They happen. Seasons of setbacks, short or long, are an inevitable fact of life. Setbacks hurt because setbacks set us back. Currently, our world, nation, families and friends are struggling with setbacks caused by the coronavirus. Health issues, finances, “normal” America routines and lifestyle are under assault. Every day “Breaking News” announces some setback somewhere. I don’t know about you, but setbacks are not one of my favorite things. I prefer the idea of coming back from setbacks. The Lord, who Christians love and serve, knows this and has put within our hearts a comeback spirit. Facts About Setbacks And Comebacks
The Lord Jesus Christ experienced setbacks. In the last twenty-four hours of His earthly life He was betrayed by Judas’ kiss, publicly denied three times by Peter, falsely accused and beaten by the religious leaders, spit upon, scourged and tortured beyond recognition by Roman soldiers, nailed to a wooden cross, taunted as He bled to death and died. Serious setbacks resulting in DEATH. But there was a comeback in Christ. On the third day, Jesus rose from the dead (Matthew 28:1-8). Death gave way to RESURRECTION! God’s Son came back from a setback…and promises to come back for all who believe in Him. JESUS IS THE COMEBACK KING! Glory to God! What does Jesus’ comeback mean for you and me? It means we can be comeback kids for Christ. Why? Because the same spirit that raised Jesus from dead resides in us. Christians bear in their body the life of Christ. We have power over setbacks because we are resurrection people. In II Corinthians 4:7-10 the apostle Paul declares that Christ’s followers are comeback kids. “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing greatness of the power may be of God and nor from ourselves; we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.” Coming back from setbacks was personal to Paul. Study Paul’s list of personal setbacks in II Corinthians 11:22-30. Remember what Paul endured when you are thinking you are having a bad day. Paul always came back from setbacks. He knew he could do all things through Christ’s strength and power in Him. Paul was knocked down, but never stayed down. Setbacks gave way to comebacks in Paul’s Christian life. COME BACK FROM YOUR SETBACK (Take the five following steps to turn your setback into a comeback.) 1. Slam the door on self-pity. Stop sucking your spiritual thumb and throwing pity-poor-me parties. You suffered a setback. So what? Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Climb out of the pit of depression and isolation and come back to life. 2. Be strong and courageous. It takes guts to leave the ruts of a setback. Setbacks force us to choose to be courageous or cowardly. Summon strength from the Lord and courageously turn your back on your setback and head down the comeback trail. 3. Report for duty. Step off the setback sideline and step back on to the comeback field. Love and obey your God, serve your family and friends, minister to lost and hurting people. Choose to overcome a setback and make your life count again. 4. Encourage others. Everyone loves a comeback story. You are being watched by family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, and church members. Will they be encouraged because you came back from your setback? Are you going to be one of God’s comeback kids who inspire other people to comeback from their setbacks? 5. Fight to the finish. Come back for the rest of your life. The Christian faith is a lifetime commitment. Setbacks will come and go. Choose to keep coming back after every setback. Keep going forward in faith to finish your race victoriously (see II Timothy 4:5-8). If you are currently experiencing a setback, this question is for you: Is your setback a tombstone or a stepping stone? Has your setback buried you in discouragement and depression? Or do you see God’s comeback light at the end of the setback tunnel? Don’t stay stuck in your setback. Don’t die before you are dead. Sit up, stand up and comeback in the name of the Lord. You, yes you, can be a comeback kid for Christ! “I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 A Word For Your Week: Choose to comeback from your setback. |
February 2025
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