Weary Christians need refreshed.
As we discussed last week, Christ’s followers find rest, refreshment and renewal in Him. The church, the body of Christ, is another place for believers to be refreshed. There are times when a scripture jumps off the page, hits you square in the eyeballs, then burrows deep down into your spirit. Romans 15:32 reads “S o that I may come to you in joy by the will of God and find refreshing rest in your company.” Wow! Refreshing rest in the company of the church! REFRESHING REST. The context of this verse is vital to understanding the depth, fullness and richness of what Paul is communicating to the body of Christ. The Apostle Paul was a tried and true, tireless proclaimer of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He traveled for years, conducting three missionary journeys to share God’s love with Jews and Gentiles across the known world. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, he also penned thirteen books of the New Testament. His focus was always to preach Christ crucified and risen from the dead. Multitudes came to the Lord through his itinerant ministry. Others resisted the message and messenger. Paul was mocked, taunted, persecuted, beaten, imprisoned and eventually martyred for his faith. Often Paul was on his own with only a handful of faithful sidekicks. If you are ever having a bad day, I invite you to read II Corinthians 11:22-33 and discover what Paul dealt with on a regular basis. Your day won’t seem so bad, believe me! In verses 29-33, Paul asks the church to pray for Him. If it is God’s will, he will travel to Rome to visit the brethren after he delivers an offering to the poor saints at Jerusalem. Paul asks that he may come “in joy” and find “refreshing rest” in their company. The John Wayne of the Gospel was tireless, but tired. Weary of being on the road so much, exhausted from the demands of ministry, Paul longed for “refreshing rest” from his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. What would “refreshing rest” look like? The weary warrior for Christ would be in the joyful company of like-minded believers. He would be secure, protected, provided for and able to take a few deep spiritual breaths away from the ministry trips. The church would be a safe harbor, a place where the Gospel trail blazer could relax, kick back, take it easy for a while. He longed for and looked forward to sharing the joy of the Lord with those who loved the Lord like he did. Paul received “refreshing rest” in Rome before he set out on the next leg of God’s plan for his life and ministry. Refreshing Rest In The Church
The body of Christ, His church, should always be a holy haven of “refreshing rest” for His servants. Followers of Jesus, including you and me, need refreshed in the Lord when we gather with God’s people. Let’s be honest. You and I will not find “refreshing rest” in the world, the workplace, in the company of unbelievers, and certainly not on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter! “Refreshing Rest” belongs to the community of believers in Jesus Christ. There is no rest without Him and each other. What if your local church was a place of “refreshing rest”? What if weary, stressed out, frustrated, anxious, worried, troubled, fearful, hurting brothers and sisters in Christ would take a deep spiritual breath when they walk through the church doors, knowing the peace, hope and joy of God awaits them? Wouldn’t that be awesome? Of course it would! So, do you leave your church services feeling rested and refreshed in the Lord? Do you do your part to contribute to a spirit of “refreshing rest” in your fellowship? Would visitors to your church say there is a spirit of “refreshing rest” in your assembly? How can you bring “refreshing rest” to a brother or sister in Christ in the church this week? “Repent therefore, and return, that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.” Acts 3:19 A Word For Your Week: Refreshing rest is every believer’s responsibility in the body of Christ. |
January 2025
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