Unanswered questions can be challenging and often troubling.
Why? What? When? Why now? How come? What is up with this? How long? What next? How can good come out of this situation? God, what are You doing about this? Questions. Questions. Questions. It is so human and natural for you and me, even as Christians, to seek answers to issues and situations that are beyond our control, incomprehensible and have upset life’s apple cart. The truth is, you and I do not like question marks! Sudden serious illness, premature death of a loved one, life-altering tragedies, broken relationships, severe financial reversals, unsolicited negative surprises, crippling setbacks and unexpected turns of events leave us scratching our heads, wondering what has happened and seeking God for answers we so desperately desire. The bad news is life is full of questions. The good news is God promises to help us navigate through our tumultuous sea of heart-breaking, gut-wrenching, mind-boggling, life-altering unanswered questions to find peace amid the emotional storm. As a pastor for over four decades, I have been called upon repeatedly by fellow believers who are in shock, hurting, suffering, wondering and asking the question “Why Pastor?” My initial response is to love them with the love of Christ and honestly respond “I don’t know.” I weep with those who weep, comfort those who need comforted and assure them that the Lord is with them though they do not understand what is happening. It is a bewildering, unsettling fact that there are some questions you and I have that will never be answered this side of heaven. No answer. That is hard for me because my inquiring mind wants to know. I want to “fix” things. It is frustrating to not be able to fix the “whys?” of life. Too often I have implored God to provide the answer that I think He should have to my question. Not knowing is perplexing at best, discouraging at worst. I have been asked by brothers and sisters in Christ if God will answer the questions we have had here when we get to heaven. My reply: I am not sure our questions about life here will be relevant in eternity. There will be no need for answers in glory because there will be no questions. Heaven is a death, accident, tragedy, illness, suffering, crying, grieving, pain and earth memory free zone! There are things you and I do not get to fix on earth. Over time, through much concerted and concentrated effort I have learned to “fix my eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2.} the author and finisher of our faith.” Faith in the Lord is the answer to the questions in my life. Biblical faith is believing God that He knows what He is doing and I can trust Him for His good, acceptable and perfect will to be done. It is not always easy, but it is imperative for you and me to trust God for what we do not understand. It is not a sin or wrong to ask God questions. You and I are not alone. Throughout the entire Bible men and women had questions. Some were answered, some were not. Search the Word. Study the accounts of people like you and me who resolved the dilemma of not knowing when they wanted to know by standing in unshakable, immovable faith. Jesus had a question as He hung dying on the Cross at Calvary. Suffering like you and I cannot possibly imagine, the Son of God cried out to heaven “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me.” (Matthew 27:46). Never throughout eternity had the Son questioned His Father. Jesus willfully and willingly came to earth to fulfill the Father’s will to be Savior of humanity. (Matthew 26:36-46). Forsaken. Rejected. Abandoned. Alone in His agony. Why Father? Imagine the pain the Father felt as He turned His back on His only Son because Jesus became sin for us. A holy God could not behold sin. Instead, sin was judged in the death of His sinless Son. That is how much God loves you and me. Jesus cried out “Why?” Heaven was eerily silent. No answer to Jesus’ desperate question. Jesus descended to hell for three days then rose triumphantly from the tomb in victory over sin, death and the grave! The world had a Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord! Jesus was separated from the Father for a brief time to secure salvation for you and me. His question was answered ultimately when He rose from the dead and ascended to heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father. Jesus trusted His question to the Father. If Jesus could trust the Father with a “why?” so can you and I with His help. Do you have unanswered questions? Seek the Lord when seeking answers to questions that seem to be unanswerable. The ultimate answer for all questions is to receive peace from the presence of Jesus. My friend, when a question troubles you, surrender your question. Release your faith. Let go of your questions to the One who loves you and does have the answers. Then receive peace from God that passes understanding, comfort through the Holy Spirit that soothes the questioning mind and encouragement and contentment from the Lord Jesus. Never allow a question mark to cause you to doubt your faith. “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed to us belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the works of the law.” Deuteronomy 29:29 “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do not lean on your own understanding; acknowledge Him in all of your ways (including questions, my insert) and He will make your path straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 A Word For Your Week: Trust God with your questions. As a believer in Christ, in an unbelieving world, do you ever feel outnumbered?
