Have you ever blown a problem out of proportion?
Of course you have. So have I. It is human to do so… and can be harmful to our well-being. In the Bible, the Promised Land flowing with “milk and honey” (Honeynut Cheerios!) awaited the Israeli people (read Numbers 13:1-14:10). All God’s people had to do was trust Him, go in by faith to take the land the Lord had already secured for them. Then settle down to a peaceful, prosperous life. No problem, right? Wrong! When the twelve chosen spies came back from their reconnaissance mission, even though the land was everything and more than God said it would be, the majority gave out a bad report (most majority groups do by the way!). Milk and honey, fruit, cultivated fields, livestock, established cities…but big, bad giants too (13:25-32). These giants are so huge we must look like puny little grasshoppers to them (13:33). We are no match for the Nephilim. These superhuman specimens will squish us for sure!
On the other hand, Caleb and Joshua, delivering the minority report, saw Israel in the superior position (13:30, 14:6-10). Full of faith and courage, these two brave souls saw the giants as no match for God. “Only do not rebel against the Lord; and do not fear the people of the land for they shall be our prey. Their protection has been removed from them, and the Lord is with us; do not fear them.” Numbers 14:9 The Lord was with Israel and had removed the big, bad dudes protection. I can hear Joshua and Caleb: Let’s not stand around in fear ladies and gentlemen. Stir up your faith. Sound the charge. Conquer the enemy. Enjoy what is ours according to God’s promise!
Sadly, the people believed the negative report. God’s chosen people would wander for forty years and die in the wilderness because they saw themselves as grasshoppers! .
Fear or faith. Incredibly and to their detriment the people followed the wrong bunch and disobeyed the Lord. Result: Rebellion led to aimless wandering in the wilderness for forty years and no Honeynut Cheerios! My friend, if you see yourself as a grasshopper, you will act like one. If you see yourself as a giant-killer, you will be one. WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU BE! How you and I perceive our problems determines how we solve them. Israel arrived at a critical crossroads of decision. Grasshoppers will never kill giants. Giant-killers kill giants! Biblical Perspective. Because we serve a GIANT GOD, enemies and problems are grasshoppers, not giants. According to the Word of God, God’s people are the giants. Their enemies are the grasshoppers.
My brothers and sisters in Christ our enemy’s protection is removed. You and I are protected. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s go forward by faith. Conquer our enemies. Solve our problems in Jesus’ all-powerful, unbeatable name. Raise the victory banner over whatever or whoever opposes us.
“But in all these things we overwhelming conquer through Him that loves us. For I am convinced that neither death, or life, or angels, or principalities, or things present, or things to come, or powers, or height, or depth or any other created thing, shall separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:37-39 A Word For Your Week: Our problems are as big or as small as we think they are. . |
February 2025
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