Have you ever been greedy?
The spirit of greed (excessive or reprehensible acquisitiveness, avarice) runs rampant in a worldly, carnal culture that pressures people to want more and have more. Many people drowning in debt got there because of greed. By the way, Christians are not immune to the spirit of greet. Responding to a question about a share of an inheritance, Jesus took the opportunity to warn His followers about greed. Luke 12:13-21 “And Jesus said to them, ‘Beware, and be on guard against every form of greed; for not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions.” Luke 12:15 His two-pronged warning is unmistakably clear. First, beware. To beware means to take note and do not go there. When a yard is posted with a sign, beware of dog, there is a good reason. An angry animal awaits you to make his day when you choose to invade his territory. Beware means stay out of there! Secondly, Jesus said to be on guard. In other words, keep your eyes open wide. Be vigilant, watchful. Watch out for greed at every turn. When greed is lurking around the corner, look and run the other way. The spirit of greed ignites lust, setting our flesh on fire to gratify and satisfy our carnal desires. Guard your heart so greed will not sneak up on you and capture your affection. Jesus taught when tempted to be greedy, do not drop your guard. Simply do not go there. Notice that He warned to watch out for “every form of greed.” Greed manifests itself in numerous ways. We humans can become greedy for possessions, position, power, money, material stuff, influence, recognition and relationships to name just a few forms of greed. The reason Jesus warned about greed is simple: even if we have a lot of stuff, stuff is not what life is about. He illustrated this truth with the story of the foolish farmer (verses 15-21). The folly of the foolish farmer was in what he did and did not do with his abundance. God had blessed him. But greed grabbed him. He built bigger barns for all his abundance, thinking he was secure. But lo and behold, he died. Kicked the bucket. Someone else would enjoy the farmer’s huge barns full of grain! The farmer was a wealthy fool because he was not rich toward God (verse 21). In other words, he did not recognize and reverence the God who had blessed him with abundance. Instead of seeking the Lord and what He would have him do with the bumper crop to bless others, the shortsighted farmer succumbed to greed. He foolishly applauded and rewarded himself for his blessings. The farmer chose to be greedy instead of helping the needy. He ended up losing everything that he tried to keep for himself. Greed is a cruel taskmaster! The lesson you and I need to learn: greedy people end up being needy people! Greed can never meet our need. If we feed greed, we will end up in need. Greed always leads to need. Jesus warns us about greed because He loves us and knows that greed is a problem for all of us. Stop. Take a few moments. Search your heart. Look for pockets of greed lurking in the shadows that may fester into greedy attitudes and foolish behavior. The Lord knows that greed can get a grip on our hearts, filling our heads with desires and behavior that will bankrupt our lives. Greed makes people arrogant and ugly. Greed turns folks into self-absorbed, self-seeking, self-pleasing, narcissistic consumers instead of being God pleasing, people-centered contributors to society. God will always meet our needs, but never through greed. Paul wrote “And My God will supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 Satan, the chief thief, gets a kick out of stealing God’s blessings from us by getting us tangled up in greed. A spirit of greed is a counterfeit to God’s provision according to the promises of His Word. Bottom line: financial security is found in God, not greed. Selfishness is never a solid foundation for financial stability and prosperity. Greed based economies will collapse in time. As our world wrestles with greed and ultimately loses, let us Christians heed the Lord’s word to beware and be on guard against every form of greed. In 2023, stay away from greed. Instead, plant some good seed. Then watch God meet your need! “No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other, or else he will hold to one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and riches.” Luke 16:13 “For all these things the Gentiles eagerly seek; for your Heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first His kingdom and righteousness; and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:30-31 A Word For Your Week. God, not greed, will meet your need. |
January 2025
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