Of course you and I do. Honestly, we can easily feel surrounded and overwhelmed by enemies of our faith if we forget about the real world behind the world we live in. Pull back what I call the cosmic curtain and see what is really going on. There is a war taking place in heavenly places. Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6:12 that our “struggle (wrestling match) is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Lucifer, a beautiful angelic being, instigated the spiritual war a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Puffed up with pride, he rebelled against the Most High God (Isaiah 14:12-14). God booted the arrogant, unrepentant rebel and one third of the angels who sided with Lucifer out of heaven (Revelation 12:4). The Son of the Dawn became Satan, the prince of darkness. The spiritual war is on and goes on. The Devil and his demonic forces battle against God’s heavenly host of angelic warriors. The fight is for the souls of men. Here is the good news. Doing the math, God’s good guys outnumber the Devil’s bad guys two to one! Even greater news is this: Jesus crushed and destroyed the works of the devil. “The Son of God appeared for this very purpose, that He might destroy the works of the devil (I John 3:8). Hebrews 2:14 reads “that through death, He (Jesus Christ) might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is the devil.” And John reminds us “Greater is He (Jesus) who is in you, than he (Satan) who is in the world.” (I John 4:4) God’s side has won and wins! The devil has been defeated and will soon be chained in hell for eternity (Revelation 20:10). Being a sore loser, he still prowls around trying to pick off people who do not stand firm in faith in Jesus Christ. (I Peter 5:8-9). So, in these tumultuous, troublesome times of 2021, what should Christians do? Remember that cosmic curtain? God’s Word pulls the curtain back for us in II Kings 6:8-23 to encourage us in the spiritual warfare we are engaged in. Scenario. Elisha and his servant wake up one morning to find themselves surrounded by and vastly outnumbered the army of the King of Aram. In a state of personal panic, the servant runs to his master and asks “Alas, my master, what shall we do.” The calm, cool, collected, and confident prophet responds” Do not fear for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” (Verse 16). Elisha, are you kidding! Did you bump your head getting out of bed this morning? Look outside sir. Enemy soldiers are everywhere. Positioned and poised to attack. We are outnumbered, outmanned and outgunned. Looks like curtains to me. Elisha knew something his servant did not. After declaring his faith, Elisha prayed and asked the Lord to “OPEN HIS EYES THAT HE MAY SEE!” See what? What is really going on out there! The servant’s eyes were opened, and what a show! "The mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” WOW! God’s elite spiritual troops had amassed and surrounded the enemy. Aram was out-numbered, out-manned and out-gunned! The Lord was in position to take care of Elisha and his servant. Read the rest of the story to see what God did on Elisha’s behalf. Observations About the Chariots of Fire Scenario
If you are going through a tough time just now, and feel surrounded by the enemy, OPEN YOUR EYES! Do not fear when you feel outnumbered and overwhelmed. The truth is that in Jesus Christ we are never outnumbered. Two facts you and I need to acknowledge: first, the fight is on and will always be on. Secondly, we are not alone in the fight. The heavenly host surrounds us. Because of Calvary, the cavalry has arrived. God’s troops are at their post. The Lord and a whole heavenly host of good guys are on your side to help you overcome the bad guys. No matter what seemingly overwhelming situation you may be facing, the odds of overcoming and triumphing are with you, not against you. As God’s people, we outnumber, outman, and outgun the enemy every single time! Therefore, focus your faith. Open your spiritual eyes and see the spiritual warfare being waged. Know beyond the shadow of a doubt, THOSE WHO ARE WITH US ARE MORE THAN THOSE WHO ARE AGAINST US!!! Hallelujah! “If God be for us, who can be against us” Romans 8:31. Roll paraphrase: If God be for us, everybody else might as well be! A Word For Your Week: God’s good guys always outnumber Satan’s bad guys. What is something you really love about God? A character trait, truth or promise about Him that warms your heart every time you think about it?
