We can do all things through Jesus Christ who is our strength. (Philippians 4:13). It is His power, not ours, that helps us bet back up when knocked down! Paul lists four blows common to Christians in verses 7-9. 1. Afflicted……but not CRUSHED! Adversity and difficulties come, but they do not crush the life of Christ out of us. Life’s problems and pressures only cause Christians to press in to Christ and draw on His overcoming power.
2. Perplexed……but not DESPAIRING! We may scratch our heads, but we do not despair. Christians have the mind of Christ (I Corinthians 2:16). We know where to turn when life turns on us and everything turns upside down. Solutions to our problems are in Him.
3. Persecuted…...but not FORSAKEN! When the enemy comes in like a flood, we have help. Jesus Christ is our standard, our banner, our champion. When the blows are falling, Jesus stands with us. He does not take a hike when we are taking hits. He takes hits on our behalf and always leads us to triumph in Him!
4. Struck Down……but not DESTROYED! Satan’s blows have limited power. They may discourage but they cannot destroy. Unholy hits may take us down, but never out! We can always get up again because Jesus Christ’s resurrection power is in us.
God left us in our flesh so we would depend on Him for strength. He alone would receive glory because His strength would overcome our weakness. The life of Jesus is revealed in our flesh when we get back up when struck down. (Verses 10-11). People see Jesus in Christians when they get back up when they have been down. As God’s choice champion in Christ, never forget:
Life knocked you down? Lift your eyes, look to Jesus Christ and get back up! Draw upon His power and strength to overcome the blow the enemy has delivered. Greater is Jesus who is in you than Satan who is in the world. (I John 4:4). In Christ, we are up even when down! “Moreover, David was greatly distressed because the people spoke of stoning him, for all the people were embittered, each one because of his sons and his daughters. But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.” I Samuel 30:6 “For a righteous man falls seven times and rises again…” Proverbs 24:16 A Word For Your Week: We are never down for the count when we count on Christ’s strength. |
January 2025
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