What do you believe America needs most at this critical, pivotal time in our nation’s history?
Concerned citizens across our country readily (sometimes without thinking!) offer up their personal remedies for our national ills and troubles. “America needs income equality. America needs tolerance, diversity and inclusion. Americans need to throw out career, establishment politicians. America needs a global outlook. America needs a female president. America needs more coffee, donuts and chocolate. “ I would like to suggest, because I believe this with all my heart, that America’s remedy is revival. To revive means to restore to life. To bring back to life that which is dead or dying. Revival is a sovereign act/move of God. Never man-made or worked up. Revival is sent down from heaven through the Holy Spirit. AMERICA IS DYING. Revival must begin with the church of Jesus Christ. Sadly, in some quarters, the church is near death, on life support. Our nation’s soul is sick. Sin sick. Sick unto death. Franklin Graham wrote in Decision magazine “The Scriptures say that “sin is lawlessness” (I John 3:4). Sin corrupts. Sin rebels. Sin destroys. Sin deceives. Sin kills.” The Apostle Paul writes in Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Sin’s payday is always the spiritual, relational death of individuals, families, nations and the world. My friends, fellow Christians and concerned citizens, our deepest problems are not political, economic or global. They are spiritual and moral. The shocking truth is a vast majority of Americans have individually and collectively turned their backs on the Almighty Creator and Redeemer of the Bible. “We the people” are choosing to openly and unashamedly defy the moral laws of God. “We the people” arrogantly rebel against His Word. ”We the people” mock and blaspheme His holy name, dismissing and rejecting His plan for our lives. Death of the innocent unborn, abominable, perverse, immoral sexual behavior, life-enslaving substance abuse, malicious violence against lawful, God-ordained authority and disrespect, prejudice and hatred towards people we disagree with are a few of the many sins we commit against the Lord and one another. Shame on us that sinful, premeditated misconduct is the modus operandi of so many of our citizens. America does not need to be reformed. The United States needs to be revived! “Revival is nothing less than a new beginning of obedience to God.” Charles G. Finney. ”Revival is a renewing and a reformation of the church for action.” Max Warren. “The church does not need to be white-washed; it needs to be washed white! We do not need so many new members as we need the old bunch scrubbed up.” Vance Havner “The best definition of revival is “times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord.” J. Edwin Orr. News bulletin: no individual person, political party or governmental institution can fix America. A new president will not save us. Billy Graham has said “No matter who is elected, America is not going to be saved unless we have a moral and spiritual revival”. Dr. Graham is right on the mark. God alone can heal the soul of our nation. A revival that turns people to Jesus Christ is our only hope because He is the only Savior of the world. (John 3:16-17). II Chroniclers 7:14 reveals a biblical formula for people of faith who desire to see the church and America revived. “If My People, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then, I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land.” This verse is an if-then proposition. God is speaking directly to His people. “My people” today is the worldwide church. The body of Christ. If those who confess Christ humble themselves, pray seek God and turn, notice turn, from wicked ways. “Wicked ways” by wicked, evil men and women abound in our society. Is it possible that “wicked ways” can be found in the church? Sadly, they can and are. There is hope in this scripture. Good news. God says that if you, My people, will do the above, I will hear from heaven, forgive your sins, and HEAL YOUR LAND. Healing of God’s people’s hearts and land is the goal of God’s invitation to make things right with Him. Also take note that forgiveness of sins precedes healing of our nation’s soul. Here is a troubling, terrifying thought: No humbling, no seeking, no praying, no turning from wickedness….God will not hear, forgive or heal our land. Not a good picture for America. Revival, restoration, renewal, and salvation comes when God’s people ask Him to forgive their sins. All of us are sinners (Romans 3:10-18, 23). All of us need forgiveness (Ephesians 3:1-8). All sinners, including you and me, will be forgiven when we confess our sins. (I John 1:9, Romans 10:13). National revival begins with revival in the church. Oh Lord, wake your people up. The church has fallen asleep on watch. Holy Spirit move Your people to seek Your mercy and forgiveness before it is too late for our beloved nation. Evangelist Gypsy Smith was once asked how to start a revival. He answered “Go home, lock yourself in your room, and kneel down in the middle of the floor. Draw a chalk mark all around yourself and ask God to start a revival inside that chalk mark. When He has answered your prayer, the revival is on.” Be encouraged Christians. Throughout our nation’s history, spiritual/moral revival has come every time when believers in Jesus turned to Him, got their lives right with Him, and then reached out with evangelistic fervor to win their neighbors to Christ. Father in heaven, send revival fire one more time! Revival: Why not me? Why not you? Why not now? Why not find a piece of chalk and ask the Lord to breathe new life into your soul through a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit? “Will Thou not Thyself revive us again, that Thy people might rejoice in Thee?” Psalm 85:6 A Word For Your Week: Seek revival for yourself and America. |
January 2025
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