For me, it is the eternal truth that God, my Heavenly Father, has a heart beating with lovingkindness for His sons and daughters. Just reading, hearing or saying the word “lovingkindness” stirs my spirit in a wonderful way. In light of living in a spiritually/morally lost world that knows little of love or kindness, God’s lovingkindness is refreshing, renewing and re-energizes me to do my best to witness to others about the lovingkindness of the Lord. Life can be very hard without God’s lovingkindness. The lovingkindness of the Lord takes the hard, harsh, hurtful edge off life. I know you know what I mean. We have all been there, done that and don’t want the T-shirt when life crashes in with harshness, heaviness, helplessness and hopelessness. A little lovingkindness goes a long way when life is difficult. According to the Bible, the nation of Israel had experienced a very difficult time during a season of captivity and slavery. Through the prophet Jeremiah, God spoke these comforting, hope-filled words to His people who were down-trodden, depressed and defeated. “The Lord appeared to him from afar saying, “I have loved you with an everlasting love, therefore, I have drawn you with lovingkindness”. Jeremiah 31:1 Imagine you are trudging down a dusty, sun-scorching, seemingly endless road from a brutal captivity. Brutally beaten up and beaten down, you can’t but help but wonder if there is a future and hope for you and your loved ones. Life looks grim at best. Then you hear these words that shine a glimmer of light on your darkness. Oh my, what a lift to your soul! God’s messenger communicates I, your Lord and God, have not lost sight of you, never forgotten you. From a long way off, even though you drifted far away from Me, I have loved you. I loved you, love you now and will always love you because My love is everlasting. Therefore, I have drawn, pulled you to Me. How? Through My lovingkindness toward you. God’s lovingkindness is a magnet that draws you and me to His heart. Many times, throughout my life, God has drawn Steve Roll with His lovingkindness. His everlasting, lovingkindness bridged His heart and mine. Words seem so hollow and shallow for me to try and explain how I feel about God’s unconditional, everlasting love for me. I don’t deserve His lovingkindness. I know that full well. But, thank God, He, not me, passes judgment on my life. The Father judged my sin and failure through the voluntary sacrifice of His only Son Jesus on the Cross. Jesus paid the debt, the wages of my sin. The ransom for me has been paid in full! I am redeemed by the holy, precious blood of the Lamb. Eternal life is my destiny through faith in Christ. How has this happened? Simply and gloriously, God’s lovingkindness for a sinner like me has saved my soul. Hallelujah! Every day I do my best with God’s help to walk by faith, confidently knowing His lovingkindness is foundational to His faithfulness. God will never cease to be loving or kind. You Can Experience The Lovingkindness Of The Lord
“But You oh Lord are a God who is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth.” Psalm 86:15 “How precious is Your lovingkindness oh Lord, and the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings.” Psalms 36:7 “The Lord’s lovingkindness indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23 A Word For Your Week: God’s lovingkindness is yours today through faith in Jesus Christ. Here’s a Breaking News ALERT you won’t find on any news/media outlets these days: OUR GOD REIGNS!
“God reigns over the nations, God sits on His holy throne.” Psalm 47:8 Without doubt these are perilous and challenging days. Compassionate Christians everywhere are appropriately concerned about worldwide health pandemics and the hellish evil the devil has unmercifully unleashed upon nations, including the United States of America. Our world is on fire with hatred for fellow human beings. A spirit of fear, destruction and death roams the earth looking for victims to devour. Fueled by fear, the worldwide war on terror and racial/ethnic tensions have exploded into a fiery fury of panic that is paralyzing and petrifying people on every continent. News alert after alert has to do with what evil man is doing to man. The news is not good. People across the globe wonder if man will soon annihilate himself in a World War III scenario that is looming on the horizon of the human experience. As virulent viruses multiply, rockets are flying and people are dying, is there any hope? Is there anywhere to turn for help in this time of trouble? Yes there is. But it is not in the direction of the bad news of the news media. You and I find help and encouragement in discouraging times from the Good News found in the Word of God. With unmistakable clarity and an uplifting word of assurance, our scripture declares: GOD REIGNS AND HE IS AT HOME ON HIS HOLY THRONE! According to Webster reign means “to possess or exercise sovereign power, to be predominant or prevalent, to rule. The subject of our word reigns is God. The Almighty One is the One who possesses