God’s holy, eternal, authoritative Word is revealed in the Bible.
Preachers of the Good News love to preach. There is nothing like preaching the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. I have always said that if a preacher cannot preach the resurrection, he can’t preach! In the past I preached a message at Easter entitled “Good News From The Graveyard.” I shared with the congregation that Easter emphatically declares that you can put Truth in a tomb but you cannot keep Him there! An angel of the Lord, bright as lightning, sat on the stone at the opening of the once sealed and guarded tomb of Jesus. Grinning from ear to ear, the heavenly messenger told the two Mary’s who had come to look at the grave that “Jesus whom you seek is not here. He has risen, just like He said he would! (Matthew 28:1-8). JESUS WAS ALIVE! Hearing this glad announcement and having collected their spiritual and emotional senses, the women “with fear and great joy” went to tell the disciples that Jesus was alive and they would see their Master soon. Good news from bad news! The tragedy of Golgotha turned into the triumph of the graveyard. Crucifixion became resurrection. Death gave way to life. A huge stone, Roman seal, squad of soldiers, religious hypocrites, Satan, sin and death could not hold Jesus back! Jesus is risen, and guess what, all who believe in Him are too! Paul writes in I Corinthians 6:14 “Now God has not only raised the Lord but will also raise us up through His power.” I Corinthians 6:14 Paul declares that not only has God raised the Lord, but He raises us up also! How? Through “His power.” The very same power of the Holy Spirit that resurrected His Son Jesus resurrects us. Absolutely amazing and totally true! Because He lives, we live! Through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, His power is our power. The supernatural power that raised Jesus from the dead raises us up to abundant and eternal life! Hallelujah! IT’S A BIBLICAL FACT: Christians are resurrection people because of the resurrection power of Christ. Do you realize if you call yourself a follower of Christ that you have been raised from sin, death and the grave just like Jesus was? You are not dead in trespasses and sin. You are alive in Christ! The redemption He purchased for you through the shedding of His precious blood on the Cross and Jesus’ powerful resurrection from the tomb means you and I are resurrected too! Glory to God! Therefore, as resurrection people with resurrection power nothing can hold us back either. Heaven shouted and hell shook when Jesus rose again. Heaven shouts and hell shakes when we rise up in faith and live for Him! Knowing this, is your life a vibrant and influential witness of resurrection power? Is your Christian testimony and lifestyle one of power and victory? It should be. Jesus said in Acts 1:8 that His followers (that is us) would receive power through the Holy Spirit and be His witnesses throughout the world. What kind of witnesses? Dynamite ones! The Greek word for power is dunamis and means dynamite. Shaking things up is what dynamite does! Dunamis is resurrection power. There is no place for powerless Christianity. How do we know? THE RESURRECTION!!! There is an empty tomb in Jerusalem where Jesus once laid for three days. But on the third day, just as the Lord said He would, Jesus rose in power and glory to never die again. The Living Savior walked out of that tomb and walks into our hearts when we receive Him by faith! As a resurrection person with resurrection power through Jesus Christ:
*******How about a loud shout of praise and thanksgiving for resurrection power to live triumphantly and joyfully for the Lord and the Kingdom of God? My brothers and sisters in Christ, live your life with vibrant, confident faith in the power of the resurrected person of Jesus Christ. “That I may know Him and the POWER OF HIS RESURRECTION, and the fellowship of His suffering, being conformed to His death, that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.” Philippians 3:10-11 “And with great power the apostles were giving witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and abundant grace was upon them all.” Acts 4:33 A Word For Your Week: Be a resurrection person by tapping daily into Christ’s resurrection power! |
January 2025
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