Have you ever wondered what God does at night? I used to.
Ron Mehl has authored a classic book called “God Works The Night Shift.” The subtitle is “Acts Of Love Your Father Performs Even While You Sleep.” I encourage you to secure a copy of this outstanding work and soak it up. It is well worth the read. Mehl’s bottom line in the book is that God works even while we sleep. That is what God says through the inspired Psalm writer David. “It is vain for you to rise up early, to retire late, to eat the bread of painful labors: For He gives to His beloved even in his sleep.” Psalm 127:2 The Psalmist tells us in Psalm 127:1 that unless the Lord builds the house and protects the city, we labor and guard in vain. In other words, let God build and protect your life. If you try to do it on your own, without Him, disaster will be your reward. In verse two David follows the vain theme by telling us we do not have to rise early or retire late to eat the fruit of painful labors. This verse does not give us permission to sleep in when we need to be awake. Neither are we to ignore some extra effort some evening if needed. What it does mean is that it is not necessary for us to burn the candle at both ends to enjoy life’s rewards. Matter of fact, David says if we do it that way, we “eat the bread of painful labors.” Fruit produced by painful labor does not sound very nutritious or enjoyable to me! The reason we do not have to burn out in life laboring to be successful and prosperous is that God gives to His beloved (divinely loved ones) even when they are sleeping……not just working! What a refreshing word this is! Especially in our worried, weary, hurried, work-alcoholic world. While we sleep, God works. The Word tells us that God never sleeps. Psalm 121:3-4 states “He will not allow your foot to slip; He who watches over you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” While God is wide awake, working the night shift with the heavenly host, and we are tucked under our warm blankies, He works on our behalf. I love that truth!!! It is an awesome thought to think that while I am semi-comatose and unable to do anything about anything, God is running His universe and taking care of His children. So, what does God do while we are sleeping and dreaming? God Works The Night Shift…….
God works the night shift….to do whatever you and I need Him to do! Simply amazing! God is working on our behalf when we are not even awake. Sometimes we lay awake wondering and worrying while the Lord is at work taking care of what we are wondering and worrying about! Here is a thought worth chewing on for a while: God does His best work at night while we are sleeping because we cannot interfere with His work. You and I cannot get in His way when we are taking some ZZ’s. He probably likes the fact that Steve Roll cannot mess up what He is doing for me! Therefore, when God is on watch during the night, you and I do not need to be. So, what are you concerned or worrying about? What is keeping you from sleeping? Being emotionally rested and spiritually calm? What do you need to release to Him so He can work on it for you while you take a long nap! God never sleeps so you and I might as well. And everyone said AMEN! “For from of old they have not heard nor perceived by ear, neither has the eye seen a God besides Thee, who acts on behalf of the one who waits for Him.” Isaiah 64:4 A Word For Your Week: While you are sleeping God is working. |
January 2025
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