and exercises sovereign power that no man or nation can overrule. No earthly clan of man or any contingent of demons from hell can cross God’s border to ransack His Kingdom or kidnap His children. He is holy. His throne is holy. Nothing unholy can unseat His holiness. In other words, GOD RULES!!! Almighty God rules over the affairs of men and nations. He is in charge of His kingdom and universe. In times of terror and crisis, it is all too easy to think that man rules. Especially when evil men cross nation’s borders and slaughter innocent people. It happened in the Old Testament more than once. Remember the Midianites in Judges 6-8 who crossed Israel’s borders, devastated the people’s land and seemed to be in charge? They did not have the last word. God raised up Gideon as his deliverer and the Midianites were destroyed. Three hundred chosen warriors under “the valiant warrior’s” leadership slew 120,000 Midianites! Gideon gave God the glory for the miraculous victory over the menacing Midianites. God reigned and reined in the evil Midianites. Take heart Christian in these troubling times. Man does not rule over the affairs of men. God who made man does. He has a redemptive plan that is right on schedule. I have read the Book from cover to cover. As the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end (Revelation 21:6), God has the first and last word. That means He reigns! The people who acknowledge His Lordship will reign with Him forever! If your heart is tempted to grow faint these last days, stir up your faith in the God who reigns.
And most importantly of all JESUS CHRIST is KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS! (Revelation 19:11-16). Look again at what Paul says every human being will do one day. “Therefore, God also highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those who are in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:9-11 Men’s knees will bow, not to men, but to Jesus Christ! Rise up Christian with great faith. Trust wholeheartedly in the God who reigns. God has always been in charge. The temporary rein of terror does not overthrow the permanent reign of God and His goodness to men. Pray for our lost and hurting world. Pray for protection of the innocent. Pray for wisdom for our world’s leaders. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem (see Psalm 122:6). And remember that Jesus said all these things would happen (see Matthew 24:1-14) before He returns for the church. Thank you Heavenly Father that you rule and reign over our affairs! “The Lord will reign forever, Thy God, O Zion, to all generations. Praise the Lord!” Psalm 146:10 “The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice! Let the many islands be glad.” Psalm 97:2 A Word For Your Week: Stand strong as you stand alongside the GOD WHO REIGNS!
When I was a kid, I had a hideout. And so did many of you.
You know what I am talking about. That really cool secret retreat. Our secluded place we hoped no one else knew about. A tree house. A rickety barn or abandoned garage. Maybe a crawl space under the hallway staircase. A dimly lit closet or a dusty corner in the attic. A tent or a cardboard shack made from huge appliance boxes. You get the picture: your place of escape and solitude. Childhood hideouts serve several purposes. Being the little guy on the block, I hid out from neighborhood bullies! Me and my best friend also retreated there to ditch our siblings. It was awesome to sneak away from life to be alone and have a neat place all your own. In the safety of my hideout, I used to think about stuff, goof around, dream dreams, and plan things I wanted to do.
Our scripture today tells us that God believes in hiding places. Matter of fact, He believes in them so much, that HE IS ONE! God is our hiding place. A holy hideout if you will. When it is necessary to run and hide from something or someone, it is imperative that we run to something or someone. A safe, secure, strong place for us to run to when Satan is beating up on us. A consoling and comforting shelter from life’s spiritual and emotional storms. A refreshing and renewing spot to run when life is running us down. A familiar,” its okay my child” setting where we can catch our breath and take a break from the stresses and pressures of daily living. Everybody needs a hiding place. Good News: GOD IS IT. Note in our verse David’s unmistakable emphasis is on God. “Thou”, not us or men, but God is our “hiding place”, “my shield”, and He gives us “Thy Word”. When we need to hide, God Himself is our hideout. Two things should happen when we seek the Lord as our hiding place.
Like running to a neighbor’s house for shelter, we run to God and take up temporary residence with Him. And what a great address to visit! The God of heaven and earth! Note God is our shield. Shields protect from attack and danger. “Shields up” (from Star Trek days) provide a protective covering from the enemy’s weapons. Think about it. Who can get through to us when God is our shield? No person or power in heaven, on earth or in hell. Hallelujah!
