One of Satan’s chief strategies is to trap and keep people in a state of confusion, frustration, disorder and unrest in their souls.
The enemy of our soul knows that when you and I are restless, we lack composure and confidence in dealing with life’s difficulties. Satan takes advantage of people who “lose it” and “fall apart” under trial. Trials turn into triumph when we trust in the Lord. Read Psalm 131. (Only three verses!) David reminds God’s people to trust in Him with childlike trust. Victory over the enemy and adversity comes through a calm, composed, confident, Christ-like response to the evil one’s assault. In verse 1, David confesses that his heart is not arrogant, his eyes are not full of pride, and that he doesn’t go after things that are too difficult for him. The clear inference is that he keeps himself humble and trusts in the Lord to help him handle life’s hassles. In verse 2, David paints a precious, priceless picture of a mother and nursing child. “Surely I have composed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child rests against his mother.” There is nothing sweeter or more peaceful than the angelic face of a little baby resting close to its mother after being fed. A weaned child’s serene countenance conveys innocence, peace, composure and dependence. A confident trust that mother will always be present to meet the dependent child’s needs. In verse 3 David states in verse 3 “my soul is like a weaned child within me.” Wow! Did you catch what he said? God’s children can be like a nursing/weaned child on the inside when life on the outside is challenging and chaotic. How can this be possible? David tells us how. He states that “I” have “composed and quieted my soul”. The psalmist was proactive in times of difficulty. When tempted to fall apart under pressure, he got quiet and composed himself. God did not quiet him down or hit him with a wave of composure. David quieted himself before the Lord. He composed himself (got his act together in a peaceful manner) and received confidence from the presence of God. David composed and quieted himself—and so must we. No one can quiet my soul for me. I must do it. The peace of God is mine when I draw close to the God of peace. In verse 3, David exhorts Israel to “hope in the Lord”. This hope in the Lord is for today and every day. God’s people can always hope in the Lord when they put child-like trust in Him and the promises of His Word. What does Psalm 131 have to do with me and living as a Christian in 2021? Everything. We live in a frantic, frenetic, frustrating time that knows very little of composure and quietness. Run and gun is the order of the day. Hurry and scurry produce worry and fury. When we rush, we can’t hear the hush of God. The Lord is in the quiet places of life. Psalm 23:2-3 states that our Shepherd leads us by still, not raging waters. There He restores our souls. The still, small voice of the Lord is what the distressed prophet Elijah needed to hear on the mountainside when he was depressed (I Kings 19:12). Quiet and rest produces composure, confidence, and courage to seek and receive God’s best. Bottom line: You and I need soul rest to avoid burnout and breakdown. Quietness before the Lord is tremendous therapy. THERE IS POWER IN QUIET CONFIDENCE. Three Simple Steps to Quiet Confidence 1. Get alone with God daily for fifteen minutes. Absolutely no distractions. (Cell phones included!) Use the time to listen for His still, small voice. 2. Read a soothing Psalm each day. Begin with Psalms 100-150. God’s Word will refresh, restore and renew your soul. 3. Write down a few thoughts from your quiet time with God. Review and reflect upon them when life’s stress level rises. Our hope and help are in the Lord. That is why you and I can handle life with composure and quiet confidence. Make a decision to arrange your lifestyle so that you walk by faith in quiet confidence. “In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” Isaiah 30:15 “In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, and His children will have refuge.” Proverbs 14:26 A WORD FOR YOUR WEEK: Get quiet before God, soak up His love, and then walk in quiet confidence throughout your day. |
January 2025
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