Change is a certainty in life, and honestly, most of us don’t like it!
Think about it. Who gets up in the morning saying, “I can’t wait for change to come my way today?” Change can be positive or negative. Change of any sort carries the potential to breed uncertainty, questions, frustration, anxiety, doubt, a negative attitude and even fear. If you and I are not watchful and careful, change can cause us to lose perspective. According to Webster perspective means “to look through, to see clearly; the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance. Simply put: To keep perspective means to see things as they really are. Personally, when change comes, I can initially become anxious. Just ask those closest to me. Slowly but surely (I am a bit thick-headed at times!) I have learned, through many tests of my patience, to step back for a moment, catch my spiritual/emotional breath, and then look at the change in the light of God’s Word. It is a fact of life…all things change. Or do they? Our word for this week answers that question with a resounding no! The prophet Malachi declares to us that God does not change. “FOR I, THE LORD, DO NOT CHANGE; therefore you, O sons of Jacob, are not consumed.” Malachi 3:6. Did you catch what Malachi said? The Lord, Almighty God declares that He does not change! The God of the Bible is an unchanging God. Because the Almighty is changeless, we as His people are not consumed by changes in life. Life does not eat our lunch when things change because God remains the same. What never changes about God is His character. God is love (I John 4:16). Look what Micah says about God’s love. “Who is a God like Thee, who pardons iniquity, and passes over the rebellious acts of the remnant of His possession? He does not retain His anger forever, BECAUSE HE DELIGHTS IN UNCHANGING LOVE.” Micah 7:18. God never changes because His love never does! God delights (takes great joy!) in unchanging love. No matter what is going in life, God’s love for us remains unchanged. Changing circumstances have no effect on God’s love. Circumstances are just that…circumstances. They change all the time. Circumstances shift like blowing sand. But God’s love is a solid rock which no life change can move. God’s steady, stable, secure, loving hand is on the helm of His perfect will for our lives. God Himself is the anchor for our soul in times of change. God can be counted on to be God every time, in every situation. His constant character and consistent conduct overrides all changed circumstances. Things change. People change. Life changes. God does not. Bank on His unchanging love for you every time! Change can’t change God. So change shouldn’t change God’s children who trust in His love either!!!! When things change, and they will, cling to that which doesn’t. God can be counted on to be who He says He is and to do what He says He will do. Every single time! Change can work for or against us. Changes can consume us or we can conquer change. depending on our perspective. Bottom line: you and I choose how to respond to the challenges of change. The Christian perspective on life circumstances is this: Life changes, but God never does. Therefore, life is secure in Him. It is awesome to know that changing circumstances will never consume us because circumstances never change God! Keeping Proper Perspective
Are you currently experiencing some changes? Is a significant transition attempting to rattle your emotional cage? Are you worried about what is next in light of a life adjustment? Maintain proper perspective. Keep your personal faith fixed on the unchanging, changeless Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, and yes, forever.” Hebrews 13:8. A Word For Your Week: Surrender change to the unchanging God who loves you. |
January 2025
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