2. When hiding in Christ, CONFIDE IN HIM. While David is sheltered and shielded, he waits for God’s Word. When resting in God’s protecting presence, we need to seek and receive His Word. Hiding means confiding in Him. To confide means to consult with the Lord and to listen to what He has to say. When we tell Him how we feel and what we need, He responds with His Word. Psalm 107:20 declares “God sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions.” As we walk by faith in this world, you and I need God’s Word found in the Bible. While we hide in Him, the Word of God will minister to us, equip and encourage us for the next round of life.
A FACT OF LIFE: There are times when we simply need to run to the Lord and hide in Him. There is nothing wrong and everything right with running to hide in the Lord. He will cover us and protect us from what is hurting and creating pain in our hearts. Retreat often to your hideout in God. Let Him hide you out for a while. He is there to care for you and minister to your needs through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Need a time out in your hideout with God? “Hide me from the secret counsel of evildoers, preserve my life from dread of the enemy.” Psalm 64:2 “Thou art my hiding place, Thou dost preserve me from trouble; Thou dost surround me with songs of deliverance.” Psalm 32:7 A Word For Your Week: When life crashes in, hide in HIM. Have you ever needed God to deliver you from a difficult life situation?
I have. As a matter of fact, many times over my sixty-nine years and counting life span I have needed to be rescued. There are spiritual forces, wicked people and stuff in life that you and I need delivered from. I have concluded and personally experienced that divine deliverance is the only way to go when I need delivered. If you study scripture found in God’s Word, the Bible, you will discover that God delivers from sin, iniquity, the evil one (Satan), from enemies, from calamities, disasters, tragedies, setbacks, illness…you name it. When God’s people need delivered, He delivers! God is a God of deliverances. Psalm 68:19-20 declares “Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden, the God who is our salvation. God is to us a God of deliverances, and to God the Lord belong escapes from death.” Please note the Psalmist acknowledges that, not only does God bear our burden and save us, He is also a God of deliverances, many deliverances. Not just a one time or a handful, but as many deliverances and rescues we may need throughout our earthly life. While writing this, I reflected on numerous times when God delivered me.
Deliverance was important to the Lord Jesus Christ. His first followers asked Him to teach them how to pray. Matthew 6:9-13 records what we call the Lord’s prayer. “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.”
The evil one lies and deceives, attempting to instill fear in our hearts if we are not on guard to his strategies to stop us from walking by faith and trusting God for our lives. You and I know what it feels like to think we are up against a wall in life, with no apparent way out of our situation. Exit signs are out of sight. An escape route is nowhere to be found. King David of Israel, a man after God’s own heart, was overtaken by enemies and his personal failures (Psalm 40:11-12). I have prayed like he prayed when I have been overwhelmed by enemies that I needed delivered from. “Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me; make haste, O Lord, to help me.” Psalm 40:13. You know what David is saying? Lord, I hope you will take pleasure in delivering me, and, by the way, would you please hurry up to help me? When it looks like it is all over and we will be defeated and destroyed, God comes with divine power to deliver! God Our Deliverer
Listen my friends, deliverance by men is a false deliverance. Psalms108:12 declares “Oh give us help against the adversary, for deliverance by man is in vain.” Men can do very little, if anything, to deliver us. But Almighty God can deliver anyone from anything! His rescue is real rescue! Need delivered? Rescued? With courageous and confident faith, call upon the One who delivers and rescues. “I love Thee, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress, and my deliverer. My God is my rock in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.” Psalm 18:1-3 A Word For Your Week: Depend on God’s deliverance when you need it. Offense or Defense?
