In the Bible, the Apostle Paul opens the books of Romans, I and II Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, II Thessalonians, I and II Timothy, and Titus, with the words “Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Eleven of Paul’s thirteen letters that he penned by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit begin with grace and peace. Have you ever wondered why? It is because you and I need God’s grace and peace everyday of our lives. GRACE and PEACE. Grace, the unmerited, unearned, undeserved favor of God, is the oil that smoothes life’s friction and frustrations. Peace, the sense that everything will be all right when things don’t make sense, is the salve that soothes restless hearts in troubled times. Grace and peace steady hearts and calm the storms of life. Grace and peace produce joyful living. Grace makes it possible for us to begin anew each day. Grace erases our mistakes. Peace settles what is unsettling. Peace makes it possible for us to rise victoriously above all circumstances through faith in Jesus Christ. Christian joy is a byproduct of God’s grace and peace in our hearts. Please note carefully that the source of grace and peace is God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Only in God do we find grace and peace. There is no grace or peace without God. The world system is what I call “grace bankrupt” and has no clue where to find lasting peace. Unbelieving man’s search for peace dead-ends because Jesus is our peace. The Lord alone gives peace, His peace (John 14:27). The God of peace gives us peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:6-7, 9). People without Christ’s peace-producing presence end up ungracious, judgmental and condemning of themselves and others. Steve Roll needs grace and peace. I need to know that God forgives my mistakes and covers my sins with the blood of His Son Jesus Christ. I need His peace that consoles, comforts and strengthens my spirit when life turns south. I need assurance that in spite of my shortcomings, of which I have more than a few, that God still and will always love me. Because of grace, the Lord will continue to believe in me, equip me and use me to glorify Him and further the work of His eternal Kingdom. Knowing this softens the hard edge of life and produces peace, sweet, restful peace, that nothing can surpass. People I come in contact with need grace and peace. People you know need grace and peace too. Grace-less, peace-less people surround us. So many people in our society feel condemned and restless. Worry and fear pummel their mind and heart with anxious thoughts and negative feelings that often lead to desperate actions. Hurting people beat themselves up and mess up their relationships. Weary eyes and shaky voices tell the true tale of lives being lived without God’s grace and peace. If you don’t believe me, take a few minutes to listen to people vent their frustrations and heartaches. Application of this word for the week is pretty straightforward. First of all, are you walking in God’s grace and peace? Have you received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? If so, do you look to the Lord each day for a fresh dose of His grace and peace through the Holy Spirit? Is there anything hindering the flow of God’s peace and grace in your life? Be honest. The flow of God’s grace and peace will be interrupted if we are not living right. Secondly, who do you know who needs to know about God’s grace and peace? Who do you know who is hurting and searching for answers to their problems? When you walk into a room, does God’s grace and peace enter with you? Are you a bearer and sharer of God’s grace and peace in crisis settings, at business meetings, family gatherings, church fellowships and social functions? Would people you know say that you bring grace and peace into their lives? Imagine what your and my day would be like if we by walked faith employing and enjoying the grace and peace that God provides. Imagine how you and I could make someone’s day by sharing God’s grace and peace with them? What would our world look like if we all chose to receive grace and peace from God and let it flow freely and abundantly through our lives each and everyday? I believe we would dwell in a much more gracious and peaceful world. Wouldn’t it be awesome if we greeted everyone we meet with the words “Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ?” Certainly worth considering isn’t it? My fellow Christian, walk in grace and peace. Share God’s grace and peace with others. “The steadfast of mind Thou wilt keep in perfect peace, because he trusts in Thee.” Isaiah 26:3 “And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” II Corinthians 12:9a A Word For Your Week: Grace and peace is yours in Jesus Christ. |
January 2025
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