Have you ever been so discouraged about something that you found yourself losing heart over the situation?
Losing heart is not uncommon. To lose heart is to get to a place where we are discouraged to the point of being tempted to give up. To lose heart is to conclude: What’s the use? It doesn’t matter if I try anymore. Why work so hard for so little return? Why dream and hope when hopes are dashed and dreams are crashed? The more of ourselves that we put into something that goes wrong or doesn’t work out the way we had hoped it would, the easier it is to lose heart and the ickier we feel! Life in this world is not for the faint of heart. If you confess to be a Christian, faint-hearted faith will not cut it in a faithless culture. It takes heart (and guts!) to stand fast as believers in Christ in an unbelieving world. At times when I have found my heart losing some spiritual steam, the Holy Spirit lovingly leads me to II Corinthians 4. I encourage you to read the whole chapter. When you study and meditate upon these verses, you come away with one conclusion: though Paul had many reasons to lose heart, he didn’t! “Therefore, since we have this ministry as we have received mercy, we do not lose heart.” II Corinthians 4:1 Paul’s declaration “We do not lose heart” (In verses 1 and 16) means come what may, as a redeemed, resurrected child of the living God, Paul chose not cave in to discouragement. Paul’s resolve is strong and emphatic. In the midst of persecutions, afflictions, sufferings, setbacks, criticism, ridicule, loss, being misunderstood, misrepresented, slandered, unfairly treated, identifying with Jesus Christ and suffering for His sake, Paul’s personal conviction is clear: I cannot and will not lose heart because my heart is focused on Christ, not my circumstances. Paul’s heart is strong because his relationship with Jesus is secure. Losing heart is a dangerous place to be. To lose heart borders on the edge of losing hope. To lose hope is stop living and start dying. You and I can never afford to lose heart because Jesus paid the price to redeem our hearts! My life is not my own (I Corinthians 6:19-20). It is owned by Jesus. He gave His life for mine. His holy heart was pierced and broken, His precious blood was spilled, so Steve Roll’s heart could be healed and made whole. Thank you Father for your Son’s sacrifice for me! I must admit it takes some effort to not lose heart when you are losing heart! When feeling down, I have to kick myself in the spiritual britches, rebuke my negative attitude, and make this faith declaration with all the might I can muster: Steve Roll will not lose heart. My faith stands strong in the One who has my heart. . So what do I need to do when tempted to lose heart? Paul reminds us in verse 16 that our outer man is decaying, but our inner man is being renewed each day. The key to not losing heart is staying spiritually renewed and refreshed in the Lord. Renewing our inner man is God’s insurance against losing heart. Keeping our heart renewed keeps losing heart at arm’s length. Here are few thoughts that might encourage you if you are tempted to lose heart today. · NEVER LOSE HEART when facing defeat and you can’t retreat. Stay in the game and determine to win! · NEVER LOSE HEART when you are doing your best and things don’t seem to be working out. Keep pursuing what you believe is right. · NEVER LOSE HEART when the score isn’t in your favor. Keep swinging away at what you know is right, and the score will take care of itself. · NEVER LOSE HEART when people around you are discouraged and throwing in the towel. Pick up that discarded towel and give life another whirl! · NEVER LOSE HEART when people you trust tear you down or let you down. Rise up with courage, be who God made you to be, and prove them wrong. · NEVER LOSE HEART when compromise is the politically correct thing to do. Hang on to your convictions and row courageously against the tide of those who have sold their souls. · NEVER LOSE HEART when life has set you back. Stand firm in faith. Keep plugging away and turn your setback into a comeback. · NEVER LOSE HEART when dreams become nightmares. Stir up your spirit and dare to dream again! · NEVER LOSE HEART when the world seems to be winning. When Jesus rose from the dead, Satan’s world system lost forever! Fellow Christian, never lose heart. Take heart. Your heart belongs to Jesus. Stay strong in the Lord and the power of His might. “And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary.” Galatians 6:9 A Word For Your Week: We never lose heart when our heart is in the right place. |
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