An astute observer of baseball remarked “You will never steal second base with your foot on first.”
To go forward in life we must move from where we are. May people, Christians included, desire to round the bases of life and score a winning run. But they never will with their feet firmly planted on first base. In Matthew 14:22-36 Jesus walked on the water. The disciples witnessed with their own eyes the Lord gliding on top of the sea. Peter was very impressed. He also desired to be with Jesus. So, he asked the Lord to command him to come to Him on the water. The command was issued: “Come!” “And He said “Come!” and Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus.” Matthew 14:29 Without hesitating, Peter took a step of faith, got out of the boat, and walked on the water toward Jesus. What was that like Peter to walk on water? Pretty awesome! As you read the rest of this miraculous story, you will discover that Peter’s faith faltered. He started sinking when he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the wind and waves. “But seeing the wind Peter became afraid, and beginning to sink cried out Lord, save me.” Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” Peter’s initial, courageous, gutsy faith turned into a bout with doubt. Fortunately for Peter, Jesus rescued him. Then came a word about faith and doubt. The disciples learned a lesson about faith and marveled at who Jesus was. Our emphasis today is on Peter’s getting out of the boat. I applaud him for doing what the other disciples did not do. Peter left the safe border of his boat, venturing into a whole new world while his brothers stayed on board. People today are BORED and BORING because they stay on BOARD their boats. Let’s be honest. It is so easy and so boring to stay on board our little boats. A vast ocean of God’s blessings and miracles await those who will step out of their boat and step into God’s opportunities for their life. It seems so safe and secure to stay in the boat. But safe and secure does not move anybody forward. Staying on board our boat keeps us from experiencing new things. It is traditional for sailors to name their boats. So, let’s name a few or ours. How about comfort, security, safety, sameness, rut, familiarity, laziness, excuses, procrastination, and so forth. Some of these boats ring a bell in your life? They do in mine. I heard Joyce Meyer say “Jesus did not come on board the boat and take Peter’s hand to lead him across the wind-tossed waves. When Peter took a step out of the boat, then God met him on the water.” What an incredible insight! Too often we want the Lord to meet us on the boat when He is inviting us to get out of the boat and meet Him where He is. Meditate on that thought for awhile. Walking on the water is where Jesus is. How about you? Are you sitting still on the sea of life or are you walking on the water by faith in Jesus Christ. We say we have faith. That’s good. But when is the last time you stepped out of your boat on to the sea of God’s faithfulness? If we want a bigger boat, we must get out of the boat we are in. If we want to do more for Jesus, we have to step out in faith and leave our little boats behind. Is the Spirit of God challenging you to make some changes in your life? Is there some water the Lord wants you to walk on by faith? Is Jesus calling you to draw closer to Him? To go where He is and wants you to go? Is He commanding you to come? You will have to get out of your boat. You will never walk on water while sitting in your boat. So, why not get out of your comfort zone? Every one of the heroes in the Hall of Fame of faith in Hebrews 11 and many other saints throughout history got out of their boat at some time to meet God in a new way. They stepped with faith on the water before them. Maybe it is time for you to step out of that rut you have been spinning your wheels in for days, weeks, months or years. Break away from that bad habit that holds you back from greater usefulness for God’s Kingdom. Take a prayerful, careful, faithful risk and walk toward Jesus who is outside your boat. Jesus’ call is the same: “Come!” Coming to Jesus when He calls is an act of faith and obedience. Can He count on you to get your be-hind out of your boat and answer His call? “Cast your bread on the surface of the waters, for you will find it after many days.” Ecclesiastes 11:1 A Word For Your Week: You will never know if your faith will float until you get out of the boat. |
January 2025
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