Sports fanatics and self-anointed, often pompous, over paid sports experts have debated ad nauseam whether offenses or defenses win athletic contests. As a college football fan, I really enjoy watching an explosive, high scoring offense. But I am of the persuasion that defenses can decide an athletic contest. Why? If the opposition cannot score, they cannot win! Our current, anti-Christian leaning culture, fueled by demonic influence, deception, falsehood, lies, evil strategies, hatred, chaos, and violence leaves every day folks thinking about security and how to defend themselves and their loved ones. Law enforcement officers, security systems, pepper spray, legal conceal carry of firearms provide some measure of defense against our evil world. The above will help us defend ourselves to a point. But is there someone or something that can defend us better than we could ever defend ourselves? Yes, there is. When God defends His people, Satan and his horde of demonic hellions cannot score! The devil can never win when the Lord is our defender. David writes in Psalm 28 that he was surrounded by evil. In verses 1-5 he vividly describes the attacks of evil men. After describing the pressure of persecution, he writes in verses 6-9: “Blessed be the Lord because He has heard the voice of my supplication. The Lord is my strength and my shield. My heart trusts in Him and I am helped. Therefore, my heart exults; and with my song I shall thank Him. The Lord is their strength and He is A SAVING DEFENSE to His anointed. Save Your people and bless Your inheritance. Be their shepherd also and carry them forever.” Did you catch the phrase A SAVING DEFENSE? If jumped right off the page and hit a bullseye in my heart. Wow! God is a defender that saves His people from evil. When the enemy of our souls goes on offense, the Lord is right there to defend and save us from the evil one. Good news bulletin: today and everyday Christians always win in life because we have an invincible, impenetrable, immovable defender: ALMIGHTY GOD! This truth is worth shouting a Hallelujah or two to the Lord!!! The Apostle Paul understood that God was a saving defense, his defender when he stood before men who were trying to take his life for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Read his word of testimony in II Timothy 4:16-18. “At my first defense no one supported or stood with me, but all deserted me; may it not be counted against them. BUT THE LORD STOOD WITH ME AND STRENGTHENED ME, in order that through me the proclamation might be fully accomplished, and that all the Gentiles might hear; and I WAS DELIVERED OUT OF THE LION’S MOUTH. The Lord will deliver me from every evil deed and will bring me safely to the heavenly Kingdom; to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.” Paul was completely, confidently and courageously persuaded that God stood with him before men to defend his life and ministry. No greater defense attorney than Jesus Christ! What an encouraging, comforting, strengthening word to young Timothy and all Christians. God stands with us, defending, supporting, protecting, sheltering, rescuing and delivering His servants who trust in Him! I say glory to that! My friend, when you feel defenseless, you are not. If you believe in and trust Jesus, He is always your defense and defender. The Lord does not go to sleep on His watch. Twenty-four seven He protects and defends those who love Him with A SAVING DEFENSE. According to God’s Word, I am personally convinced I win in Him because He is my “saving defense”. In my Christian life I have experienced often firsthand how God saved the day when evil tried to take me out. Thank you Lord for defending Steve Roll in the past, today and in the future! How about you? Do you look to the Lord or the world to defend you? Do you trust God or men to be your saving defense against the Evil one and evil men? Why not pray right now to confess your trust in God to defend you. Turn away from the world’s feeble and failing attempts at defending itself without God. Make a definite decision. Choose daily to trust the Lord as YOUR SAVING DEFENSE! You and I cannot lose life’s battles when God is our defender! “Deliver me, O Lord, from my enemies; I take refuge in You.” Psalm 143:9 “Deliver me from my persecutors, for they are too strong for me.” Psalm 142:6 “In Thee, O Lord, I have taken refuge; let me never be ashamed; in Thy righteousness deliver me.” Psalm 31:1 “Let all who take refuge in Thee be glad. Let them sing for joy, and may you shelter (defend)them that those who love Your name may exalt in You.” Psalm 5:11 A Word For Your Week: Win big today in the game of faith with God as your defense. America. Time to wake up.
