A gentleman made an appointment with me for counseling. Life was stressing him out. Having rehearsed a lengthy list of troubles troubling him, he looked at me with a discouraged, perplexed look. Then he commented “Steve, if this is all there is to life, I don’t think I like it!”
Have you ever thought what he verbalized? If you and I are honest, most of us have at one time or another. Honestly, if this earthly life is all there is, I do not always like it either. Sometimes life can just plain stink! Can I get an Amen!
Ecclesiastes 3:11a reads “He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart…” · Today’s word is about life perspective. The Apostle Paul shares with us timely truth tips to hold on to when troubles visit life. “While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” II Corinthians 4:18 · Life for Christians is about faith for eternity. Our magnificent Creator and gracious, loving Heavenly Father has prepared a place for us that is spiritually, physically, and every other way out of this world! Paul understood this. Even though he was properly immersed in earthly pursuits as he preached the Gospel, and suffered from many trying troubles, Paul was a BIG PICTURE PERSON. A big picture person focuses on the eternal, not the temporal. They look for what is behind what they see. Big picture people know there is a spiritual realm beyond this earthly one. · Troubles trip us up when we neglect to take the long look at life. Christians are called to triumph, not trip over trouble. When we are thinking about the Big Stuff (eternal) it is easy not to sweat the small stuff (temporal). In verses 16-18, Paul contrasts the temporal and eternal, the seen and the unseen. Focusing on the seen (sight alone) creates anxiety and frustration. Focusing on the unseen (faith and hope) sparks anticipation, excitement and enthusiasm. Unseen does not mean it is not there. I cannot see air, but it is there. If not, well, see you later because I cannot breathe! Just because we have not physically seen Jesus, does not mean He is not alive and able to change our lives. I Peter 1:8 declares “and though you have not seen Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory.” WOW… I love this verse. We do not have to see Jesus to know He is with us. · The unseen is seen with the eye of faith. Paul’s Perspective On Temporal Troubles. Paul exhorts us to not “lose heart” and live triumphantly over troubles for the following reasons. 1. Focus on your inner man, not the outer man. Let’s face it: our flesh is decaying. But our spirit is being “renewed day by day.” Decay makes for a bad day. Renewal turns trouble into triumph! Guess where we should put our energy? 2. Temporal troubles are momentary. Trials, tests, and troubles are of short duration. They have a limited shelf life. Troubles may feel like they are terminal and eternal. But they are not. When faith keeps feelings in check, troubles last just a few moments…and they usually will not kill us! 3. Temporal troubles are light compared to the weight of eternal glory. Too often we empower our troubles and give them weight they do not deserve. Troubles in light of eternity are not as heavy as we make them out to be. They are light weight, not heavy weights. Do not blow out of proportion what God says is a small thing. Our “light affliction” produces for us a great glory that cannot be compared to trouble in any way. 4. Keep your eyes fixed on the unseen, not the seen. What we see is temporal and time bound. Focus on what you see and feel, and trouble is spelled TROUBLE!!! What we do not see is eternal and timeless. Rivet your spiritual eyes on what you cannot see and feel, and trouble is spelled trouble. Faith and hope in Jesus Christ turn TROUBLE into trouble every time! · The long look keeps us from tripping up over tiny, temporary troubles. Rubber meets the road: Are you my friend troubled by life right now? DO NOT LOSE HEART! Your troubles are not as big and bad as they want you to believe them to be. · Take a deep spiritual breath. Take the long look. Face your troubles with faith. Talk to your troubles. Tell them they are no big deal. Then watch them fade away into the sunset of insignificance. “Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God; believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” John 14:1-3 Beloved Christin, an eternal home in heaven with Jesus is worth the long look of faith. Hallelujah! A Word For Your Week: Trouble will not triumph over you and me because Jesus is bigger than trouble. |
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