How can you and I go somewhere when we do not know where we are going?
Intriguing question. In the Bible we have the true story of Abraham who went out not knowing where he was going. “By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going.” Hebrews 11:8 Abraham is listed in the Who’s Who Hall of Fame of Faith in Hebrews 11. The writer of Hebrews says of Abraham “and he went out, not knowing where he was going?” Did you catch what was just said? When God told Abraham to go, he got up and went. Without question or hesitation, Abraham left family, friends, familiarity, wealth, support and relationships to go somewhere he had never been. Upon departure, he had no earthly idea where that destination might be! His family must have thought he had lost a few of his marbles! Marbles all accounted for, Abraham stepped out in faith and obedience to go even though God did not make it clear where he was going. No address. No map. No GPS. No Siri. No mile markers. No definitive destination. Abraham packed up his stuff and set out for the Promised Land when God said go. Abraham went. That blows me away! For a directionally challenged guy like me (who my wife has quipped Steve could get lost on his own driveway) going out without knowing where to go borders on frightening, if not a little crazy! A close friend of mine commented that he likes to step out in faith when he has every step planned out. We chuckled together, as so many of us approach our Christian journey that way. We believe we have faith when we know where we are going. But we struggle with faith when we do not know where we are going. Abraham did not know where he was going, but God did. God knew exactly where Abraham’s destination was located. It was a fantastic destination that dreamers dream of. A land of promise called the Promised Land. Abraham would receive his inheritance there. Think about this for a moment. Wouldn’t we be in real trouble if we went out, not knowing where we were going, and God had no idea what He was doing or where He was leading us either? That is trouble with a capital T. But the good news is this: God does know and we need to know that He knows. During life adjustments, transition times, course changes, or new beginnings it is comforting to know that God knows where He is taking us. Uncertain times and unknown destinations test our faith because they seldom paint a clear picture of the next phase, chapter, stop or destination. I have been in situations like Abraham’s which tested my faith. I stepped out when the Holy Spirit directed me to when I had little information about next steps. Of course, the Lord always came through. Oftentimes in nothing short of miraculous ways. But I must admit in the initial stages of going without knowing I questioned my sanity a time or two! Abraham’s response is exemplary, inspiring and challenging. Accepting God’s call on his life, he responded with faith and obedience. No prideful presumption or flaky faith for Abraham. He placed his faith firmly in the promises of a God whose word could be trusted. (Read Genesis 12-22). God’s promises were good enough for Abraham to go ahead and go. Abraham discovered that God leads and guides as we go. Guidance is in the going. Departure preceeds directions. Location appears after looking to the Lord. Unknown destinations can be unsettling until we remember that knowing is God’s business. Going is our business. In the going will come knowing. As we go, God will show us what we need to know (see Jeremiah 33:3). Going out by faith and not knowing where we are going forces us to depend on God. A word of caution: Immature Christians often get all fired-up, believing they should take a big leap of faith by going when God did not call them to go. Psalm 37:23 states our steps (not leaps!) are ordered by the Lord. Presumption and assumption on our part always leads to crash, burn, heartache, disillusionment and discouragement. When God has called you and you want to go, but do not know where you are going, take these steps of faith. 1. Decide to trust God for the destination. 2. Commit yourself to the Holy Spirit’s leading every step of the way. 3. Obey the specific directions God gives you for each day. 4. Stir up your faith to go forward when the path is unclear. 5. Keep going when you know you should keep going. 6. Be ready to receive your inheritance along the way. 7. Rejoice in the journey as well as the destination! You and I will never get to where God wants us to go if we think we must have all our ducks in a row. If we do not go, we will never know where we could have gone! “And He was saying, “The Kingdom of God is like a man who casts seed upon the soil; and goes to bed at night and gets up by day, and the seed sprouts up and grows—how, he himself does not know.” Mark 4:26-27 A Word For Your Week: When God says go, go, even if you do not know exactly where to go. |
February 2025
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