Our nation is rapidly descending into a pitch black, bottomless abyss of hopelessness and despair. Immorality, violence, crime, abuse, corruption, indecency, rebellion and disrespect for authority is crippling our once moral, decent, honorable, respectful country. As a proud, patriotic, God loving, God fearing citizen of the United States, I am very concerned regarding the critical, judgmental attitudes and spiteful, hateful, vindictive, vengeful actions exhibited by some toward fellow citizens. Many people in our country are harsh, hard-hearted, calloused, mean-spirited, cold and alarmingly short on granting others the benefit of the doubt. Across America, cutting people some slack is bordering on extinction in our supposedly enlightened culture. Increasing numbers of individuals and entire segments of our society treat others, not the way they would like to be treated, but the very way they would not want to be treated. Is there any hope for our nation that is quickly losing all sense of respect, honor, dignity and decency when dealing with others? I am glad you asked. The Bible helps us with the remedy for our tendency to be hard on people. Jesus, God’s only Son and Savior of the world, taught you and me how to treat others. “Therefore, however you want people to treat you, so treat them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 7:12. Thank you Jesus. This is not complicated. Doesn’t require a committee or a “conversation” to investigate what Jesus means. Here it is: Treat others the way you want to be treated. Period. Someone tagged this verse as The Golden Rule. Children are taught this timeless, “golden” truth in Sunday School and kid’s ministries. Adults often refer to The Golden Rule, especially when they want someone else to treat them in a certain way. But how many people in our nation allow the golden rule to rule their lives? Giving people the benefit of the doubt means giving people a chance. I know what it feels like when folks do not cut me some slack. So do you. I don’t like it. Neither do you. So why do you and I treat others the same way? Shame on us. Ruined reputations, fractured friendships, estranged relationships, divisive factions, and lost livelihood are some of the many costs we cannot afford to pay. There is no good thing about not cutting folks some slack! Sadly today, our society has it backwards. People are often automatically presumed guilty before being proven innocent instead of being presumed innocent until proven guilty. In am not proud of the fact that in times past I have not cut some people slack, not given the benefit of the doubt, not given them a chance to defend themselves. The Lord has forgiven me and I hope those I have judged improperly might to do the same. Helpful Hints For Cutting Folks Some Slack
What would our world look like if we were less hard on one another, more gracious toward each other, and extended people who are just like us the love, mercy and lovingkindness the Lord gives to them? I would like to give it a try, wouldn’t you? God has cut you and me a lot of slack through His Son Jesus Christ. Shouldn’t those of us who claim His name do the same toward others who need the same benefit of the doubt we have experienced through personal faith in Jesus? Treat others the way you want to be treated. “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32 A Word For Your Week: Give others the same benefit of the doubt you would like from them. You and I live in a world and American culture of confusion.
Confusion is the order of the day. Few folks have a sense of clear direction for the purpose of their life. Sadly, people everywhere are confused about moral values, human gender, politics, economics, religion, race, ethnicity and whatever else can generate controversy. Confusion produces disorder. Disharmony. Distrust. Disunity. Lack of peace. Paul addressed the Corinthian Church when they were confused, divided and disorderly about the operation and ministry of spiritual gifts in the church. He wrote in I Corinthians 14:33: ““For God is not a God of confusion, but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.” Moffat translates this verse as” For God is not a God of disorder but of harmony. The New English Bible reads “For the God who inspired them is not a God of disorder.” Paul made it clear: God is not a God of confusion, not the author of confusion, but a God of peace and order. The instigator of confusion, the one who incites confusion and disorder is Satan. The devil deceives us by creating confusion that disrupts peace and order. In James 3:13-18, James contrasts earthly wisdom with heavenly wisdom. In verses 15-17 he writes “This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, THERE IS DISORDER AND EVERY EVIL THING.” “The wisdom from above is first pure, THEN PEACEABLE, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, and without hypocrisy.” I like wisdom from above, don’t you? Confusion clouds vision, disrupts direction, derails peace. arouses anxiousness, paralyzes progress and divides people. Confusion keeps us spinning our wheels in uncertainty and doubt. Confusion stalls our progress in walking by faith and not by sight. God’s will, God’s wisdom, is peace and order, not confusion and disorder for you and me. His order produces peace for our minds and hearts. The remedy for confusion (What is happening? What shall I do? Where do I turn? What steps should I take?) is clarity. What is clear. Clarity from the Bible directs us how to live our life. When you study the life and ministry of Jesus in the Gospels you never seen God’s only Son confused. He declared His purpose statement in Luke 19:10. “For the Son of Man came to seek and save that which is lost.” It was clear to Him that He was sent to do the Father’s will: save the lost. Never confused about his mission, the Lord Jesus went all the way to the Cross, fully intent on fulfilling the Father’s will. Misunderstanding, obstacles, opposition, adversity, affliction. betrayals and persecution did not derail His clear commitment to do the Father’s will. You, me and mankind would not be saved if Jesus was confused about whether to be nailed on the Cross or not. Thank you Jesus that God’s peace and order ruled your heart, not confusion or doubt. What To Do If You Are Currently confused
I have been confused at times in my life. I did not like being uncertain about purpose or direction. I have counseled with many confused people who are struggling with what to do with their circumstances. When I ask them what they want me to pray for them they ask for clarity. Steve, I need to be clear, not confused about my situation and my response. A spirit of confusion will keep ourselves, families, society and world in chaos. God’s peace always overrules and clears up confusion. God’s clarity clears the dust so we can see clearly to do His will. There is nothing like a crystal clear, bright, sun-shiny day I am seeing today after a dark, dreary, threatening thunderstorm rumbled across Oklahoma yesterday. Confused? Take your spiritual eyes off the storm clouds of confusion and put them on the light of God and His Word. “Those who love Thy law will have great peace and nothing will cause them to stumble.” Psalm 119:165 “And your ears will hear a word behind you saying “This is the way, walk in it” whenever you turn to the right or the left.” Isaiah 30:21 A Word For Your Week: When confused, look to God to bring order out of your confusion. Change is a certainty in life, and honestly, most of us don’t like it!
