“During these trying times…”
The above statement is the opening line of a commercial on television that leads into the sales pitch of the service their company is providing. I do not know about you, but I am wearying of people reminding us about “trying times” as if we did not know that the times have and continue to try our faith, resolve and patience. There has never been a time in human history, beginning with Adam and Eve, where mankind did not face trying times, various trials and tribulation. The real issue with “trying times” is what you and I are going to do about them. Will we be triumphant over them or be troubled and overcome by them? Thoughts About Trying Times
The Apostle Paul writes in II Corinthians 2:14-15: “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in His triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being save and among those who are perishing.” Paul, the Gospel gunslinger of grace in the New Testament, makes three statements about triumphing over trying times.
Trying times can be spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, relational, cultural or economic. Throughout my lifetime I have experienced various trials. I am sure you have also. James 1:2-3 states “Count it all joy my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.” Hey James, I am still working on that “joy” thing! Whether you and I feel like it or not, see results the way we want to see them at the time or not, we always triumph in Christ. Not some of the time, or occasionally, but always, every single time you and I triumph over tests, trials and trying times. So do not act like a loser. Get rid of the loser’s limp. I get irritated when I hear a Christian say when I ask them how they are doing who respond with a sigh “Oh, I am just hanging in there.” Please tell me how a professed believer in Christ can just “hang in there’ when the Son of God hung on a cross, died a horrible death and then rose from the dead to save us from sin and prepare the way for us to go to heaven. Beats me! I do not get that attitude. We are triumphant in Christ because of His triumph over Satan, sin, death and the grave! Friends, loser’s limp will get you and me nowhere. How can we positively influence and encourage fellow believers and be winsome witnesses to those who are searching for Jesus if we are sucking our spiritual thumbs, dragging our pity-poor-me blankies around and looking like we were baptized in lemon juice? That is not a picture of a triumphant Christian. People all around us are being beaten up by trying times and trials. They need to see Christians always triumphing in Christ. They will be attracted to Jesus when they see us rising above trials and winning the day as we walk by faith and not by sight. The next time your faith is under fire because of a trying time, release your battle to the Lord and receive strength from Him to overcome and triumph over your trial. You, my friend, are triumphant in Christ! “In all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.” Romans 8:32 A Word For Your Week: Trying times are excellent opportunities to triumph in Christ. |
February 2025
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