At this time, you, me and precious, innocent, decent, well-intentioned, good people all over the world are witnessing hell unleashed through evil men and women. Unrestrained, horrific, abominable, Satan inspired, demonic empowered evil from the fiery pit of hell is stalking the world.
Anxiety, fear, terror and uncertainty, like a dark, sinister storm cloud, is hovering over the human race. People everywhere are asking “Who will deliver us from evil?” The government? Military power? Political coalitions? New leadership? Economic prosperity? My friend, look no further than God’s Word, the Bible. Who can and will deliver good, righteous people from evil? Almighty God will. The God of the Bible is a God of deliverances. For as long as I can remember Domino’s Pizza advertising slogan has been “Domino’s Delivers!” Personally, I have eaten my share of pizza pie in my seven decades of life. Piping hot sausage and cheese pizza delivered to my door has a wonderful way of rescuing me from hunger pangs. Yum! Can’t you just taste your favorite pizza melting in your mouth about now? Some of you are ready to dial Domino’s aren’t you! Domino’s is not the only one who delivers. I am not talking about pizza here. God is in the delivery business too. Delivery with a big “D.” Domino’s Pizza rescues from hunger. But God rescues His people from their enemies. David’s chapter title for I Samuel 17 could read GOD DELIVERS! David was obviously overmatched when the giant Goliath (9 feet tall and weighing 700 pounds) stepped onto the battlefield to taunt him into a fight. King Saul and the Israeli army, paralyzed by fear, stood frozen in their sandals for forty days and nights. Eighty times the gigantic, menacing giant ate their lunch. Israel seemed powerless to do anything about it. Day forty-one, enter David who possessed a bucket load of faith, a laser guided slingshot (okay, I am exaggerating a bit!) and a handful of bunker busting stones (I did it again didn’t I?). You read the story for yourself and see what really happened. With brazen, unbridled, and brash boldness, David decisively defeated the mighty Philistine warrior Goliath. How in the world did this little known, pint-sized shepherd boy bring down the towering, trash-talking giant? David confidently and courageously exercised faith in the God who delivers. “And David said, “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” I Samuel 17:37 Where did David’s conquering confidence come from? He was confident of God’s ability to rescue him from Goliath because of past deliverances. As a shepherd tending sheep in the field, David had faced danger before. At least two times. Attacked by a lion and bear, David rehearses how he was rescued from disaster. God’s mighty hand overpowered the paws of the two prowling predators, delivering David and his flock from destruction. Therefore, full of faith, David concluded that as God rescued him from the lion and bear, He would certainly deliver him from this mountain-sized menace of an ungodly man. The God who had delivered David yesterday would deliver him today. How about you? How is your faith in God as your deliverer? Right now? During these perilous, unnerving times in human history? Do you need God to rescue you from an enemy or difficult circumstance? Psalm 68:19-20 declares. “Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden, The God who is our salvation. GOD IS TO US A GOD OF DELIVERANCES; And to God the Lord belong escapes from death.” Absolutely Awesome! God is a God of deliverances! Note “deliverances” and “escapes” are plural. He delivers from anyone, anything and everything, every time. However many times we need delivered, GOD DELIVERS! He rescues the redeemed from the hand of enemies. While I am writing I say glory to that!!! The focus of this week’s word is this: Our God who has delivered us in the past will rescue us in the present and the future. If you are like me, I need my memory jogged from time to time. Especially when I am under attack from the enemy. I need to focus my faith and reflect upon past times when God delivered me from the assaults of Satan, the mockery of men, the hurt of heartbreak or the insecurity of a sudden setback. Let us help ourselves out by not forgetting past deliverances. Remembering past rescues stimulates faith for rescue now. Take a pad and pen and write down all the times God rescued you from the enemy. Refer to it when under attack. Rejoice in what God did for you. Then rest assured that the God who delivered you before will deliver you now! When Facing A Goliath You Need Rescued From….
A Goliath of terrorism is has raised its ugly head and sword to annihilate decent human being. Who are you turning to: “Breaking News or God’s Good News? When Goliath shows up on your turf resist him with faith. Summon the God of deliverances. Stand back with bold confidence. Watch Him deliver you from your adversary. Then rejoice in the God who rescues! It is time for good people to stand up to evil, trusting in the God who delivers. “But Thou hast saved us from our adversaries, and Thou has put to shame those who hate us. In God we have boasted all day long, and we will give thanks to Thy name forever.” Psalm 44:7-8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yes and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 A Word For Your Week: The God who delivered you yesterday will deliver you today and tomorrow. |
January 2025
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