Think about it. Who gets up in the morning saying, “I can’t wait for change to come my way today?” Change can be positive or negative. Change of any sort carries the potential to breed uncertainty, questions, frustration, anxiety, doubt, a negative attitude and even fear. If you and I are not watchful and careful, change can cause us to lose perspective. According to Webster perspective means “to look through, to see clearly; the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance. Simply put: To keep perspective means to see things as they really are. Personally, when change comes, I can initially become anxious. Just ask those closest to me. Slowly but surely (I am a bit thick-headed at times!) I have learned, through many tests of my patience, to step back for a moment, catch my spiritual/emotional breath, and then look at the change in the light of God’s Word. It is a fact of life…all things change. Or do they? Our word for this week answers that question with a resounding no! The prophet Malachi declares to us that God does not change. “FOR I, THE LORD, DO NOT CHANGE; therefore you, O sons of Jacob, are not consumed.” Malachi 3:6. Did you catch what Malachi said? The Lord, Almighty God declares that He does not change! The God of the Bible is an unchanging God. Because the Almighty is changeless, we as His people are not consumed by changes in life. Life does not eat our lunch when things change because God remains the same. What never changes about God is His character. God is love (I John 4:16). Look what Micah says about God’s love. “Who is a God like Thee, who pardons iniquity, and passes over the rebellious acts of the remnant of His possession? He does not retain His anger forever, BECAUSE HE DELIGHTS IN UNCHANGING LOVE.” Micah 7:18. God never changes because His love never does! God delights (takes great joy!) in unchanging love. No matter what is going in life, God’s love for us remains unchanged. Changing circumstances have no effect on God’s love. Circumstances are just that…circumstances. They change all the time. Circumstances shift like blowing sand. But God’s love is a solid rock which no life change can move. God’s steady, stable, secure, loving hand is on the helm of His perfect will for our lives. God Himself is the anchor for our soul in times of change. God can be counted on to be God every time, in every situation. His constant character and consistent conduct overrides all changed circumstances. Things change. People change. Life changes. God does not. Bank on His unchanging love for you every time! Change can’t change God. So change shouldn’t change God’s children who trust in His love either!!!! When things change, and they will, cling to that which doesn’t. God can be counted on to be who He says He is and to do what He says He will do. Every single time! Change can work for or against us. Changes can consume us or we can conquer change. depending on our perspective. Bottom line: you and I choose how to respond to the challenges of change. The Christian perspective on life circumstances is this: Life changes, but God never does. Therefore, life is secure in Him. It is awesome to know that changing circumstances will never consume us because circumstances never change God! Keeping Proper Perspective
Are you currently experiencing some changes? Is a significant transition attempting to rattle your emotional cage? Are you worried about what is next in light of a life adjustment? Maintain proper perspective. Keep your personal faith fixed on the unchanging, changeless Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, and yes, forever.” Hebrews 13:8. A Word For Your Week: Surrender change to the unchanging God who loves you. |
January 2025
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